Pre-Submission Local Plan

The Pre-Submission Local Plan has recently been published; all 966 pages of it. The Plan can be accessed on R.C.C. website and can be downloaded in bite size chunks in pdf. form. Alternatively this link will download the full document:

On Thursday 16th January there will be a Scrutiny Panel Meeting on the Plan at R.C.C 7.0 pm. A member of North Luffenham Parish Council will be making deputation.

There are Council Meetings on the 20th January to approve or not the Housing Infrastructure Fund bid and on the 27th January to approve the Pre-Submission Local Plan. Both meetings are at R.C.C. at 7.0 pm and are public meetings. Deputations and questions can be asked at these meeting but must be submitted beforehand. For information on how to do this please follow this link:

Decisions on the proposed development of St. George’s Barracks are coming to a head and it is possibly the last chance for parishioners to influence the outcome. Please either attend the meetings and/or email our local MP with your views.

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