Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK


Rutland Squash club is soon to start its new season and are always on the look for new members to join the league. We play at Uppingham school, all abilities welcome, membership is super cheap, very friendly bunch, great exercise and lots of fun!
Check out for more info.
Added bonus: if you join before Nov 30th you’ll get at £10 voucher for the Vaults pub in Uppingham!


The Good Companions Club is arranging a weekly “winter warmer drop in” at the Community Centre during the winter period, starting from Thursday 12th January, and thereafter every Thursday through to the 2nd March, between 1pm and 3pm.  We want to offer somewhere warm and inviting for anyone that wants to come along, with the promise of free tea/coffee/cake…and a great way to enjoy the company of fellow villagers.  If you have a jigsaw puzzle or reading books you’d like to swap, play cards and board games, or simply to spend a couple of hours in a warm place… it’s entirely up to you.  All are welcome, just come along on the day.

For anyone that would be willing to volunteer in helping out it would be hugely appreciated, please speak to Alison on 07769 322551 for more details.

Reminder – Chater Community Choir’s Christmas Performance is tomorrow evening…

Please join us to support our Rutland Foodbank Fundraiser Christmas Concert – followed by delicious mulled wine & mince pies in South Luffenham’s cosy Village Hall.

Tickets available on the door on the night😊

New NL Benefice Magazine Correspondent Needed!

Due to relocation out of the area, our current Magazine correspondent for North Luffenham – Liz Ritchie – is stepping down and we therefore need someone to take on the role.

This involves collating the information sent in regarding events & club activities being held within the village as well as any other relevant information. This is not an onerous task and is also a great way to get to know more people within the village! It requires about one half day per month and the odd phone call to event organisers.

Our thanks to Liz for all her hard work over the past year and we wish her & Jim all the best in their new adventure ‘up north’!

The deadline for the January issue of the magazine falls mid-month, on 15th December so it would be great to have someone in place by then.

Meanwhile, if anyone would like to know more about the role please contact Liz Ritchie before December 5th on 01780 720210 or email

Chater Community Choir’s Christmas Concert – tickets now available from a choir member near you!

After a successful Spring concert taking the total raised for charities over £23,000 since being formed in 2012, Chater Community Choir will be giving their seasonal concert, ‘This Christmas Night’, at South Luffenham Parish Church on Friday 9th December at 7:30pm. The choir will be supporting the Rutland Food Bank, which along with helping local people with food poverty are wanting to donate each family they help with a warm blanket this winter.

After the concert there will be the opportunity to enjoy a mince pie or two and a glass of festive cheer in the Village Hall.

Tickets are £10 and are available from Tracy Steward on 01780 729006 or  

Compost, Feeds & Fertilisers – your opportunity to learn about developments in this specialist area – join David Coop from Westland speaking @ the North Luffenham Garden Club meeting this Wednesday 9th November @ 7pm

Reminder to members & open to non-members on the night for a one-off admission fee of £5.

North Luffenham Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan has been developed by North Luffenham Parish Council. The next stage of the process is a formal, six week, consultation on the draft plan.

The consultation period will run from 23rd August to 4th October 2022

This is the opportunity for villagers and other stakeholders to comment on the overall plan, and specifically on the planning policies included in the plan.

Please note the consultation goes live on the website on the 23rd August.


The weather’s forecast to be fair, the ladies of Luffenham are busy baking summer treats and the ingredients for the jugs of Pimms are ready & waiting to be blended for you to enjoy a relaxing afternoon @ the Cricket Pavilion. Do come along and while away an hour, chatting to friends old & new whilst raising much-needed funds for our local Charity – The Rutland Food Bank.

North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme

At the recent meeting there a number of volunteers came forward and the scheme remains viable. If anybody was unable to attend the meeting but would still be interested in volunteer please contact Hilary Smith:

If help is needed the contact number for NLGNS is 07825 697841

North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme: Reminder.

A reminder about the meeting to present how the GNS works is being held this Wednesday evening ( June 29th) in  the Community Centre at 7pm. It should only take an hour. 

Please come and hear about this voluntary scheme which is not too demanding but does fulfil an  important function in our community.

Reminder – Garden Club Meeting this Wednesday 8th June @ 7pm

This month we welcome our local Bee Expert, Mike Wyatt. Mike has lived in the village for many years and you will have seen him walking the lanes in his bee overalls – well now’s the the opportunity to find all about what he does and how you can help our bee community 😊

In addition, there will be the popular Garden Club Lottery plus signing up for July trip to Oundle and the beautiful Foxtail Lilly Gardens (Cutting Flower Garden & Vintage Florist). Please remember to bring cash for both… £2 per ball & £10 for the Trip on 13th July.

For further information about Foxtail Lilly – please see

New members still welcome to join on the night 👍

Successful Garden Club Plant Sale

We are delighted to report that the Plant Sale at The Fox on Saturday was really well attended and a great success.

A big thank you to the people who worked hard behind the scenes to grow, deliver & arrange the stock for the day, and to those who came along to support the event.

For folks who missed it, here’s a video of our Garden Club Chairman – Shaun Ryan – introducing the Sale & all the plants on offer😁…

We have set up an honesty box to give good homes to any remaining plants; you’ll find these available to purchase in the new outdoor covered courtyard area of The Fox; please give generously😊 & thanks again for your support.

Remaining Plants @ The Fox with Honesty Box…

Chater Bowls Summer Season 2022

Chater Bowling Club will be open from PM Monday 25th April, with the first Club roll up schedule for the afternoon of 26th.

This Summer sees the Commonwealth Games being held in Birmingham, with Lawn Bowling being one of the sports being played. So, come along to see how the game is played, impress your friends with you knowledge and improve you enjoyment of watching the game on TV. As well as getting some gentle exercise.

If you fancy playing or learning to play bowls this Summer come on down to the clubhouse on Pinfold Lane or contact me on

Alan Costello, Secretary