Thank you to all those volunteers who joined in with the litter pick 🚮 today, it was a great success!

A full boot load of rubbish was collected around the village today by a large group of volunteers from the village.

A large proportion of the rubbish collected was found along Edith Weston Road and Station Road, so the luminous tabards came in very handy to keep everyone safe along the road side.

It took 10 volunteers about 2 hours to scour the village and surrounding roads to complete an entire sweep of the area.

In the future it would be greatly appreciated by all in the village, if every now and again when walking around the village you could remember to take an empty bag with you and be on the look out for litter, it really doesn’t take much effort to keep the village looking clean and tidy.

Also some less than pleasant items were collected 💩 and again, for those of you who have the appropriate bags and are used to picking this up after your own dogs and disposing of it in the red bins around the oval, it would be especially appreciated of you could be on the look out for this as well. Some of you have been already, which is commendable, but we need more of this to help eradicate the dog fouling problem completely!

Thanks again everyone! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

One thought on “Thank you to all those volunteers who joined in with the litter pick 🚮 today, it was a great success!

  1. Mike Barnes

    Sorry I could not make it. Well done everybody. Great job. I hope those that did not turn up appreciate the work.


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