Author Archives: North Luffenham

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Flypast over the Oval at 12:09pm – Village Day Event

Join us on the oval for the best view of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Flypast scheduled for 12:09pm today.

BBMF have kindly scheduled a flypast which should take place over the village at 12:09 pm, and they will do 3 passes.

For operational reasons there may be only one aircraft.

The Church from 10:00am to 1:30pm – Village Day Event

Displays celebrating the life of the Queen and her links to the Village in photographs, memorabilia, recordings, flowers and art.

There will be a guided tour of the Church.

Try your hand at Flower Arranging and Bell Ringing.

Refreshments will also be served.

Starts at 10:00am and finishes at 12:30pm

Cakes 🍰 Wanted for Village Day Stall

There will be a Cake Stall on the Oval during the Village Day on Saturday 11th June, but first we need your cake donations to sell from the stall.

Can you help? – Any type of cake welcome. Cakes can be delivered to The Oval on 11th June from 10.00am to midday or collection can be arranged. Please call Vanja on 01780 721635 or Sue on 01780 721237 if you wish us to arrange collection.

Bus Pickup Change For Village Trip

After discussion with the bus company we have decided to change the pick up route in the village.

Due to parked cars etc.. it is very difficult for the bus to drive through the centre of the village.

The pickup points will be 9.15am at Pinfold Close, then then at the bottom of Kings Road.

Please could you let me know where you will be boarding the bus. Ring Evelyn 720528

Many thanks Evelyn

The Great Fun Dog Show – Village Day 2016 Event

Please join us on The Oval at 2.00pm for The Great Fun Dog Show during the Village Day on the 11th June.

Classes to include:

  1. Best retrieve
  2. Best walk to heel
  3. Longest Sit and Stay under distraction
  4. Dog with the waggiest tail
  5. Dog judge would like to take home
  6. Best Child Handler
  7. Best Six Legs
  8. Dog most like owner
  9. Best Dressed Dog and Owner

Prize for every entrant

Please visit the Village Day 2016 page to find out about other events planned during the day.

Planning application for work on trees



Please reply to:

Direct Line:

Direct Fax:



Planning Support

01572 758400

01572 758373

Date: 11-May-2016


PROPOSAL: Cypress Tree (T1) – remove to ground level. Apple Trees (T2 & T3) – remove lowest limb of each overhanging neighbour’s boundary.

15, Lyndon Road, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8JZ

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.

If you have received this letter electronically you can paste the following link into your browser window to go straight to the relevant application:

Please email any comments you wish to make to

Yours sincerely


Development Control Services

Renovation and alteration of farmhouse and conversion of barn.



Please reply to:

Direct Line:

Direct Fax:



Planning Support

01572 758400

01572 758373

Date: 10-May-2016


PROPOSAL: Renovation and alteration of farmhouse and conversion of barn.

Moor House Farm, 2, Moor Lane, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8LA

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.

If you have received this letter electronically you can paste the following link into your browser window to go straight to the relevant application:

Please email any comments you wish to make to

Yours sincerely

Development Control Services



Planning Application: The Barn, 4A Glebe Road, North Luffenham.



Please reply to:

Direct Line:

Direct Fax:



Planning Support

01572 758400

01572 758373

Date 09-May-2016

PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing extensions including conservatory and construction of new single storey extension, installation of 2 new windows. Creation of new vehicular access and driveway.

The Barn, 4A, Glebe Road, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8JU

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.

If you have received this letter electronically you can paste the following link into your browser window to go straight to the relevant application:

Please email any comments you wish to make to

Yours sincerely

Development Control Services

Getting active to help Sport Relief appeal

The pupils at St Mary and St John Primary School in North Luffenham spent last week coming up with a range of inventive ideas to support the campaign.Some classes chose to don their favourite outfit and dance for 30 minutes, while others were swimming, or skipping, scootering or biking around a course.

Source: Getting active to help Sport Relief appeal – Rutland and Stamford Mercury

North Luffenham pupils celebrate science week

Pupils build their own model satellites

The theme has been space and the aim of the week is to spark children’s enthusiasm and celebrate all things scientific and technological, with some maths and engineering thrown in.

Families were challenged to build a vehicle that would transport a chocolate bar to a fixed target, and demonstrate a scientific understanding, accuracy and durability.

An amazing array of ideas were tested, with the Hodson family winning the competition.

Source: North Luffenham pupils celebrate science week – Rutland and Stamford Mercury

Nursery Block Extension


PROPOSAL: Construction of new Nursery block extension, rearrangement of staff car park and relocation of fire vehicle access.

St Mary and St Johns Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, Church Street, North Luffenham, Rutland, LE15 8JR

The application can be viewed on the following link:

nursery block extension 290216 2016_0169_MAJ


Just a reminder that we have a really excellent film lined up for you on March 9th.  Brooklyn is an uplifting movie, aimed to raise your spirits if spring is being a tad tardy over on your side of the hemisphere (I’m happily on the other side for a bit longer!).  

Usual time and place – Uppingham Town Hall, 7 for a 7.30 start, £5 on the door, bring anything you like to drink.

Bear in mind that next month we have not been able to go for our usual second Wednesday of the month slot but rather the 1st Wednesday as a ‘one off’  – but I’ll send you a reminder for that one.  Meantime, I hope you all enjoy Brooklyn.  Susie


Susie Burrows