For everyone who would like to come and hear our programme of interesting speakers, we start the new season on Thursday 10 October 2019, in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm. Please see the Programme attached below for more details. If you would like to come as a non member or as a guest of a member you would pay £3 per meeting, and members pay an annual subscription of £15, payable in October.

We are hoping to increase our membership and therefore hope to see more people coming to join us, and that includes anyone from the surrounding villages who would be interested. Theres is no particular gardening knowledge required! just an interest in getting together to listen to our interesting and varied speakers.


10 Oct 19: Adrian Stockdale – Drought Tolerant Plants

Expert in the origin of plant names and past Curator of the Theodore Payne Collection of native Californian plants housed in the UK

14 Nov 19: Joe Sharman, Monksilver Nursery – Ranunculus

Extremely knowledgeable, Joe, also known as ‘MrSnowdrop’ will tell us all about Ranunculus

12 Dec 18: Garden Club Christmas Social

9 Jan 2020: Janette Merilion – 101 Favourite Plants

Horticultural lecturer and historian, also specialising in garden design

13 Feb 20: Mike Davey – Home Grown Vegetables For All Gardens

Retired Research Dr & Lecturer from the University of Nottingham, now spreading his knowledge through his numerous different horticultural talks

Please note that all of his fee is donated to ACTION FOR CHILDREN

12 Mar 20: Jeff Bates – Plant Propogation

Horticulutral lecturer, examiner, and garden designer demonstrating a wide range of vegetative methods, with a chance to participate

9 April 20: Our local Stephen Ashpole – Am I barking up the wrong tree?

14 May 20: Neil Timm – World of Ferns

Learn about the versatility of Ferns from nurseryman Neil of the Fern Nursery, Binbrook, a popular draw for keen gardeners


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