Wake For Ken Forsyth

From Julie Abell

For those who knew Ken Forsyth of Oval Close, he sadly passed away recently.

His daughter Rachel has asked me to pass on an invitation to his wake on Thursday 22nd February at 12pm at Stamford Masonic Hall.

Nothing formal, a few words from his
son Ian, some lunch, and an opportunity to share memories of Ken.If anyone wants to come, they are very welcome. 

Rachel has asked that if you let me know if you hope to come so she can plan catering.

Julie 07866 741022

One thought on “Wake For Ken Forsyth

  1. Dave Saunders

    So sorry to learn of the passing of Ken.
    I was his number two @ British Steel in Management information and Statistics before going into Staff Recruitment, and I can say that Ken was a real genuine gentleman.
    I wondered why I did not get our ususl Xmas card this year as we kept in touch for many years.
    Sincere condolences to Ian, Racheal and their families.


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