This photo was taken by Pam Plant and was used for the May entry in the “Around Our Village” 2014 Calendar produced by the North Luffenham Camera Club

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What’s on in North Luffenham during May 2014
Thurs 1st
Chater Bowls Club meets every Tuesday at 2 p.m. and Thursday at 6 p.m. New members are always welcome – just turn up or contact us for more information.
Knit & Natter from 7:30pm to 9:30pm please contact Liliane Coogan for details of venue.
Mon 5th
North Luffenham Junior Cricket Coaching takes place on the Oval Monday nights from 6-7pm. We welcome all ages from 6-11 years. Our popular “Tuck shop” is also back!
Tues 6th
Chater Bowls Club meet at 2pm
Thurs 8th
Chater Bowls Club meet at 6pm
Knit & Natter from 7:30pm to 9:30pm please contact Liliane Coogan for details of venue. Garden Club talk on ‘Orchids‘, starts at 7:30pm in the Community Centre.
Mon 12th
Junior Cricket Coaching 6 to 7pm.
Art Group meets at 12:45pm in the community centre, the subject will include landscape, street scenes with an emphasis on painting plein air.
Tues 13th
Chater Bowls Club meet at 2pm
Thurs 15th
Chater Bowls Club meet at 6pm
Knit & Natter from 7:30pm to 9:30pm please contact Liliane Coogan for details of venue.
Mon 19th
Junior Cricket Coaching 6 to 7pm.
Art Group meets at 12:45pm in the community centre, the subject will include landscape, street scenes with an emphasis on painting plein air.
Tues 20th
Chater Bowls Club meet at 2pm.
Bell Ringers will be restarting our monthly bell ringing practise on Tuesday 20th May. We start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.00pm. Ringers from the local area come along to enjoy the North Luffenham bells. If anyone is interested in seeing the bells being rung, or would like to consider taking up bell ringing, they are more than welcome to pay us a visit.
Camera club meeting at Community Centre from 8pm.
Thurs 22nd
Chater Bowls Club meet at 6pm
Knit & Natter from 7:30pm to 9:30pm please contact Liliane Coogan for details of venue.
Mon 26th
Junior Cricket Coaching 6 to 7pm.
Tues 27th
Chater Bowls Club meet at 2pm
Thurs 29th
Chater Bowls Club meet at 6pm
Knit & Natter from 7:30pm to 9:30pm please contact Liliane Coogan for details of venue.
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