This evening I forwarded the following note to Oliver Hemsley, Leader RCC and Helen Briggs – CEO RCC:
“We write as the Chairs of North Luffenham and Edith Weston Parish Councils.
Please find attached a paper written by the Joint Edith Weston / North Luffenham St George’s Barracks Working Group. The paper is an initial draft of a document that will evolve over time. Its aim is to encompass the concerns of our respective Parishioners regarding the proposed development at St George’s Barracks. We would be grateful if this document could be shared with the team writing the First Draft Master Plan, to enable them to take into account some of the very real concerns and considerations of those that are likely to be most affected by the development. We will circulate the document widely including all County Councillors and all Parish Councils.
We will look forward to your proposed consultation to enable us to expand upon the themes contained within the initial draft paper.
Paul Cummings – Chair North Luffenham Parish Council
Norman Milne – Edith Weston Parish Council
Note to Parishioners:
Please scan the attached paper and let me have your ideas for further issues that should be included in the next draft of the document. Of course at present we have yet to have sight of the initial draft of the Master Plan document that will tell us much more of what is proposed. The Joint Parish Councils’ Working Group have met frequently and have been pressing RCC for further consultation before any Plans are published. This has now been agreed and we will be meeting in the near future.
How can you influence the process ?? Might I suggest that you write to Sir Alan Duncan your MP and to the local papers to express your concern – you might find some useful themes in the Concerns Paper. To start the ball rolling I have written to the Mercury this week expressing our concern about the scale of the project and highlighting the fact that according to RCC’s Local Plan these homes are not required in the period 2016 – 2036.
PBG CUMMINGS – Tel: 720124
Excellent document .How can the proposed development be described as a Village .Bigger than Uppingham and nearly as big as Oakham .Madness .
Thank you for such a well-composed document: will our local MP have a copy?
The crux of the matter, as you state, is that we are faced with:
– the driving force by the MoD is to maximise the return it gets by disposing of the St Georges Barracks site…no regard for the effects…on the local communities
– housing density may… suggest an open and airy feel similar to that of a typical Rutland Village, the reality will be significantly different
– a dormitory town for commuters
I second that! It is an excellent document. I will be writing to Alan Duncan this week. Thanks.
All involved in the writing of the ” Concerns” document should be congratulated in putting together such a comprehensive case for common sense to prevail.
I would like to thank all concerned for the substantial time and effort to produce this well reasoned case on behalf of all residents of the villages involved