On behalf of the Rutland Foodbank I’m pleased to say thank you to everyone involved in the Community Collections Scheme. No-one could have predicated the situation we find ourselves in and the impact upon our local communities. Already this financial year the Foodbank has helped over 550 people in food poverty. The number of referrals is rising and we anticipate an increase in the rate of referrals as furlough ends and sadly firms need to make redundancies.
Your extremely generous donations were so well timed that we now have healthy stocks in the warehouse of certain items but there are a few products that we will always need regularly. I wonder if I might take this opportunity to refocus the current shortages and ask that you consider asking your community to pop these in the collection box. We really appreciate donations of the long-life sponge pudding packs and Smash-type potatoes. We have very good supplies of toiletries at the moment but do run short of disposable razors quite regularly. Unfortunately we cannot accept fresh or homemade food or food past the best before/use-by date. At the moment we are blessed with mountains of baked-beans, tinned soups, dried pasta and cereals so for the moment we would ask not to donate these until further notice.
Occasionally we run very short of an item so in that situation we put a shout-out on the Rutland Foodbank Facebook page (it’s accessible to browse even if you are not signed up for Facebook). If you need to contact the foodbank team directly please email on info@rutland.foodbank.org.uk