Author Archives: North Luffenham

Catch up with Nic: Scotland – Arran, Kilbrannan Sound to Claonaig and the magnificant Loch Fyne!

Since I left William and Gail at Dumfries the weather conditions have been a constant source of frustration! Wet Wet Wet for the majority of Tuesday which combined with a strong side wind made progress painfully slow. I arrived in Cumnock and dived in to a B & B with a drying room and took stock.

Source: Scotland – Arran, Kilbrannan Sound to Claonaig and the magnificant Loch Fyne!

PLEASE DONATE: Nic’s Just Giving page

Normanton Ward Election 2015 Result

Declaration for Normanton. Result is as follows:

  • Kenneth BOOL (Conservative) – 1,020 votes
  • Rob CAMPBELL (UKIP) – 399 votes
  • Gale WALLER (Liberal Democrats) – 844 votes

Confirmation that Kenneth BOOL (Con) and Gale WALLER (Lib Dem) have been elected as Ward Members for Normanton.

Source: Live Election Results

Keep up to date with Rutland Election 2015 results

From the Rutland County Council website:

Due to the way the 2015 Local Election must be administered, Rutland County Council is counting this year’s poll on Friday 8th May.

The count for the UK Parliamentary Election: Rutland and Melton Constituency was overseen by Melton Borough Council and took place at Melton Cattle Market, following the close of poll at 10pm on Thursday 7th May. You can view the full Parliamentary result here.

The Local Election count will take place at Victoria Hall in Oakham from 2pm, Friday 8th May 2015.

The count venue will not be open to the public however you can stay up-to-date with all the election results, as they are announced, by following us on Twitter (@RutlandCouncil).

A Live Election Blog will also appear on our website later today, streaming information and election results direct from Victoria Hall.

Source: Election 2015: Results

Catch up with Nic: Crossing the border into Scotland with Mango Tree founders

I was joined by the founders of the Mango Tree, William and Gail Fulton who were keen to cycle with me for the day and share with me the highlight of crossing the border into Scotland. What a fabulous day!

Source: Crossing the border into Scotland with Mango Tree founders Gail and William Fulton

PLEASE DONATE: Nic’s Just Giving page

Charity Lunch Time Gathering


Janet and Colin Heasell

cordially extend an invitation to an        

informal charity lunchtime    

gathering at their home

  in aid of

Multiple Sclerosis



Come and have Soup and a roll with coffee or tea, or perhaps something a little stronger for the boys!

Saturday 18th July 2015

11.30am till 2.30pm

“Stoneway” 9, Church Street, North Luffenham.

Raffle * Bring and buy cakes *

Hopefully some other stalls too!

Catch up with Nic: The kindness of strangers and reaching the Scottish Border

Ferry across the Mersey, special landscapes and memories of my early teaching days flood back to keep me company as I reach 558 miles and rejoin Willie and Gail Fulton to cross the border finally into Scotland.

Source: The kindness of strangers and reaching the Scottish Border

PLEASE DONATE: Nic’s Just Giving page

Catch up with Nic: 427 miles cycled and £4,444 raised so far!

Headline news is that 427 miles have been cycled (with a few of those walked up hill!) and £4444.10p has been raised – just over 50% of the target total. Here I am paying in some of your donations into the Mango Tree’s HSBC bank on route!

Source: 427 miles cycled and £4444 raised so far!

PLEASE DONATE: Nic’s Just Giving page

Village Election of Parish Councillors 2015

As we all know the Government elections take place on the 7th May 2015 in the Community Wing.

What many villagers may not know is that your local North Luffenham Parish Council election is taking place on the same day.

This is a vote to elect the people who will sit on a Parish Council and make decisions about the village: planning applications, the Oval and the local issues that affect us. They represent you and the collective interests of the village.

A North Luffenham Parish Council has not had a contested election for over 20 years due to the fact that there are more people wanting to sit on the Council than there are places available.

Your vote on the 7th May will elect the people or person that you want to represent you.

Over the next few days leading up to the election, the village website will post the manifestos/profiles of candidates that are seeking your vote.

Village resident to ride from Lands End to John O’Groats for charity

Tom Merrett charity cycle ride

While I have been a trustee of The Mango Tree Charity for over 10 years and helped young people raise thousands and thousands of pounds, I have never undertaken a sponsored event myself, and, I am not a cyclist! However, my ex-pupils always proved time and again that nothing is impossible so I have taken the plunge.

I have set-up my own website for the cycle ride at and I can also be found on Facebook, where I’ll be updating my progress.

If you would like to make a donation towards my ride you can do so by going to my Just Giving donation page.

Thank you for your support!

Nic Merrett

The Mango Tree charity focuses its support for the 8644 registered orphans in Kenya and Tanzania. At its peak, there were over 13500 but communities are gaining strength and resilience now the peak of HIV/AIDS has passed so the charity is performing exactly as we had hoped – it seeing strengthening communities take up responsibility for their orphans.

Mango Tree is not an orphanage, but a Community Based Organisation with the slogan “Empowering orphans through Communities” . It is our greatest delight to see alumni from Mango Tree fund raise themselves in Kenya and Tanzania and also give practical support to younger orphans now that they are self reliant. Mango Tree rejects completely the philosophy of hand out from the rich West come what may!

John Humphrys – BBC Radio4 presenter said of Mango Tree,

“…It is a model of how a good charity should be run. It inspired me to set up my own small charity. If only there were more like it the world would be a better place…”


Planning Application Lyndon Road

Proposal: Demolition of rear porch and conservatory and construction of single storey lean-to rear extension and insertion of external doors.

Reference: 2015/0270/FUL


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (07-Apr-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0270/FUL.

Please email any comment you wish to make to

Military Working Dogs Planning Application

Proposal: Erection of specialist facilities including kennels, veterinary clinic, associated offices and training areas to accommodate the relocation of 1 Military Working Dog Regiment, British Army from Germany to St George’s Barracks, North Luffenham.

Reference: 2015/0236/MAJ


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (24-Mar-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0236/MAJ.

Please email any comment you wish to make to

Thank you from ‘The Fox’


“Thank you to everyone who has supported The Fox and your kind feedback in our first week of opening.

As we enter our second week we would like to clarify our position as to the welcoming of children at the pub as there would appear to be some misunderstanding.

The Fox is a community pub which strives to welcome all, including of course well behaved children accompanied and supervised by an adult. We would however respectively request that no children are in the bar and lounge area after 8pm as you will appreciate this is an adult environment after this time.

Again a massive thank you from the whole team to all who have made our first week so enjoyable”

Correction: New 3 bed dwelling proposal

Please note that the planning application reference number given in the previous email stating that the ‘details are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website‘ is incorrect. It should be 2015/0162/FUL. It is correct in the North Luffenham Website post.

Apologies to all concerned.

Proposal for a new three bed dwelling

Proposal: New 3 bed dwelling.
Fox and Hounds Inn, 1, Pinfold Lane, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8LE

Reference: 2015/0162/FUL

The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (27-Feb-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0162/CAT.

Please email any comment you wish to make to


Change of use of outbuilding.

Proposal: Change of use of outbuilding to overnight accommodation associated with the public house and ancillary external works.
Fox and Hounds Inn, 1, Pinfold Lane, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8LE

Reference: 2015/0161/FUL

The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (27-Feb-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0161/FUL.

Please email any comment you wish to make to

Damaged Water Main – CIV9647 Moor Lane

We are working on behalf of Anglian Water carrying out repairs to a mains foul water sewer that we believe has been damaged by a water main on Moor Lane North Luffenham. In order to carry out our work we have erected an emergency road closure.

This work has been logged both with Rutland Council and Leicestershire Police and we have also letter dropped the surrounding residents notifying them of the closure.

Proposed diversion route:
Chapel Lane / Church Street / Glebe Road / South Luffenham Road

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Tom Kirk
Framework Manager
T: 01604 770000
DD: 01604 772287
M: 07843 359718

Music for little people

Music for Little People classes for 2-3yr olds and carers

Uppingham Scout hut on Wednesday mornings. Classes starting on Wednesday February 25th at 9.45am

Cost: £6 for a one hour class starting with a FREE taster class.

Contact Ruth Filsak for more information and to book a place by email: or phone on 01733 264172.
