Category Archives: Local Business

Keep up to date with news from local businesses in North Luffenham.

Lovely Yoga Faces!

A Face Lift Yoga workshop was held in the sunny Inspire2tri studio on Saturday 20th April for people to try out yoga and learn about the benefits of yoga for the face.

A talk was included highlighting the negative effects of stress on the skin and face muscles and the session ended with a guided relaxation exercise.

Yoga Smiley Faces

This photo shows the lovely ladies of the Manton group basking in the sunshine with their faces all a-glow following the massage and yoga exercises.

The workshop was organised and ran by yoga teacher Deb King of Do-Yoga!

Find out about further workshops and regular classes held at their website –

Anyone for Petanque?

PetanqueThe Petanque season got underway Tuesday evening, seeing us at home in a cup match. Sadly, we had to give a game away and lost as we were a player short. So, if anyone fancies trundling out on a summer’s evening and trying their hand at it, please let us know.

The weekly quiz saw a guest quiz person! Kay took over the running of the quiz last night and did an excellent job. It enabled me to have a go at answering the questions for a change. Have to admit to being on the winning team 😉

The next monthly quiz is on April 21st and we’d love to see you here.

New garden furniture has arrived and we have some giant dominoes and a connect four type game for the children (whatever age!) to play. All we need now is summer!

Following Sian’s illness, the kitchen will be open as normal from Friday evening.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Sian George and Maz, The Fox and Hounds

Easter Car Boot Sale raises £242 for Charity

First of all a huge thank you to everyone who came along on such a bitterly cold day to buy and/or sell at the car boot sale here on Easter Monday. With the money from the pitches and the raffle we held for the Tower of Temptation, (won by Tracy Bannister) we raised a little over £242!! Thank you everyone.

Wednesday quiz was interesting! Seems Anty’s Mob are great quizzers but no good at maths, so initially, they were announced to have come last with Alzheimers first and the Old Contemptibles in second place again. Anty then realised they’d not added their score correctly ( and I put my hand up to admit my shame in not double checking as I always do!) so they tied with the Alzheimers! Several tie-break questions later, Anty’s Mob were again victorious. Looking forward to next weeks quiz as one of Anty’s Mob has volunteered to write the questions so I can take part! (thanks Kay).

Many thanks for your continued support. It means so much to us all.

Sian, George & Maz x, Fox and Hounds

Mob Rule

Dominoes had their last shuffle this week in a cup match which they sadly lost.

Anti’s Mob won the weekly quiz this week, with The Old Contemptibles second and Alzheimers third.

Easter Monday sees our car boot sale in aid of the M.S. Trust. Pitches £5 pre- booked or £7 on the day. A barbecue will be available, regardless of the weather but let’s hope it at least stays dry.

Sian, George & Maz, Fox and Hounds

Have you pre-booked your pitch for the Easter Car Boot Sale?

Another month has gone by and the winners of our monthly quiz were Anty’s Mob with KCMS second.

Both the quiz and domino teams scored a victory this week. End of the season for the quiz so we’ll be starting Petanque very soon.

The weekly quiz was won by Alzheimers (by ONE point from Anty’s mob.)

Hopefully we will see the back of this snow very soon and the Easter Monday car boot sale can go ahead as planned – without getting cold and wet!  Save £2 and book your pitch in advance.

Tickets still available for the beautiful Lindt chocolate presentation boxes. £1 each, all money to go to the MS Trust as will the car boot pitch money.

Hope to see you over the Easter period if not before.

Sian, George & Maz, the Fox and Hounds

Easter Monday Car Boot Sale

Quiz team scored a resounding victory over The Noel Arms this week. This was their pen-ultimate game of the season, so we’ll soon be playing Petanque on Tuesdays 🙂

The weekly quiz was won by Anty’s Mob this week, closely followed by The Alzheimers then The Old Contemptibles. Great night, full of fun. Just how it should be!

Easter Monday we are hosting a Car Boot Sale at the pub from 11 am – 4 pm. (Gates not open before 10 am!) Pitches are £5 pre-booked or £7 on the day and all the money from the pitches will go to the M.S. Trust. We are also doing a barbecue that day – regardless of the weather!

We have donated a beautiful four-tiered collection of Lindt chocolates with three small bottles of wine. Raffle tickets are available as of now, priced at £1. Again, all the money raised will go to the M.S. Trust.

Please call us to reserve a pitch on 01780 721667 and/or pop in to buy the raffle tickets. The draw for this will take place during the day Easter Monday.

Sian, George & Maz, The Fox and Hounds.

Anyone for Scrabble?

Been a busy and competitive week here at The Fox & Hounds!

Saturday saw the mixed double Valentine’s dart match with Ellen & Tom winning the first prize, runners up were Kay & Mike.

Sunday was the monthly quiz, well attended and won by The Turkey Giblets with the Bates Band second.

The league quizzers scored a victory but sadly the dominoes lost.

Thursday evening saw the Knit & Natter group meeting as usual and the monthly meeting of the Book Club.

We’ve been asked if we could start a Scrabble Club, and of course, yes we can! Looking like Monday evenings, starting in March. Please pop in or contact us to join in.

This Monday (25th Feb) we’re holding a Body Shop party from 7.30pm. Please come along and feel free to bring some friends.

As always, thank you for your continued support. It is much appreciated.

Sian, George & Maz, Fox and Hounds

Contented Old Contemptibles

It is with HUGE pleasure that we announce that last night’s weekly quiz was won by The Old Contemptibles. After languishing in last place most weeks, to see them win on a tie-break was a fantastic! Well done! Anti’s Mob lost out on the tie-break, followed by Alzheimers, then the Quizzards and last but not least, the Lone Ranger.

The monthly quiz is happening this Sunday (17th) and we look forward to seeing you there or at the mixed doubles darts match on Saturday (16th).

Pub domino team claimed another victory this week but the quiz team lost out again.

Thank you for your continuing support.
Sian, George & Maz, Fox and Hounds

Valentine’s Darts

Domino team scored a win this week after last weeks loss. The quiz team lost by ONE point after last weeks win!

Last weeks winners of the Wednesday quiz were the Alzheimers, who this week were beaten into last place by the Old Contemptibles with Anty’s mob winning again.

Due to lack of support, the Thursday coffee mornings have come to a close. If there’s anything anyone would like us to try, please let us know.

We have been toying with the idea of running a weight management support group. No weekly fees or weigh-in, just a get together of like-minded people who can share tips, advice, support and encouragement. If this sounds what you’re looking for, would you prefer daytime or evenings? Please let us know. Don’t be shy!

Feb 16th we’re holding a mixed double Valentines dart match. Pairs must be one male, one female! £2 per person to enter and the winners will win a cash prize. Doesn’t matter if you’re not very good, just come along and give it a go and have fun!

The following evening (Feb 17th) is the monthly quiz. Teams of no more than four, £1 per person to enter and as usual, there are cash prizes.

Looking forward to seeing you at one or more of these events.

Sian, George & Maz

via Maz, Fox and Hounds

Fox and Hounds Update (week 1 & 2, 2013)

Quiz and domino teams had a rest over the festive period but started back again this week. The quiz team were home and won and the domino team were away and lost 🙁

The weekly quiz was not held on Boxing day, but was won by The Alzheimer’s team last week after four tie-break questions! And by Anty’s team this week. Seems they are determined to share he spoils between them, not giving The Old Contemptibles, The Coogies, Matthew and The Apprentice or Annonymous the chance.

So, if you think you’re up for the challenge, Wednesday evenings, 8.30 (prompt) for £1 pp entry (+ £3.50 if you fancy a light supper) , come along and give them a run for their money!

The monthly quiz is on this Sunday (13th) 8 pm start. £1 pp entry and a maximum of FOUR players to a team please.

Thursday coffee mornings are still running.

via Maz, Fox and Hounds

Pub Quiz results and Christmas Greetings

This week saw the first loss of the season for the domino team but a win again for the quiz team.

The weekly quiz was won by Anty’s Mob with The Old Comtempitble’s dragging themselves off the bottom slot for the first time and coming a very respectable second. (Alzheimer’s and Coogies third and fourth respectively)

Looking forward to the carol’s around the tree tomorrow (Dec 21st) followed by the Christmas draw later in the evening.

We’d like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy, health new year. Thank you all for the support you’ve given us over the last three months.

from Sian, George & Maz, Fox & Hounds

Christmas Quiz, Carols and Draw

Been an odd week here at the Fox & Hounds (even by our standards!).

The monthly quiz was very well supported yet again and was won by first-timers, The Mikado’s.

The domino team had their match re-arranged to next week but the quiz team were again victorious!

There was no weekly quiz this week as we had a large Christmas party booked but it will return on 19th December with a hint of Christmas about it.

Friday 21st we will be doing our Christmas draw. Tickets are still available for 50p and ALL money goes to the prizes. The Draw will be at approx 9.30pm after Carols around the tree starting at 7.30pm. Everyone is most welcome, children included for the carols.

via Maz, Fox & Hounds

First Coffee Morning and Quiz update

Domino AND quiz teams scored wins on Tuesday evening.

Alzheimers Corner reclaimed their number one spot at the weekly quiz.

Sunday 9th Dec is our monthly quiz. Maximum of four to a team for that but still £1 pp entry.

We’ve just finished our first coffee morning and it was lovely! We open just before nine on Thursdays for teas/coffees and home made cakes. Happy to see anyone that fancies a warm and a natter.

via Maz, Fox and Hounds

Pub Quiz update – Weds 28th Nov

Domino team had a bye this week but the quiz were away at Langham. Sadly they again came home defeated. We discovered new champs at the weekly quiz though. Anty & Them beat Alzheimer’s Corner and The Old Contemptibles by several points.

Both domino and quiz teams are at home this coming week and the weekly quiz is on Wednesday as usual.

From December 1st we will be running the Christmas draw. Buy a square for 50p. Draw night on Dec 21st after Carols Round the Tree.

via Maz, The Fox and Hounds

Pub Quiz and Dominoes

Domino team were victorious (as usual!) this week whilst the quiz team took a severe pounding!

The weekly quiz was won (again!) by The Alzheimer’s. We need a team to stop them! Next quiz Wednesday Nov 28th starting at 8.30. £1 entry per person. Plus, £3.50 if you’d like a light supper (veggie option always available).

There will be no quiz on Wednesday December 12th as we have a large party booked in for a Christmas meal.

via: Maz, The Fox and Hounds