Tag Archives: Coronavirus

NHS Scrubs Thank You!

The Sewing Bees of North Luffenham would like to thank everyone for their fabric donations.

Since last weekend, we have been busy washing, deconstructing, ironing, cutting out and repurposing your donations into scrub suits, hats & laundry bags.

We are still looking for more sewers, even if you can only manage a straight line or fancy a go at hats – there is still a huge demand locally for this PPE.

Please contact Liliane Coogan if you would to join our merry band of helpers 😊.

Here are a few of the hospitals, care homes and hospices that have already been delivered to:-

Peterborough City Hospital

Uppingham Surgery

Manton Hall

Rutland County Council

Sue Ryder Hospices

Meanwhile, you might recognise some familiar faces in some of our creations …

Tags handmade with love by children accompany our finished articles to the Donation Box in Ketton.

Many thanks for anything & everything you can do at this time.

More information on the whole programme here


Stay Safe 😊

Local Weekend Takeaway Service in South Luffenham

The Boot Inn in South Luffenham is offering a takeaway service at the weekends.

Their menu and specials are on their facebook page and you can call or message them on 01780 720177 or thebootinnrutland@gmail.com to book a collection slot which runs every 15mins from 5-8pm on Friday and Saturdays.

They will also deliver to North Luffenham residents free of charge if they are self isolating

NEEDED URGENTLY – Your unwanted fabric, duvet covers & pillow cases by the ”FOR THE LOVE OF SCRUBS STAMFORD & RUTLAND” sewers

We are asking all the residents of North Luffenham to donate their unwanted fabric to enable the making of the PPE being sewn by our local sewers.

All materials must be able to withstand 60C wash…

Duvet covers/Sheets – cotton/polycotton for scrubs outfits

Pillow cases – for laundry bags

Fat Squares – for headbands & surgical hats (2 needed per hat)

Any other cheery, fun fabric 😊

Also, any large buttons, thread and tape you may have stashed away

Please drop items off in a plastic bag at Liliane Coogan’s @

22 Sycamore Road (end of cul-de-sac on RHS)

Alternatively, we are happy to collect from your gate so do give Liliane a call on 01780 721047 and we’ll pick up.

If anyone in the village would like to start making any items, patterns are available on line & we now have 3 x patterns for Scrubs in the village available to loan.

Many thanks for anything & everything you can do at this time.

More information on the whole programme here


Stay Safe 😊

Rutland Services Open During Coronavirus Situation

Rutland County Council have produced a list of shops and services that are currently open during the current Coronavirus situation – you can access it at the link below



There will be a visit to our nearest drop off/collection ‘For the love of Scrubs’ location in Ketton tomorrow (Wednesday) @ 12 noon.

If anyone needs any fabric, tape etc for bags, hats or headbands then do let us know; finished articles can also be dropped off at the same time & we’re happy to collect these from your garden gate in the morning.

The FTLS Stamford & Rutland group have sourced a pallet load of the correct fabric with their “just giving“ funds.  This is being split into 3 x 3.5 metre packs and this will be distributed amongst the local drop off points.

Please let Liliane Coogan, 01780 721047 know if you would like some of this fabric to make scrub outfits with.

Whilst we are still awaiting arrival of the ‘Scrubs’ pattern, folks can still be making laundry bags, surgical hats & headbands.

Many thanks for anything & everything you can do at this time.

More information on the whole programme here


Stay Safe 😊

Medicines Collection: Important Information


Prescription medication can be collected for you from Empingham Medical Practice, Uppingham Surgery, Market Overton Surgery or Somerby Surgery.

North Luffenham Good Neighbours Scheme is coordinating the scheme for residents of North Luffenham.

If you need medicines to be collected please 

Email nlgns2020@gmail.com 

Call 07825 697 841

We’ll need to know your full name, first line of your address, date of required collection, frequency of collection (e.g. 4 weekly, monthly) and whether you are exempt from charges or have a prepayment certificate (see below)

Please let us know as early as possible as we’re aiming to arrange a bulk collection once a week.

Most prescriptions will be exempt from charges or pre-paid. If not you will need to buy a pre-payment certificate https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/buy-prescription-prepayment-certificate/start

You may be isolated, but you are not alone.

COVID-19 RCC newsletter 5

Dear resident,

I hope you are keeping well and cheerful.  It is good to see so many smiling faces when I take my daily constitutional.  Just two points today.  First, if you are clearing out please keep anything destined for the dump/charity shop till all our systems are back in operation.  Do NOT put extra bags out for the bin men.  Our refuse collectors are working under extreme difficulties at the moment and have been instructed to empty bins only.  They will NOT take additional bags. The second is that, as you know, children’s play areas are out of bounds but some anti-social people have been removing/damaging the signs which have been put out to explain this.  If you spot signs which are damaged/missing please contact your parish council. Look after yourself and if you need to contact me, or just want a chat, the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

gwaller@rutland.gov.uk 01780 722169

Oval Use – Social distancing and gatherings of more than 2 people

It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that there was a a group of children playing football on the Oval Recreation Ground this afternoon. We would kindly request that this does not happen again in accordance with the Government’s current guidelines. The more that people follow the current advice then hopefully the current restrictions will be lifted.

Thank you North Luffenham Parish Council

Arthurs Mobile Fish & Chips – Delivery Service

Arthur’s Mobile Fish & Chips24 March at 18:06


We will not be running this week (23rd-27th March) after this weeks announcement.

Next week we will be running but on a DELIVERY ONLY basis.
We will NOT be taking any orders at the van. If you come to the van you will be sent away.

Please understand that we can only deliver in the villages that we park in.. if you come to us regularly but don’t live in any of the villages please contact us on 07702318625 to see what we can do.

If you can call before 2pm if possible to place your order on the day please do. We will be taking orders over the phone while the van is out but it makes our job harder. We want this to run as smoothly as possible for everyone.

Payment can be made via BACS, PayPal or at the door via contactless card payment (our card reader will be on a stick to minimise contact) if you are only able to pay by cash please state while ordering and we will call you when we are on our way with your order to leave the money outside your door, and we will leave food with your change (we are disinfecting all cash handled)

If you are unable to pay by BACS or PayPal at Barrowden, Nassington or Elton you will have to pay by cash as we get no signal to use the card reader.

We will be unable to give you a time that your order will be with you, but it will be roughly within the time slot we are in your village.

There will be a £1.20 charge per order for delivery to cover the cost of the extra car and fuel used.

Kerrie-Ann will be delivering your food wearing clean gloves for each delivery and a face mask. She will knock on your door and leave the food on your door step and wait at the end of your drive way to insure you get your food unless payment is needed.

We will not be selling some items on our menu to keep things simple. We will post a menu by the end of the week.

The number to order on is

07702318625. If we don’t answer the phone please DO NOT leave a voice mail, either call again later or send us a text.

Rutland Water Benefice; a message from Rev. Pippa Madgwick

Sadly we are no longer permitted to keep the church building open, but Church is not buildings, Church is the Christian community.  Rev. Pippa will be conducting a Service this coming Sunday for the whole of the Benefice at 0930hrs. It will be accessible on the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook page as a Watch Party. It has the options of being listened to, or joined interactively. It is very easy to access, but to do so you must be on Facebook and then join the Rutland Water Benefice group. And if you are not a Facebook person, joining both Facebook and the Group is easy!

To join Facebook, search for Facebook, answer a few questions, provide a password and there you are.

Then, search for The Rutland Water Benefice 

To request to join the The Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group, “Press Join”..

You will then become a member of the group – it may take half a day to add to you or far far less !

You will then have access to the Watch Party ready for Sunday 0930hrs

Please spread the News of the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook page as it is updated daily and a valuable source of Christian fellowship locally.

North Luffenham Tip – Closed

Several people have been searching the vilalge web site for information on the status of the North Luffenham Household Waste and Recycling Centre (The Tip..)

This was closed on 20th March by RCC as part of the Coronavirus distancing measures. Its not known when it will open again

Are you self-isolating in North Luffenham and need food & provisions delivered to your door?

Edith Weston Village Store & Post Office are coordinating home deliveries of food & other provisions from their shop, through a team of local volunteers, to people self isolating in the community.

If you cannot leave your home to shop for food because you are self-isolating, you can call the Store on 01780 722164, and place your order over the phone. They will endeavour to deliver your order asap, but if you can order in the morning it will help them deliver it sooner to you.

Please note the new slightly contracted opening hours for the store below. This will allow the store more time to re-stock shelves , coordinate deliveries and maintain employee distancing in the workplace.

COVID-19 RCC Newsletter 2

Dear resident,

This is my second note during these difficult times.  Rutland County Council has recently announced additional on line support to businesses which can be found here https://www.greaterlincolnshirelep.co.uk/priorities-and-plans/covid-19/ Rutland County Council is now part of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP so their services are open to Rutland businesses. 

Our local health providers have also set up a web site which can be accessed here https://rutlandhealth.co.uk/covid-19-coronavirus-rutland-gp-services/ Stay isolating if you can and stay safe. If you need to contact me the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

gwaller@rutland.gov.uk 01780 722169

Anglian Water Annoucement – Rutland Water

As you may have heard we’ve sadly made the decision to close all of our water parks, including Rutland Water, to the public along with all activities with immediate effect to help limit the spread of coronavirus. None of our car parks will be open and all tracks and gates are closed. Public access will not be permitted in any areas.

All events at our parks will be cancelled until the end of June which sadly means that the Anglian Water Music Festival will be postponed until next year. We’ll be excited to welcome festival goers to the shores of Rutland Water then, but are advising those who have bought tickets for this year’s event to choose whether to defer their booking until next year, or claim a full refund. Refunds can be claimed via Eventbrite, and if we don’t hear from ticket holders by Monday 31st August, tickets will automatically be rolled over to next year’s festival.

We would encourage everybody to follow the Government’s advice to social distance and not travel wherever possible to protect the most vulnerable in our communities.

Bus Services

Bus Services from Monday 23 March 2020 until further notice

Centrebus will be operating in Rutland as follows:

12 & 29 – For details see Centrebus website

747 – normal service

RF2 – normal service

9 – no service (see separate RCC notice)

146 – normal service

RF1 – may go to a two hourly service

47 – no service

For up to date information on all services please visit www.centrebus.info / @CentrebusLive


CallConnect services are operating as normal and the Booking Centre will open:

Mon-Fri 8.00 am – 5.00 pm

Sat 8.30 am – 4.00 pm

Tel: 0345 263 8153 / www.lincsbus.info / @callconnect

The above information is subject to change

COVID – 19 RCC newsletter

Dear resident,

I hope you are well and safe at this difficult time.  Rutland County Council is rising to the challenge of delivering essential services for residents but you will find changes to what is normally provided such as the closure of the municipal waste sites.  The Council is regularly updating its Covid-19 web pages, including explaining how Government announcements, for example on business rates, is being managed.  To find out more please go to https://www.rutland.gov.uk/my-services/health-and-family/health-and-nhs/health-and-support-services/coronavirus-covid-19/  In addition for those of you who don’t subscribe the Council produces a free regular newsletter “Your Rutland” which also carries useful information.  You can subscribe here https://www.rutland.gov.uk/my-council/your-rutland-e-newsletter/ Remember, follow the social distance advice and stay safe.  If you need to contact me the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

gwaller@rutland.gov.uk 01780 722169