Author Archives: Parish Clerk

North Luffenham Parish Council (Trustee) meeting: 4th December 2017

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field) will be on Monday, 4th December 2017, immediately following the Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre. The Agenda and associated paper are listed below.

Community News

The Parish Council has been asked to share information that may be of interest to residents in our community.  Visit the sites below to find out more:

Rutland South Crime Report for September 2017

Latest Rutland South Crime Report for September 2017 received from PC Icke.

  • 2nd 10:25 – 3rd 17:25 – Burglary Dwelling Church Lane Lyddington – Flat instrument used to force utility window – selective search, pillar case used to remove items – exit via rear door.
  • 4th – North Luffenham – 08:45- 09:00 – Vehicle left unattended whilst parent takes child into school, on their return vehicle found with scratch to front side wing.
  • 5th  Empingham road, Normanton, between 14:00 -15:00 vehicle left unattended at side of the road, on owners return passenger window found smashed and items stolen.
  • 6th-7th Aldgate Ketton – 20:30 – 08:00 –  JCB left secure in compound. Between relevant times person/s unknown cause damage to vehicle by smashing rear window by unknown means, no attempt to gain entry to the vehicle. No suspects/witnesses.
  • 8th – 20:00 – 08:00 Manor Green Ketton – Theft of 2 mountain bikes from rear garden.
  • 8th -13th –Empingham Road Ketton  – notice board damaged by persons unknown who have melted a hole in the Perspex and written graffiti on it with black marker pen with the words ”admin crew”
  • 18th – Digby Drive North Luffenham – Overnight theft from van with tools being stolen.
  • 22nd-25th – Tixover – Theft of gates and pens for sheep handling.
  • 23rd – Ketton  –  Burglary dwelling – Between 19:30-10:30 re patio door glass smashed and entry gained.
  • 29th  – Dewyes Close North Luffenham – overnight unknown persons have stolen items from rear garden.

Current local priorities:
The issues identified are includes Hare coursing, criminal damage to land and crops, and theft. This is an issue for the rural community and we will look to conduct regular targeted patrols and joint cross border work with Lincolnshire police around this issue and through Op Galileo.


North Luffenham Parish Council (Trustee) meeting: 4th September 2017

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field) will be on Monday, 4th September 2017, immediately following the Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre. The Agenda and associated paper are listed below.

Are you eligible for 30 hours free childcare?

From September 2017 onwards, working parents with children aged three and four
may be eligible for 30 hours of free childcare. It is important that parents check their
eligibility and register as soon as possible to secure their place.

If you would more information or would like to find out if you are eligible, please:

New council ward boundaries for Rutland

You may be aware that the Local Government Boundary Commission is asking local people for their help to draw up a new pattern of council wards for Rutland County Council and are holding a consultation that will run from Tuesday 25th July to Monday 2nd October.

The consultation is the first part of an electoral review which will re-draw ward boundaries across the area with the aim of ensuring that each councillor represents roughly the same number of voters. The review also aims to ensure that the new council wards reflect, as far as possible, the interests and identities of communities across Rutland. Please note that the commission has recommended that the number of councillors should remain the same.

Find out how you can put forward your views and ideas:

Consultation on the Future of Healthwatch Services for Rutland

Rutland County Council are undertaking a joint consultation with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council to consider our options for the future provision of Healthwatch services in each of the local authority areas from April 2018.

They have jointly produced an online survey to collect views from the public and professionals alike – both those who currently use Healthwatch services and those who might wish to in the future.  Hard copies of the consultation will also be available at GP surgeries and libraries across Rutland.

The survey is open from Tuesday 1st August to Friday 8th September at: