Lest we forget.
Thinking of the men who died for our way of life from RAF North Luffenham and RAF Woolfox Lodge, local resident Gareth Jones is looking at how the heritage of these battlefields can be recognised.
Gareth has researched the background of the airmen buried in North Luffenham churchyard, and has recorded them on his website
You may be interested in his blog and some amazing stories documented there.

The WW2 men resting in the North Luffenham churchyard are a minor sample from Bomber Command war, where 55,500 aircrew died and 8403 were wounded. Not known is how many RAF and WRAF lost their lives on the ground. There are also 11 war graves at North Luffenham from the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1952, 53 and 54 in the Cold War.
We will remember them. Please contact me if you are interested or have any stories to add. http://www.rafnorthluffenhamheritage.me.uk/?p
You may also recall the previous posts on the website recording the men from North Luffenham who died during World War 1
I see that you have an interest in woolfox aerodrome. My father lived in a house right adjacent to the end of the runway there during the war and when he was a child. He used to tell us about a German plane crashing nearby. He was at the scene and managed to get hold of a German dagger inscribed with ‘Blut und Ehre’. His father was a shepherd. They were eventually moved by officials for being too close to the airdrome. When we were children our parents used to take us to the abandoned aerodrome where we used to pick buckets full of blackberries from bays off the runway. We also occasionally used to play in the old control tower but it always felt a bit spooky so we didn’t go often.