Author Archives: Pete Burrows

North Luffenham Bonfire and Fireworks – 5th November

North Luffenham Parish Council will be holding their annual Bonfire and Fireworks Night on The Oval on Tuesday 5th November. The event will open at 6pm, with the fireworks starting at 6:30pm. There will be a Barbeque hosted by the Cricket Club, and hot drinks and mulled wine will be available. The fireworks are funded by donations on the night, and so please give generously to the bucket collectors. Help is still required with stewarding and bucket collecting. If you would like to be part of the event please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

The Fox 5th Annual Beer Festival Fri 6th – Sun 8th September

Don’t forget The Fox’s Beer Festival this weekend
16 real ales – live music – BBQ

Friday 6th September
Live music from local band ‘The Extones’ 8.30pm
Saturday 7th September
Live vocal / acoustic music from ‘Dan Hughes’ 8.30pm
Sunday 8th September
Live rat pack performance from ‘The Major’ 3pm
Live music from local band ‘The Other Band’ 5pm
Our popular ‘Open mic night’ 6.30pm

St Georges Barracks – Lorry Parking Planning Application

It has been noticed that there is a retrospective planning application for lorry parking on the old airfield at St Georges Barracks.

This planning application was not formally notified to North Luffenham Parish Council, although part of the land covered by the application seems to be within the Parish boundary. NLPC will be following up with RCC on this application (Edith Weston Parish Council have lodged an objection already)

The planning application is available here for review by any interested residents:

Oakham Level Crossing – Long Delays Tuesday 28 May to Sunday 2 June

Network Rail has confirmed that engineers will begin major work on the railway in Leicestershire next week, affecting level crossings in Rutland.

As a result, some services will be temporarily diverted, increasing the number of trains passing over level crossings, particularly in the Oakham and Melton Mowbray areas.

Cricket Club Fixtures

North Luffenham Cricket Club play in the Tuesday evening Borough League (Division 3)

For those who might be interested in playing or watching an evenings cricket on The Oval the home games this year are below – All games start at 18:30

Tuesday 21s t May – vs Hickling

Tuesday 4th June vs Frisby

Tuesday 18th June vs Sproxton

Tuesday 16th July vs Melton Mowbray

Tuesday 30th July vs Syston

Damaged Wall of Stonecroft – Digby Drive

The drive wall of Stonecroft on Digby Drive was knocked down yesterday (Dec 20) morning – probably between 11am and 12 midday. No notification has been given to the occupiers of Stonecroft about the incident.  The damage suggests the driver reversed into it and he/she must have known. Could you contact Andrew or Kathy Robinson if you have any information about this on 01780 720007

St Georges Barracks Development Update from RCC

Updated proposals for St George’s site

Updated proposals for the possible future redevelopment of St George’s Barracks have been published, incorporating a number of changes made following public consultation earlier this year. 

This includes a further reduction in the number of houses being suggested for the site. This figure has been revised and an updated plan for the site produced with provisions for 2,215 homes, business zones and green space.

Read more about this

St George’s Recommendations

Feedback gathered through the public consultation which took place on St George’s earlier this year helped to produce a series of more than 40 recommendations that are now guiding changes to proposals for the site.
See the full list of St George’s recommendations
A draft bid for national forward funding to help deliver improved infrastructure in advance of any redevelopment is being finalised. If secured, this Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) funding would be used to help improve local infrastructure and public services around St George’s – things like roads and transport.
Read more about this
Copyright © 2018 Rutland County Council, All rights reserved. 

Blue Audi on Lyndon Road

Does anyone know who owns the blue Audi that has been parked on Lyndon Road opposite Luffenham Court for a long time without moving?

There will be removals vans requiring access to Luffenham Court in the next few days and it would be appreciated if the car could be moved to prevent congestion during this period

Potential Scam

A parishioner recently had a phone call from a call centre – the number shown was   01332913168. 

The caller tried to give the impression that they were from some sort of official ‘emergency services response’ organisation, with teams touring the area to ‘explain’ how the emergency services prioritise and respond to emergency calls.  Ambulance and police were mentioned. 

At first, the parishoner thought that it might have something to do with the area emergency response planning which the PC has had some involvement with, and so they did not immediately hang up.  However, it quickly became apparent that this was a home alarm systems sales pitch. 

Please be aware of this type of approach if you receive a similar call.


There is just one week left to comment on the draft Masterplan consultation that proposes to turn St.Georges Barracks and the airfield training area in to a new town and large quarry. If you are concerned about these proposals then make sure your voice is heard, the more comments received from the local community the more chance we have of influencing the final form of the development.
Our influence has already been felt in the choice of options, the chosen option includes a ‘green gap’ between the new town and North Luffenham because the Parish Council lobbied on your behalf on this point. So what you say now matters.
You can respond on line by going to this webpage:
There is a link at the bottom of the page to the online form.
Or if you would like a paper form and a copy of the development proposals please contact Tim Collins at 6 Sycamore Road or by email
Key Issues to consider in your response
1. The scale and density of the proposed new town; is this ‘Right for Rutland’? If build as currently proposed the new town will have 3,500 homes, this equates to about 9,800 people. Rutland’s total population is currently only about 38,000 people. What do you think?
2. While we welcome the Masterplan’s proposal for a green gap to separate the village from the new town is this green gap wide enough? The current plans also suggest that much of the green gap should be given over to playing fields. The Parish Council feels that the green gap could be wider, a proper ‘greenbelt’ between our village and the new town and that it should not be suburbanised with playing fields. We feel the last point is of particular importance as it poses a real risk to the green space: unused playing fields have been sold off for housing development and if well used they pose a threat of development creep with clubhouses and night time flood lights. We believe the green gap should be part of the proposed country park and available for the quiet enjoyment of all local residents.What do you think?
3. The Masterplan proposes that a quarry should be developed to within a few hundred metres of North Luffenham and that it should extend up to the southernmost boundary of the old airfield. This poses a noise and pollution risk to our village. The Parish Council believes there should be a wider separation zone, and that the quarry should not cross south of the old airfield taxi way. This would provide a better buffer zone, be less intrusive in the wider landscape and would also conserve an access corridor to the proposed heritage and ecology zone around the Thor Missile Sites. Importantly this access corridor would continue to provide fantastic views over the Chater valley, views that would be lost to the public if the site was quarried.What do you think?
4. The Masterplan does not currently set out any clear plans for the infrastructure that will (or won’t) be provided before and during the building of the new town. We feel this is a major omission. In addition to the issues already mentioned the acceptability of the proposals will depend on improvements to major road junctions and how the routes the inhabitants of the new town are steered (through careful design and planning) to use in getting to and from it.What do you think?
Now is your chance to make your voice heard – don’t miss out.
PS – If you have already responded and feel there are still issues you would like to raise then please respond again to the consultation

Village Day – Archery Returns to Butt Lane

In the Middle Ages archery practice was a feudal obligation, and every settlement had its practice area.

The origin of the name “Butt Lane” may come from Middle English butte which was a ‘mark for archery’, ‘target’, ‘goal’.

On Village Day (Sunday May 20th) Michael Anker will  be running “Have a Go” Archery taster sessions on the Oval at 3:30 by the cricket nets for anyone who would like to re-create the medieval use of the area (but with modern recurve bows )

All ages and abilities are welcome to give it a try

Michael will be taking donations for Dove Cottage Day Hospice at Ridlington from participants



Village Day – Fun Dog Show

There will be a fun dog show open to all on Village Day on Sunday 20th May

This will be held between 2.30pm – 3.30 pm in the Arena, and run by Paul Cummings

Judging will be on several fun categories, including:

• Sit & Stay

• Walk to Heel

• Sausage Catching

• Best Young Handler (Under 12 yrs)

• Best Fancy Dress – Dog & Handler

• Most Lovable Dog

Feel free to bring yourself and your dog along on the day

St Georges Barracks – Masterplan Consultation

From RCC:

Consultation around the first high-level plan for the St George’s Barracks site in Rutland is now live, with full details available to view on a new, dedicated website:

During the consultation period local communities, the wider Rutland public and key stakeholder groups are all invited to share their views on the proposals being put forward for discussion.

The following public events are taking place from today as part of the consultation:

Activity Location Date Time
Open exhibition Victoria Hall, Oakham Friday 11 May 2018 3.00pm to 7.00pm
Open exhibition Victoria Hall, Oakham Saturday 12 May 2018 10.00am to 2.00pm
Open exhibition Oakham Library Monday 14 May to Sunday 27 May 2018 Normal Library opening hours
Presentation and drop-in session St Mary and St John Primary School, North Luffenham Wednesday 16 May 2018 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Drop-in session Uppingham Town Hall Thursday 17 May 2018 2.00pm to 8.00pm
Presentation and drop-in session Edith Weston Village Hall Wednesday 23 May 2018 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Drop-in session Ketton Library Wednesday 30 May 2018 2.00pm to 8.00pm

All of the materials available at these events, together with information that has already been published in relation to St George’s, can be viewed online at:

Feedback on the high-level St George’s plan can be submitted at any point during the consultation, which runs until the end of May. Feedback forms will be available at each of the events listed above, while it is also possible to submit comments direct via the new website.

If you have any questions about the consultation or any of the information outlined above, please contact us by emailing:


Garden Club Meeting This Evening -Scented Plants

Don’t forget it’s Garden Club this Thursday 10th May with the final speaker before the summer break! The club  will be welcoming Geoff Hodge with a talk on ,Scented Plants and the Scented Garden’. 

Geoff may be a familiar name as he is a freelance horticultural author, editor and broadcaster, writing regularly for publications such as ‘Garden Answers’.

You’ll learn plenty, have a good laugh, and he donates lots of extra raffle prizes!!

Please feel free to bring any spare seeds/seedling/plants to offer to other members. – 7.30pm at the Community Centre – all welcome – guests £2 per person, with tea/coffee/biscuits to start & raffle at the end

Community Safety Consultation Survey 2018

RCC would like to give the people of Rutland the opportunity to tell them how they feel about local Community Safety, so that they can have a better understanding of the local issues

Please follow the link below for the Consultation survey

Community Safety Survey 2018

The information that you provide will be considered during future development and delivery of services and help to shape the priorities for the 2017-2020 Strategy Plan.