Please see the attached notice from RCC relating to the above road to allow the re-opening of the amenity site situated between North Luffenham and Morcott. It is to be made ‘one-way’ with the flow of traffic being from North Luffenham. A plan is attached to the notice.
Following representations, the notice has been updated. A revised notice is now attached showing a slightly revised route
An alternative route was suggested by NLPC as it seemed likely that a large number of vehicles would be accessing the CA Site from the north and driving down Edith Weston Road and then through the village.
The suggestion was that the direction to the CA Site was via continuing down Edith Weston Rd., Station Lane, turning right at the roundabout on the the A1621, South Luffenham, Morcott and turning right at Willoughby Rd. Glebe Rd, North Luffenham would be one way from Morcott to North Luffenham and vehicles would leave the CA Site by turning left and back through North Luffenham by Glebe Rd., Lyndon Rd. and Pinfold Lane. As there would be only one car exiting the CA Site at a time it would avoid a lot of two way traffic on Glebe Rd, The Settings, and at the bottle neck in Lyndon Rd.
Full details of the opening of the Civic Amenity site will be published later in the week including opening times and what waste wil be accepted