Tag Archives: Bowling

Bowling through the winter

The two teams are two third through the season which finishes in early April. Both are well up in their division. The A team is in the first division of the East Cambridgeshire League and have been for many years. Usually they win the Cup.

The other team is also in the League and is doing well in the second division but with four games to go – anything may happen!

Luckily the dreadful rainy season has not affected any away games but some opposing teams have had to reschedule owing to weather or sickness.

Watching curling in the Olympics has proved popular with some members! There is some affinity between the two games! Both require co-ordination between hand and eye, concentration and tactics.

Good luck to all players for the rest of the season.

Sylvia M Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

Carpet Bowls Singles Competition Results 2013

On Saturday 22 September members of the North Luffenham Carpet Bowls Club (NLCBC) met in the Community Centre.

The occasion was the Singles Competition which is held every year about this time. It is a prelude to the coming start of the League competitions in which the NLCBC enters two teams, Fourteen players took part in a ‘Round Robin’ and were supported by members of the Club, relatives and friends.

Of course competition was keen, with many cliff hanging moments, Play went on all afternoon. The out come was: Tim Smalley – took the Winners Cup and the Club Shield. The runner up was Thomas Ellis taking the Trophy. Well done and congratulations to them both. The presentation was made by Katy Ellis.

An entertaining and enjoyable time ended with a serving of fish and chips all round.

via Sylvia Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

Cambridgeshire and National Carpet Bowls Championships Report

Three members of the Carpet Bowls Club took part in Cambridgeshire County competitions recently.

The competition is of a very high standard consisting of the best players from local clubs.  However, both the singles and the triples won their respective matches, which entitled them to go forward to the National Championship which, of course, is of an even higher standard.

The Championships were played over a period of 2 days in Blackpool. The team played extremely well but seemed disappointed that they only took third place.  They usually come first.  Better luck next year.  We are proud of you.

via Sylvia Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

Pub Quizzers raise £150 for MS Trust’s Be Bold in Blue

The Petanque team have not had the best of starts to the season with a couple of losses under their belts!

Wednesday May 1st saw us holding the M.S. Trust’s Blue Week quiz. As Colin & Janet Heasell were in charge of the questions, I got to take part and had great fun, joining the team that came second to Anty’s Mob.

The pub and Colin & Janet donated a few prizes and we held a raffle for them. With the money from the raffle and Anty’s Mob handing over their winnings to the cause, we raised £150 for the trust!

Thank you to everyone that came along and supported this and it was lovely to see two teams from South Luffenham too!

2013 Annual General Meeting for Carpet Bowls Club

Members of the Carpet Bowls Club are reminded that the AGM will be held on Monday 13 May 2013 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

The Minutes of the last meeting are on the notice board in the Community Centre.

via Sylvia M Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club