Category Archives: General News

General news & information from the surrounding area.

Rutland South Crime report for June 2021

1st  – Lyndon nature reserve – 16.20 –  unknown person/s have smashed the rear window and stolen items listed. (Perpetrators may have been watching items being placed into boot area)

3rd – Tinwell  – Burglary – whilst owner on holiday someone has gained entry gained via smashing side door window. Nothing stolen

3rd – Caldecott – Theft attempt to gain entry to an empty church donation box.

3rd  – Ridlington  – theft of tools  – suspect to be interviewed .

5th –  Lyndon – 14.20  Rutland water vehicle parked up has window smashed and items stolen. (Please remove items prior to arriving as perpetrator may be watching you).

7th – Bisbrooke – theft of items from driveway. (If you leave it on show it will go)

10th – Ketton – 23:02  – Owner wakes up after hearing her car windows being smashed and car driving off.

14th – Stoke Dry – person dealt with for possession of cannabis.

15th Empingham – assault

22nd – Banking protocol on elderly victim after receiving a phone call – (attempt)

26th  – Ketton  – Theft of land rover defender from driveway

26th – Ridlington – Overnight – Theft of Landrover defender doors that was parked at rear of property. 

As part of our ongoing drive to reduce demand did you know that you can report a “NONE EMERGENCY” crime and find lots of useful information on our new improved web site.

Anyone for Circuit Training or Tai Chi?

We are thinking of setting up a weekly circuit training class and weekly Tai Chi sessions in South Luffenham Village Hall. Please send an email to if you are interested in coming along so we can gauge if the classes would be viable.

Want to start a new club or group of your own?

South Luffenham Village Hall can offer complimentary hire to help get your group or club off the ground to a flying start. For details email

Come Walking!

Why not join a Benefice ramble on the following Monday mornings:

June 21st from Empingham church  to Mill Lane, Hereward Way and return on the Ketton Road (climbing  over ONE stile)

July 5th from Lyndon church walking towards Wing, then towards Manton and back to Lyndon (on public footpath and some minor roads)

July 19th from Lyndon church walking towards North Luffenham and return on the same road back to Lyndon church

August 2nd from Manton church towards railway bridge and Manton Bay

All are welcome! Further walks will be arranged and volunteers to lead later expeditions would be most welcome.

 Any questions? Please email: http://Liliane Coogan

Community Centre Update

The Community Centre (CC) has been refurbished along with the kitchen being upgraded and it’s management has been undertaken by North Luffenham Parish Council. A Community Centre Committee has been formed and it aims to  provide a vibrant and  user friendly Community Centre that will be an attractive venue for the community in which to have meetings and events.

There are plans to enhance the facilities within the CC to give it a welcoming feel and enhanced IT which could be useful for meetings.

The CC can be booked for meetings;  please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

Under present restrictions all meetings have to follow the risk assessment for Covid  and agree to the conditions of hire.

Come Walking

Why not join a Benefice ramble on the following Monday mornings:

June 7th from Empingham church to Horn Mill and Loves Lane appr. 2.5 miles (climbing over ONE stile)

June 21st from Empingham church  to Mill Lane, Hereward Way and return on the Ketton Road (climbing  over ONE stile)

July 5th from Lyndon church walking towards Wing, then towards Manton and back to Lyndon (on public footpath and some minor roads)

July 19th from Lyndon church walking towards North Luffenham and return on the same road back to Lyndon church

All are welcome! Further walks will be arranged and volunteers to lead later expeditions would be most welcome.

 Any questions?  Please email: Liliane Coogan

Funding of The North and South Luffenham Bench Project.

North and South Luffenham Parish Council would like to thank those who have pledged monies for the benches. Enough has so far been raised to fund two of the four benches. If you wish to support this project please contact the North Luffenham Parish Clerk at

Rutland Walking Cycling and Outdoor Festival

Rutland Walking Cycling and Outdoor Festival 29 May – 13 June

A range of virtual challenges and activities to get involved in, at your own pace and in your own time. Activities will be regularly added to our website throughout the 2 week festival, including family fun activities, local walking and cycling routes, outdoor spaces, local club activities, workplace wellbeing and more. Find out more by visiting the Active Rutland website:

Face to face festival activities are planned for later this year, if you would like to be added to our mailing list for updates please let me know. If you are part of a club/group/organisation that would like to be involved in our festival later this year, please get in touch.

If you or someone you know takes part in any activities across the 2 weeks, don’t forget to take some photos and send them in to us or let us know what you had a go at.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

Many thanks,


Danielle Adams | Active Rutland Officer

Rutland County Council

Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP

t: 01572 720936 | 07765 770930


RCC Road Closure notices

Please find attached Notice’s and accompanying plans in respect of the Temporary Road Closures in the above areas in Rutland which will come into effect from 03/06/2021 to 05/06/2021.

Plans of the proposed closures and their associated diversion routes are included in the attached documents for your reference.

It is anticipated the works will only be in place for a few hours at each location and only one site will be worked on at a time.