Author Archives: Tim Smith

Wildflower Area on The Oval: help needed.

Site for wildflowers

There have been requests from residents to have areas of wildflowers established. The photograph show a triangular area, at the lower part of The Oval by Church St., bounded by the walls and the line of trees.

Wildflower seeds have been bought by the parish council and if you would like to help establish the wildflowers please come along on Tues next week (27th) at 5pm  – and to bring along a garden rake if you have one – when the area will be raked and the seeds sown.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) will be held on the 19th April at 7.30pm. Because of the restrictions this will have to be a virtual meeting by Zoom. The link for the meeting is:

Meeting ID: 912 6757 5090

Passcode: 738000

The APM is an opportunity for parishioners to have their say on the activities of the parish council and make suggestions of future projects that could be undertaken. There will be an online presentation of our activities following which parishioners will be invited to give their comments, so please do come along. However if you are unable to attend your comments are most welcome. Please email them to

For a variety of reasons not everybody will be able to join in the meeting and a Newsletter is being circulated summarising the activities of the Parish Council over the past year: please click to download

Bored with the televison? There is something more interesting to watch: how does HIF affect you personally?

HIF: you need to know about Housing Infrastructure Fund – because if voted through at the special Rutland Council Meeting 22nd March at 7pm the St. George’s Barracks development of 2,215 houses is much more likley to go ahead and it has significant fianancial risks to the county. If defeated the devlopment as planned cannot proceed.

A North Luffenham parish councillor and resident will ask searching questions concerning the risks if the HIF is approved. You can support them by attending the meeting on Zoom: As a member of the public you cannot speak but the councillors will be aware of the presence of the public and this will impress on them at what is a stake.

Please click on this link to have an understanding of the issues:

Remember these at St. George’s Barracks

They have gone.

At a Rutland County Council Planning Meeting on the 15th December representations objecting to the retrospective planning application for the lorries to remain were made by residents and parish councillors from North Luffenham and Edith Weston along with our ward councillors. The application was rejected unaminously with the result that the site could no longer be used as a lorry park resulting in less heavy lorries on the surrounding roads.

It is heartening that the hard work that went into our valid objections to this application were heeded.

View presentation of Future Health Care Rutland

The presentation by Cllr Alan Walters, who is a Rutland County Councillor and has a responsiblity for health commissioning and public health, gave a talk on the future of health care in Rutland to North and South Luffenham on Tuesday 2nd February and his presentation is available to download:

Cllr Walters would welcome your comments and he can be emailed:

Many thanks to all those who attended the talk and discussion on Tuesday.

Reminder: Future Health Care Rutland

Tonight; 7 pm. Join by clicking on this link:

Meeting ID 997 0052 4593. Passcode 103006

Cllr Alan Walters, who is a Rutland County Councillor and has a responsiblity for health commissioning and public health, will inform on the future of health care in Rutland and is keen to hear your views. There are planned major changes to the hospital services in Leicester, and this will affect Rutland, but there will also be developments to GP services in Rutland.

Future of Health – Rutland

Your views matter: and you are invited to a Zoom Meeting on the future of health care in Rutland:

When: Tuesday 2nd February at 7pm.

How can I take part?; please click on this link a minute or two before the meeting is due to begin:

(Meeting ID 997 0052 4593. Passcode 103006)

Cllr Alan Walters, who is a Rutland County Councillor and has a responsiblity for health commissioning and public health, will inform on the future of health care in Rutland and is keen to hear your views. There are planned major changes to the hospital services in Leicester, and this will affect Rutland, but there will also be developments to GP services in Rutland.

North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme AGM

All villagers are invited to join us for the Good Neighbour Scheme AGM, Tuesday 26th January at 8.00pm, where we will discuss the busy year just gone, and how we can best support each other during this year.

The AGM will be by Google Meet and to join please click on this link:

NLPC Newsletter

North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC)

The Parish Council is continuing to have virtual meetings and members of the public can attend, and take part in the public forum, by clicking on the link that is published on the website along with the agendas – and you would be most welcome.

The Local Plan (LP) consultation ended last November and the parish council made a number of representations concerning the adverse impact that the proposed development at St. George’s Barracks (SGB) will have on the parish. An independent examination of the LP will take place, no date as yet, and NLPC have indicated that they would like to be heard at the oral examination on the representations that it has made.

Residents have expressed concern about the increase in the number and speed of HGVs, particularly along Edith Weston Road, and this was due to a large number of HGVs being parked on the SGB site without planning permission. NLPC made objections and at a Planning Committee Meeting at Rutland County Council one of our parish councillors and a resident made representations. These very much helped in the unanimous rejection of the retrospective planning application. There could possibly be an appeal but this is unknown at present.

Development of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) continues and many thanks to all who completed the survey and took part in the virtual presentations, which gave valuable feedback to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. 

In the light of those comments, the draft plan has been revised and before submission to RCC at the end of March will be distributed to residents for further comment. (There is a page on the village website on which comments can be made at any time). It is important to emphasise the NP belongs to the parish and will have significant influence on any development at SGB as well as conserving and enhancing that which the community values at present.

NLPC applied for and was awarded £10,000 for professional advice and project costs and this will greatly help in the development of the plan as well as alleviating any financial issue for the parish.

Unfortunately, work on the refurbishment of the Community Centre has not yet taken place due to Covid-19 and concern about costs for which the parish would have to be responsible. The issue of the costs have been resolved and hopefully when circumstances allow the work will begin.

NLPC liaises with the North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme and during lockdown they can be contacted on 07825 697841 or email: NLGNS, as previously, can help with collection of prescriptions but with vaccinations becoming available offer lifts to the vaccination centres.

Tim Smith. Chair of North Luffenham Parish Council.

Help in Lockdown

As we’re now back in lockdown with those most vulnerable being recommended to stay at home I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the Good Neighbour Scheme in the village.  If you need help with shopping, collecting prescriptions, or anything which would ordinarily require you to leave the house we are here to help.

Lifts can also be given to a vaccination but please give as much notice as you can.

The scheme is not restricted to the most vulnerable but is here to help anyone who needs it.  We can be reached by phone on 07825 697 841 or by email at

Useful information is avilable on the Rutland County Council Website: please click on this link:

Claire Bewick. Chair North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme

Foodbank Donnations

Dear Villagers,  

The Rutland Foodbank is extremely thankful for all the donations that have been given in the past  year. The collection point at the telephone box in North Luffenham will continue in use for the  foreseeable future.  

Please use the plastic box to leave donations as it is rodent safe. The shelves are for the jigsaw  exchange only. 

 The box is emptied regularly and goods are taken to Oakham on a weekly basis. 

Please do not give mince pies (they have a short shelf life ) or Christmas puddings.  A list of the latest shortages is updated regularly on Rutland Foodbank’s Facebook site.

 Many thanks 


Sunday 20th December 6pm on The Oval

“Come & Sing Carols by Starlight”

Photographing the Night Sky | Nikon

30 minutes of Carols & Readings

Do dress warmly, bring chairs, torches & refreshments! 

The songsheet for the Carols can be downloaded by clicking on this link:

Christmas Day in church 9.30am

Family Communion 

We may not sing but will have live music! Both events will be conducted strictly in line with current Covid guidelines – please be thoughtful & observe social distancing

Please click on this link for the poster:

Please join us: we need your help and your involvement!

In the Community Centre 

(Please note that the venue has been changed from The Fox)

When: Tuesday 8th December.

Time: 6pm. Somebody will be on hand to answer your questions


Thursday 10th December (help on queries from 3pm)

We will take note of everything you have to say. 

Post it notes will also be available for your comments.

Please join us: we need your help and your involvement!

In the Community Centre 

(Please note that the venue has been changed from The Fox)

When: Tuesday 8th December.

Time: 6pm. Somebody will be on hand to answer your questions


Thursday 10th December (help on queries from 3pm)

We will take note of everything you have to say. 

Post it notes will also be available for your comments.

Please join us: we need your help and your involvement!

Why? The Neighbourhood Plan Survey asked questions about what was good and not so good about the parish and how you wanted it to look and develop in the next ten years.

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would like to present the results of that survey and explain the purpose of the Plan. The impact of the plan will be wide ranging and just one of the aims is to protect the parish from adverse effects of the proposed development at St. George’s Barracks.

In particular your comments are needed as this Neighbourhood Plan is for you, the residents of North Luffenham.

Please note that the display will now take place in the Community Centre and not The Fox as previously advertised as due to current restrictions it is not opening.

Tuesday 8th December (somebody will be on hand to answer your questions from 6pm)

Thursday 10th December (help on queries from 3pm)

We will take note of everything you have to say. Post it notes will also be available for your comments. (The current guidelines will be observed)