Category Archives: General News

General news & information from the surrounding area.

Chater Community Choir’s Christmas Concert – tickets now available from a choir member near you!

After a successful Spring concert taking the total raised for charities over £23,000 since being formed in 2012, Chater Community Choir will be giving their seasonal concert, ‘This Christmas Night’, at South Luffenham Parish Church on Friday 9th December at 7:30pm. The choir will be supporting the Rutland Food Bank, which along with helping local people with food poverty are wanting to donate each family they help with a warm blanket this winter.

After the concert there will be the opportunity to enjoy a mince pie or two and a glass of festive cheer in the Village Hall.

Tickets are £10 and are available from Tracy Steward on 01780 729006 or  

Compost, Feeds & Fertilisers – your opportunity to learn about developments in this specialist area – join David Coop from Westland speaking @ the North Luffenham Garden Club meeting this Wednesday 9th November @ 7pm

Reminder to members & open to non-members on the night for a one-off admission fee of £5.

North Luffenham 1st Ever Pantomime!

What a way to kick off the Christmas festivities for this year. A newly commissioned lightweight pantomime especially for North Luffenham is now written and all we need is a cast! We have had several people come forward already but to make this happen we would love more people to come forward to take part. It will be a one off special at a the Fox on 16th December so the time scale is short.
The really important thing here is that you just need enthusiasm and certainly the level of acting skill required will not be high! If you ever took part in your school nativity play you will most likely have about the right skill level, especially if you were a sheep or something similar!
It promises to be great fun for all taking part so please do volunteer. We are holding a first meeting for anyone interested in taking part or helping out at 7.00 in The Fox this Thursday 3rd November.
More news will appear here as it did with the platinum jubilee.
In the meantime please put a date in your diary for 16th December for the Great North Luffenham Pantomime,
If you would like to assist but can’t make this Thursday pleases email me at to let me know.
Here’s looking forward to a really great fun event.

Please do not trespass on private lands

The owners of the Water Gardens and fields below to the south have reported an increase in people trespassing on their land. They also report dogs being let off leads and dog mess not being picked up.

The Water Gardens and fields are private property and should not be entered unless given permission by the owners.

Residents are asked to keep to the footpaths, keep dogs on lead and clear up after them.

Community Safety Officer

There have been a number of upsetting incidents of antisocial and criminal behaviour in the village over recent times. The police have been involved and steps have been taken to deal with them.

If any resident has concerns, or has noticed suspicious behaviour, then the Community Centre Officer at Rutland Council can be conctacted: Any information supplied is confidential.

Extension to the Neighbourhood Plan Consultation.

The Consultation has been extended to the 14th October 2022; due to the death of the Queen and the period of mourning there were some loss of days and focus on the consultation.

There are already responses that potentially will result in alterations to the Plan, and so do not feel that the plan is a “Done Deal”, the Parish Council values your input, particularly your comments and will assess all input before finalising the plan. It will then be submitted to RCC and the Official Inspector.

The Plan and supporting documents, plus the online form for responses and comments can be found here:

Neighbourhood Plan | North Luffenham

Over £400 raised at MacMillan Coffee Morning

From Deb King: A huge THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our MacMillan Coffee Morning last Friday. We raised £405! Whether you popped in for a cuppa, baked a cake, or dropped an envelope in – thank you. This amount helps to provide 2 days care from a MacMillan nurse.

Special thanks to helpers, Daphne, Ann and Margaret who did a fantastic job.

If you would like to make a contribution – there’s still time. You can donate online at the following webpage –

Rutland and Stamford Sound – Local Radio over the Internet

For those of you missing the local information and characters of Rutland Radio after it was absorbed into Greatest Hits Radio, you may not be aware that Rob Persani and the team started an Internet Radio station – Rutland and Stamford Sound.

This is available over the Internet, via their web site, a mobile phone app, and via Alexa and other smart speakers.

You can find more information at their web site :

MacMillan Coffee Morning – Bede House Farm, North Luffenham

Please join our MacMillan Coffee Morning on

Friday 30th September, 10am – 12pm

Bede House Farm, Lyndon Road, North Luffenham

Coffee, Tea, Cakes & Biscuits

All Welcome – Please bring cash donation

If you can’t make it but would still like to contribute to this worthy cause, please contact

Consultation: Still time to take part.

Many thanks to all those who have taken part in the consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan. There is still time to take part; the consultation form and supporting documents are on the website

The paper copies that were distributed can still be returned in the stamped addressed envelope; if you have mislaid this than please contact and a replacement can be delivered.