North Luffenham Parish Council has yet again had a complaint about dog mess on paths within the village.
The majority of dog owners are responsible but for those who think it doesn’t matter dog mess is offensive and a health hazard, especailly for children.
I agree. Responsible dogs owners pick up after their pooch. I live beside a pathway and frequently see dog mess both on the grass and the pavement. No excuse because it’s dark use the light on your phone or take a torch.
I battled this last year, put up posters, posts on Facebook page, put up containers with poo bags around the village .. it’s a disgrace .. it’s usually worst down the school road, which was being trampled in by children, even my dogs end up treading In it around the village ! .. I also spray with paint .. I refuse to pick up other dog owners mess anymore .. there is NO excuse, even the dark mornings and evenings aren’t an excuse for it.