Author Archives: Tim Smith

Invitation to Rutland residents: Local experiences of using health and care services

We are inviting Rutland residents to attend an important online event to discuss local experiences of using health and care services.  We are bringing together a panel of health and care professionals to hear from you and answer questions about the provision of care closer to home.  

During the event we will be discussing how we jointly develop a local plan for health and care in Rutland and we want you to be involved. We want to hear from the community about what we can do to develop services, to improve the health and wellbeing of all of those who live in the area.

Whether you are interested in primary, secondary (mental and physical), acute or care, we want to hear from you.

Join us online on Thursday 3 December 2020 at 6.30pm – 8pm to take part. We look forward to seeing you there.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+44 20 3443 8728,,461425589#   United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 461 425 589#

St. George’s Barracks: We need your voice.

Your opinions about the proposals for St. George’s Barracks (SGB) matter, as well as development within the village and parish, and North Luffenham Parish Council would like to inform you of the proposals and hear your opinions. 

A good third of SGB is within our parish and it is important that we have a say on any development.

In the last two weeks of October there will be presentations by Zoom (firm dates and times will be posted on the website ) with detailed information on the proposals for SGB and the best way to respond to Rutland County Council’s Local Plan. There will also be an update on North Luffenham’s Neighbourhood Plan, and how this sits alongside the Local Plan, with the aim of ameliorating any development that takes place at SGB, as well as proposals for the rest of the parish.

Your comments on these issues will be most welcome.

The focus of the presentations will be online in view of the current restriction on groups meeting indoors but it is planned to have a poster and hopefully a short video demonstration and where and when will be posted nearer the time.

St. George’s Barracks is most definitely not yet a done deal and your opinion counts

If you have not done so already could you please click the link below and indicate your preferred option for a meeting -there is only one question I promise. 

Still time to complete the Neighbourhood Plan Survey

Many thanks to everybody who has completed a Neighbourhood Plan Survey. The Survey will end on the 19th September and so there is still time to do one online at

If you rather fill in the paper copy please drop this in at The Fox.

Technical Problem

Unfortunately there is a problem with completing the Neighbourhood Plan Survey online. Our IT experts are trying to resolve the issue and there will be a post when the problem has been resolved.

Many apologies for the glitch and thanks to all those who have already completed the survey and if you haven’t please do find the time when it is fixed.

Empingham Surgery Collections

Now that the most severe restrictions have been lifted, Empingham Surgery are no longer running their formal prescription collection scheme for the village.  They are recommending that patients return to the method of collection previously used (in person, family, etc.)

If you do need assistance please contact the Good Neighbours Scheme on 07825 697841 or the email address below 

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who volunteered to assist when the pandemic moved us into lockdown.  It’s nice to know that there are so many people ready & willing to help their neighbours. 

The Good Neighbours Scheme is still running as usual with a small group of people manning the phone line and a larger group helping out with any requests.  If you’d like to learn more or get involved with the activities we undertake please email or call the number above. 

Claire Bewick. Chair North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme

Update on donations for Rutland Foodbank

On behalf of the Rutland Foodbank I’m pleased to say thank you to everyone involved in the Community Collections Scheme. No-one could have predicated the situation we find ourselves in and the impact upon our local communities. Already this financial year the Foodbank has helped over 550 people in food poverty. The number of referrals is rising and we anticipate an increase in the rate of referrals as furlough ends and sadly firms need to make redundancies. 

Your extremely generous donations were so well timed that we now have healthy stocks in the warehouse of certain items but there are a few products that we will always need regularly. I wonder if I might take this opportunity to refocus the current shortages and ask that you consider asking your community to pop these in the collection box. We really appreciate donations of the long-life sponge pudding packs and Smash-type potatoes. We have very good supplies of toiletries at the moment but do run short of disposable razors quite regularly. Unfortunately we cannot accept fresh or homemade food or food past the best before/use-by date. At the moment we are blessed with mountains of baked-beans, tinned soups, dried pasta and cereals so for the moment we would ask not to donate these until further notice.

Occasionally we run very short of an item so in that situation we put a shout-out on the Rutland Foodbank Facebook page (it’s accessible to browse even if you are not signed up for Facebook). If you need to contact the foodbank team directly please email on 

Rutland County Council Meeting re Local Plan Consultation

There will be a virtual meeting of ‘The Growth and Infrastructure and Resources Committee’ via Zoom on Thursday 11th June at 7 pm. The main item of interest is Agenda Item 8. Under discussion is the ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ and it is proposed to alter this so that it is mainly online. The obvious result is that people without access to, or are not familar with using IT, will not be fully informed or engaged.

A parish councillor of NLPC has submitted a deputation questioning how, in view of the proposed changes, residents can engage with consultations concerning the Local Plan, which has profound implications for the county and, in particular, North Luffenham.

Please follow this link to access the agenda, which has the proposals for the consultations on the Local Plan, and our parish councillor’s deputation:

To access the Zoom meeting:

Photos you need to see.

First we had these.
And now in addition.

A company that leases land from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation began parking articulated lorries at St Georges Barracks without the required planning permsission. A retrospective planning application was submitted to RCC and objected to on a number of grounds by North Luffenham Parish Council:

A multiple number of residents have objected to this application due to the increase of large vehicles causing noise, vibration and pollution. The retrospective planning application has not been decided on and yet, at the last count, 95 coaches, in addition to the lorries, were being parked on the site. At no stage has there been consultation with local communities.

You may wish to comment on the application by clicking on the above link.

Prescription Collections – Empingham Surgery

We are continuing to collect and deliver prescriptions from Empingham surgery to residents who require this. Once you have ordered your items please let us know when they are expected to be available, and any specific instructions such as collecting items from the fridge.  We will then schedule for the closest Wednesday or Friday pickup.  If you typically check the box on the back of the prescription to receive the same next time, please let us know that so we can indicate as such when we collect your prescription.

If you have a prescription from a GP after a consultation let us know so we can arrange collection of that too

Note that we have a collection time at the surgery between 4 and 5pm so depending on volume you may not receive your prescription delivery until close to 6pm.

Telephone 07825 697 841 or email

Please note that we are also still collecting from Uppingham surgery but the volume being collected is much lower and therefore we don’t have scheduled days although everything else remains the same.

Safety Issues

The reopening of the Household Waste and Recycling Centre on Tuesday 19th May will possibly result in a considerable increase in traffic. The way the route to and from the site has been organised means that there will be more two way traffic through North Luffenham, Glebe Rd. to the Pilton Cross Rd.. The return route from Morcott is through South Luffenham, North Luffenham Rd., The Settings and Glebe Rd..

These lanes are popular with walkers, often in family groups, and cyclists so please take extra care or try other lanes to walk and cycle.

North Luffenham Parish Council suggested an alternative route that would have substantially reduced this two way traffic but this was not accepted.

Annual Parish Meeting Newsletter

Because of the current situation the Annual Parish Meeting could not take place nor could the usual distribution of the newsletter. Please click on the link below for the newsletter. This contains important information on the Local Plan and a questionnaire will be posted on this website to seek the views of residents. There are other significant issue for the parish so please download and read.

Food Bank Vouchers

If you need help from the Rutland Food Bank, the quickest way to reach them is by telephone – the team will put you in touch with someone who can give you a voucher:

tel:07852 783363.

The Oakham distribution centre is open:

Monday, 1pm to 2.30pm

Friday, 10am to 11.30am

If you need help in accessing the Food Bank please contact the North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme 07825 697841 or

Food Bank Donations

There have been enquires from residents about donating to the Rutland Food Bank. There has been a big increase in requests for help and donations are welcome.

If you would like to donate then donations can be left in a receptacle that will be inside the Telephone Box in Church St.. A resident in the village works at the Food Bank and will deliver them to their premises.

Some items are always in demand but others vary over time and these will be updated. The list below indicate the donations that are most useful.

The foodbank always runs low on the following items:

  • Sponge puddings
  • Tins of potatoes
  • Tins of carrots
  • Cereal Bars
  • Packets of Sugar

Running low at present:

  • Deodorants
  • Washing up liquid
  • Toothpaste for children
  • UHT milk
  • Tins of tomatoes

Happy Easter

 A Very Happy Easter,
with hope for everyone to keep their neighbours safe & well.

Small chocolate eggs can be had for the taking beside the cross which is
situated near the zebra crossing.

All eggs in foil which is untouched by human hand, sanitised & can be
easily picked up by its own cocktail stick!

Thanks from the Parish Church to Colin Heasell for some of the wood, to
John Dyckhoff for making the cross & to Lilliane Coogan for some of the
fabric flowers.

Empingham Surgery: Prescription Collection Update

We now have a twice weekly prescription collection scheduled with Empingham Medical Centre. We will collect from them after 4pm on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. 

The surgery have requested that any repeat prescriptions are notified 1 week in advance and not 72 hours as has previously been the case (You do not need to do this if your repeat prescription is automatically renewed each month).  This is to enable them to provide the key service that we all need so please help them by adhering to this.

If you let the good neighbours scheme know when you have submitted your prescription we can collect for you during the Wednesday or Friday afternoon pick-up. Email or call 07825 697841. Please leave your name as the surgery knows it, address, telephone number, whether you are exempt from charges or have a prepayment certificate, and your date of birth (requested by the surgery to make it quicker for them to process).

If you have an emergency prescription this can be collected any day by contacting us as above.

Thank you