Author Archives: Tim Smith

Foodbank Collection

Please note that as from this week, the foodbank collection will return to the church now that it is  open daily. 

 No box will be left in the telephone box. Two boxes are located in the church porch and will be  available to fill 9am-5pm every day.  

 The foodbank team will collect the boxes fortnightly and return empty boxes in their place. Please do continue to support the local charity. 

Many thanks on behalf of Rutland Foodbank

Woodland Walk

NLPC approved the extension of the walk so that it came out at the top of Pinfold Land near the junction with the Edith Weston Rd. some time ago. Unfrotunately there have been delays in getting a contractor to do the required fencing.

Walkers are kindly requested to keep to the present walkway and not walk across the top of the field that is close to Geoff Sewell Close and the Edith Weston Rd..

North and South Luffenham Bench Project

Many thanks for everybody who has donated to the project. The benches have now been ordered and a contractor has given an estimate for their siting. To complete the funding of the project probably another £600 needs to be raised.

If you would like to donate then please contact the NLPC Clerk:

Possible harmful substance found on The Oval

On Wednesday 14th school children found a plastic bag containing white cubes. There was also white powder on the ground among a number of discarded alcohol bottles. Please warn children not to pick up items on The Oval.

The Parish Council is responsible for The Oval and will check to see there is nothing of potential harm lying about.

Come Walking!

Why not join a Benefice ramble on the following Monday mornings:

June 21st from Empingham church  to Mill Lane, Hereward Way and return on the Ketton Road (climbing  over ONE stile)

July 5th from Lyndon church walking towards Wing, then towards Manton and back to Lyndon (on public footpath and some minor roads)

July 19th from Lyndon church walking towards North Luffenham and return on the same road back to Lyndon church

August 2nd from Manton church towards railway bridge and Manton Bay

All are welcome! Further walks will be arranged and volunteers to lead later expeditions would be most welcome.

 Any questions? Please email: http://Liliane Coogan

Community Centre Update

The Community Centre (CC) has been refurbished along with the kitchen being upgraded and it’s management has been undertaken by North Luffenham Parish Council. A Community Centre Committee has been formed and it aims to  provide a vibrant and  user friendly Community Centre that will be an attractive venue for the community in which to have meetings and events.

There are plans to enhance the facilities within the CC to give it a welcoming feel and enhanced IT which could be useful for meetings.

The CC can be booked for meetings;  please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

Under present restrictions all meetings have to follow the risk assessment for Covid  and agree to the conditions of hire.

Come Walking

Why not join a Benefice ramble on the following Monday mornings:

June 7th from Empingham church to Horn Mill and Loves Lane appr. 2.5 miles (climbing over ONE stile)

June 21st from Empingham church  to Mill Lane, Hereward Way and return on the Ketton Road (climbing  over ONE stile)

July 5th from Lyndon church walking towards Wing, then towards Manton and back to Lyndon (on public footpath and some minor roads)

July 19th from Lyndon church walking towards North Luffenham and return on the same road back to Lyndon church

All are welcome! Further walks will be arranged and volunteers to lead later expeditions would be most welcome.

 Any questions?  Please email: Liliane Coogan

Funding of The North and South Luffenham Bench Project.

North and South Luffenham Parish Council would like to thank those who have pledged monies for the benches. Enough has so far been raised to fund two of the four benches. If you wish to support this project please contact the North Luffenham Parish Clerk at

North and South Luffenham Bench Project

A proposal was put forward by a resident of South Luffenham for benches at intervals on the walk from South Luffenham, around North Luffenham and The Settings. For those less able it would give the opportunity to have a rest, enjoy the views and the exercise would be beneficial to their health and well being. North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) felt that this was a good idea as it would also be of benefit to residents of North Luffenham as well. In a joint venture with South Luffenham Parish Council (SLPC) NLPC has resolved to enable this proposal.

Below is a picture of the type of bench chosen. A map of the sites for the benches can be downloaded. NLPC is appealing for funds for the purchase of the benches and their secure placements. SLPC will also be appealing to their residents. If you would like to donate please contact the clerk:

The bench is made of recycled plastic

Licencing of the Reverend Jes Salt

Rutland Water Benefice welcomes Jes and Jane Salt.
Please click on the link below and look on page 2 of the News to find out how to join either his licencing as Associate Priest by the Bishop on Zoom or his first service here, in Empingham at 5pm. There is also information on Benefice Rambles on Monday 10th and 24th May.