Author Archives: Tim Smith

Medicines Collection: Important Information


Prescription medication can be collected for you from Empingham Medical Practice, Uppingham Surgery, Market Overton Surgery or Somerby Surgery.

North Luffenham Good Neighbours Scheme is coordinating the scheme for residents of North Luffenham.

If you need medicines to be collected please 


Call 07825 697 841

We’ll need to know your full name, first line of your address, date of required collection, frequency of collection (e.g. 4 weekly, monthly) and whether you are exempt from charges or have a prepayment certificate (see below)

Please let us know as early as possible as we’re aiming to arrange a bulk collection once a week.

Most prescriptions will be exempt from charges or pre-paid. If not you will need to buy a pre-payment certificate

You may be isolated, but you are not alone.

Prescription Collection: Uppingham Surgery

For patients of Uppingham Surgery who need their medications to be collected and delivered to them please note the following.

The dispensary team at the surgery are operating the following system:

1: Please order directly with dispensary as usual (phone, online etc) – in the morning

2: Email or phone 07825 697841 (a message can be left) the medicines that you require. Please do this the same day by the afternoon.

3:  The surgery currently requires 72 working hours from time of ordering to dispensing turnaround: please see table below

4. A volunteer will deliver the medicines by first ringing your doorbell, leaving the the medicines on the doorstep and wait at least 2 metres (6 Feet) away to see that you collect them.

Order Monday-ready for collecting Thursday

”     Tuesday       ”             ”         Friday

”     Wednesday    ”        ”          Monday                               

 ”      Thursday        ”       ”         Tuesday

”       Friday        ”          ”          Wednesday 

Covid-19 Coronovirus

Volunteers required and help for residents self isolating

If you have to self isolate because you have symptoms,  been in contact or have the coronavirus then help is available such as:

  • Shopping.
  • Collection of medication.
  • Dog walking.

The North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme (NLGNS) have volunteers who can help: 07825 697841 or
North Luffenham Parish Council has a Resilience Plan and is coordinating the help that will be required. NLGNS has a limited number of volunteers. The Parish Council would appreciate if a number of residents could volunteer and provide help as above and, if possible, keep in contact with the elderly and vulnerable in their vicinity.

If you would like to help please contact the Parish Clerk at: 01780 408288  or NLGNS at

The attached leaflet will be distributed to every household

Litter Pick (rearranged)

The Parish Council has been asked to organise a litter pick and this has been arranged for Saturday March 7th. (Hopefully we won’t have a fourth weekend storm in a row) . If you would like to take part than please come to the car park of The Fox 10.30 – 11 am.

The Parish Council has some litter pickers, high viz tabards and bin bags but if you have these items please bring them along. Make sure you are dressed for whatever the weather is forecast to be and wear protective gloves.

Children under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. Good safety advice can be found on the following sites:

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

A Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been formed and is meeting every two weeks and aims to produce a Neighbourhood Plan in a years time. The Plan is essentially a planning document for the whole parish and if adopted will have legal status. This could be important for the village in helping us to influence the development of St. George’s Barracks if the proposal goes ahead as planned.

Residents will be informed via the website and newsletters as to progress and there will also be open meetings with the aim of consulting on the structure and content of the plan.

Members of the Steering Group are listed below and can be contacted by email for more information and would welcome at any stage comments, suggestions, ideas  and any offers of help.

Tim Smith

Charles Cade

Alan Arnott

Malcolm Forbes

Penny Forbes

Tracey Barsby

Pete Burrows

Tim Collins

John Willoughby

North Luffenham Garden Club

Our next meeting is this Thursday 13th February at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, when we welcome back speaker Mike Davey on ‘Vegetables and Allotments’.  
At meetings we have a guest speaker, refreshments and a raffle, and sometimes plants for sale. Annual membership is £15 per person, payable at the meeting or £3 per guest. Everyone is most welcome to come along to any meeting – feel free to attend just one that is of particular interest (though hopefully you’ll want to attend more!).

Reconvened Local Plan Meeting at R.C.C.

A lively council meeting was held on the 27th January at R.C.C. to approve the pre submission of the Local Plan. There were interesting amendments to the proposal that the Local Plan be adopted and as a result the meeting has had to be reconvened for Monday 10th February 7.00 pm at R.C.C..

It is an important meeting as, if adopted it has profound implications for the county and, in particular North Luffenham and Edith Weston. As it is a reconvened meeting no deputations or questions are allowed but it does help if members of the public attend as it demonstrates concern about the implications of the Local Plan.

Please attend if you are able.

Litter Pick

The Parish Council has been asked to organise a litter pick and this has been arranged for Saturday March 7th. (Hopefully we won’t have a fourth weekend storm in a row) . If you would like to take part than please come to the car park of The Fox 10.30 – 11 am.

The Parish Council has some litter pickers, high viz tabards and bin bags but if you have these items please bring them along. Make sure you are dressed for whatever the weather is forecast to be and wear protective gloves.

Children under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. Good safety advice can be found on the following sites:,

Pre-Submission Local Plan

The Pre-Submission Local Plan has recently been published; all 966 pages of it. The Plan can be accessed on R.C.C. website and can be downloaded in bite size chunks in pdf. form. Alternatively this link will download the full document:

On Thursday 16th January there will be a Scrutiny Panel Meeting on the Plan at R.C.C 7.0 pm. A member of North Luffenham Parish Council will be making deputation.

There are Council Meetings on the 20th January to approve or not the Housing Infrastructure Fund bid and on the 27th January to approve the Pre-Submission Local Plan. Both meetings are at R.C.C. at 7.0 pm and are public meetings. Deputations and questions can be asked at these meeting but must be submitted beforehand. For information on how to do this please follow this link:

Decisions on the proposed development of St. George’s Barracks are coming to a head and it is possibly the last chance for parishioners to influence the outcome. Please either attend the meetings and/or email our local MP with your views.

Neighbourhood Plan: further development

Following the public meeting on the 9th December the Parish Council formerly approved, on the 6th January, to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan a meeting will be held on the 13th January at 7.00 pm in the Community Centre with the aim of forming a Steering Group.

If you were not able to attend the initial meeting, think you may have skills to offer, or simply want to know more than you are welcome to attend.

Your County Needs You; St. George’s Barracks Decision

It would be helpful if as many villagers as possible could attend the following meetings at R.C.C. (Council Offices:  Catmose House, Catmose Street, Oakham LE15 6HP).

On Thursday 19th December at 7.00 pm there will be a Public Scrutiny Meeting and the aim of the meeting is to question council officials on the agenda for the meeting of the Cabinet on Monday 23rd December at 6.00 pm at which the Cabinet will discuss and decide what to present to the Councillors for their decision early in the New Year. This basically will be future development in the county and will largely be focused on St. George’s Barracks (SGB). At both meetings the following will be discussed:

The terms and conditions of the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF). The Spatial Strategy of Rutland (a decision as to how St. George’s Barracks fits into the Local Plan). St. George’s Barracks versus development at Woolfox. Other issues are viability, sustainability, transport, environment and cost assessments.

Local parish councillors will be making the views of residents known in deputations but unfortunately the public is not allowed to speak unless questions/deputations have been submitted beforehand. However a good turnout will give a sense of the feeling towards the development and help residents understand the effects that the St. George’s Barracks development will have on our communities and the county.

So please do come along if you can.

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan for North Luffenham

Taking control of planning in the village

How would you like the Parish of North Luffenham to look in 10 to 20 years time? The Village Survey of 2017 indicated that the general environment and proximity to the countryside were very important and being part of a community as important to the residents of North Luffenham

The proposed development of St. George’s Barracks, with a new town bigger than Uppingham, is a threat to the environment of North Luffenham in terms of visual impact and increased traffic. The local parish councils are striving to reduce the numbers of houses in the development, but it is likely that there will be some utilisation of the former airfield.

A Neighbourhood Plan enables local communities to control the planning of the area in which they live and work. It can be used to:

  • Develop a shared vision for your neighbourhood.
  • Choose where new homes and other development should be built.
  • Identify and protect important local green spaces.
  • Influence what new buildings should look like.

It is essentially a planning document for the whole of the parish, and as such can influence any development on St. George’s within the parish boundary.(p.t.o.)

Only a Parish Council can initiate a Neighbourhood Plan, but it can only be successfully impact the St Georges development with the support of the village and the Parish Council wants your help and enthusiasm to see it through.

There will be a presentation  at the Community Centre on 9th December at 7.0 pm.

The parish council feel it is important to the future of the village so please, if you are able, try and attend either just to know more or would like to be involved in some way.

All welcome; please do come.

Can you help?

Are you interested in helping other people and if so come and find out more about the North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme this Friday 6th December at 7.30 pm in The Den at The Fox. Following our A.G.M. there will be light refreshments and a chance to talk over what is involved with the volunteers.

Defibrillator back in action

Because of water ingress into the cabinet the defibrillator was removed. The problem has been resolved and the defibrillator has been returned to the cabinet and ready should it be needed.

In any medical emergency always first dial 999 or 112. There are also volunteers in the village who will help if the defibrillator is thought to be required: 01780 322070.