Author Archives: Tim Smith

Antisocial Behaviour

Unfortunately there has been more antisocial behaviour in the parish. The newly installed benchdown Moor Lane has had some infantile daubings scrawled on it:

There was recently damage to play equipment on The Oval and to the wooden field bridge over The Chater. Previoulsy there was vandalism of the wall lights on the wall leading down to the school and church. The repair to the play equipment is quite costly and these may result in an increase in the precept.

Please report any suspicious behaviour to the police, who have been informed of the incidents and our beat officer can be contacted:

Volunteers Required: Platinum Jubilee

Preparations are well underway for the Platinum Jubilee from the evening of Thursday 2nd June to Sunday 5th June 2022. Any help that can be given would be much appreciated.

If you are able to help please contact Simon Browning, Chair North Luffenham Platinum Jubilee Planning Group, email:

On Now: Coffee Morning in the Community Centre

Please remember to bring cash for donations to the Ukrainian Appeal.
You’ll also be able to buy seeds for the Sunflower Growing Competition, learn about the Clubs in the village & join the newly reformed North Luffenham Garden Club whilst enjoying freshly brewed coffee, home made cake and a general chin wag.

Reminder: Annual Parish Meeting: 11th April 2022

The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is an opportunity for parishioners to have their say on the activities of the parish council and make suggestions of future projects that could be undertaken. There will be a presentation of our activities following which parishioners will be invited to give their comments, so please do come along. The APM will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm. However if you are unable to attend your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Please email them to

Please click on the link below which has the agenda, purpose of the APM and the APM News letter that has been distributed to each household.

Damage to Play Equipment on The Oval

There has been damge to play equipment on The Oval and unfortunately it looks deliberate. There has also been damage to the wooden bridge over the River Chater on the footpath from the Church towards the railway bridge on Glebe Rd. It also looks as though it might have been deliberate.

If you do see any antisocial behaviour please contact the police. If you have information that might be helpful our beat officer, PC Icke, may be contacted by email:

Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The draft North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan, having been approved by North Luffenham Parich Council, has been submitted to Rutland County Council for screening to make sure it complies with various statutory reqiurments. This takes 4-6 weeks and if it meets these requirements there will be an extensive consultation, called Regulation 14, with residents of the parish.

Access to the old railway line at South Luffenham withdrawn.

South Luffenham have informed us of an access closure and this may affect walkers from North Luffenham.

The owners of the land behind Gatehouse Lane have informed the Chairman that they have decided to withdraw access to the old railway line via the field behind Gatehouse Lane. Access was originally allowed through a permitted access route which expired in 2011. They allowed access to continue through goodwill but have recently decided to withdraw this as some people were allowing dogs to run in the crops and were not clearing up after them.

Renewable energy at St George’s Barracks ?

Two residents would like your opinion (see below): to comment please go to the Village Wall.

We have been thinking about renewable energy and the possible use of North Luffenham airfield as a wind and solar site. We have been attending parish council meetings to open a dialogue along these lines. We would be interested in the thoughts of the North Luffenham residents and your feedback which you can post on the wall.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee will take place in June this year. The Parish Council hopes volunteers will come forward to form a Steering Group that will organise events. There will be a meeting in the Community Centre on Wednesday 9th of February at 6.30pm to see what support there is.

If you are interested but unable to attend this meeting please email the parish clerk

Details of the Jubilee can be found at: