Rutland Local Involvement Network (LINk) is holding an information event around the services and support available at the end of life.
Join us on Thursday 28th February 2013, 10am – 12noon at the following address:
The Gover BuildingVoluntary Action Rutland
Lands End Way
LE15 6RB
to hear from Hospice at Home, MacMillan Nurses and Marie Curie Services, District Nurses and LOROS as well as from the East Midlands Ambulance Service and from University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust all of Whom will be giving presentations about their services and Will be available to answer your questions.
Kathy Reynolds, Chair of Rutland LlNk said: “Having a conversation about end of life choices can be difficult- death is often regarded as a taboo subject. Ensuring We are able to make choices about our Care, treatment and Where we want to die is essential if we are to have a ‘good death’. Knowledge and planning also allows spouses, family members and others to make the most of their time with a loved one.”
If you are interested in finding out more about the End of Life Services in your area, or you have questions that you would like to ask then please join us!
To book your place Contact Jenny Darlow, LINk Engagement Officer on 0116 229 3018 or email
Online booking available here.
via Jenny Darlow, Rutland LINK Engagement Officer