Author Archives: Parish Clerk

COVID-19 RCC newsletter 5

Dear resident,

I hope you are keeping well and cheerful.  It is good to see so many smiling faces when I take my daily constitutional.  Just two points today.  First, if you are clearing out please keep anything destined for the dump/charity shop till all our systems are back in operation.  Do NOT put extra bags out for the bin men.  Our refuse collectors are working under extreme difficulties at the moment and have been instructed to empty bins only.  They will NOT take additional bags. The second is that, as you know, children’s play areas are out of bounds but some anti-social people have been removing/damaging the signs which have been put out to explain this.  If you spot signs which are damaged/missing please contact your parish council. Look after yourself and if you need to contact me, or just want a chat, the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Covid-19 RCC Newsletter 4

Dear resident,

It is now official, there has been a recorded case of Coronavirus in a Rutland resident.  We in Rutland are not immune from this disease so I would urge you to take self-isolation and social distancing seriously.    This means restricting visiting a shop to not more than once a week, having shopping delivered if possible, using your village’s prescription collection service to reduce the numbers going to the surgeries and pharmacies, and staying indoors.  Some people have to go out to work, of course, and we are all allowed out for daily exercise but one session of daily exercise is just that.  It’s not a bike ride/jog in the morning and a walk with the family or dog in the afternoon; it is one or the other and walking your dog is your daily exercise as well as the dog’s!  It has been reported that young people have been seen playing football on our village open spaces.  This is not acceptable because it is impossible to play football and maintain the 2 meter social distance required by Government and it is enabling cross family mixing, again not recommended.  Don’t let your children and grandchildren out to play with other families till all this is over and if you see any football or other games going on, feel free to challenge the players.  The latest modelling suggests the death toll in the UK from Covid-19 will be lower that first feared, largely because of the success of self-isolation and social distancing but we all need to keep it up.  Look after yourself and if you need to contact me, or just want a chat, the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Oval Use – Social distancing and gatherings of more than 2 people

It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that there was a a group of children playing football on the Oval Recreation Ground this afternoon. We would kindly request that this does not happen again in accordance with the Government’s current guidelines. The more that people follow the current advice then hopefully the current restrictions will be lifted.

Thank you North Luffenham Parish Council

Rutland Water Benefice; a message from Rev. Pippa Madgwick

Sadly we are no longer permitted to keep the church building open, but Church is not buildings, Church is the Christian community.  Rev. Pippa will be conducting a Service this coming Sunday for the whole of the Benefice at 0930hrs. It will be accessible on the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook page as a Watch Party. It has the options of being listened to, or joined interactively. It is very easy to access, but to do so you must be on Facebook and then join the Rutland Water Benefice group. And if you are not a Facebook person, joining both Facebook and the Group is easy!

To join Facebook, search for Facebook, answer a few questions, provide a password and there you are.

Then, search for The Rutland Water Benefice 

To request to join the The Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group, “Press Join”..

You will then become a member of the group – it may take half a day to add to you or far far less !

You will then have access to the Watch Party ready for Sunday 0930hrs

Please spread the News of the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook page as it is updated daily and a valuable source of Christian fellowship locally.

Covid-19 RCC Newsletter 3

Dear resident,

This is my third note during these difficult times and this time it is a plea.  Many people, understandably, are taking this period of forced isolation to have a good clear out.  That’s great but please store what you want to dispose of until the municipal waste sites and charity shops re-open.  Both were closed partly because of the need for social distancing but mainly because of the risk of staff becoming infected from the virus being on the goods disposed of/donated.  DO NOT leave goods outside the closed charity shops.  The charities will not be collecting these donations and their removal will be the responsibility of refuse collectors/street cleaners, both of whom will be at risk if the bags are contaminated.  Thank you for your co-operation.

We have all witnessed the courage of NHS staff, albeit for most of us through the medium of our TV screens.  We recognise their dedication and the risks to their own health this brings.  Can we also remember the dedication of staff working for Rutland County Council and give them a “thank you” too.  Like all employers Rutland Council has adopted home working where possible but not all staff can work from home nor follow safe working practices such as social distancing.  Staff answering your calls are in the office, refuse collectors cannot keep a safe distance from each other as they dispose of our waste and social workers, RCC’s Admiral Nurses and so on still visit people in their homes and like health service colleagues do not always have sufficient personal protective equipment.  So, if you see any of these folk going about their work give them a cheery wave –from a safe distance, of course!

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

COVID-19 RCC Newsletter 2

Dear resident,

This is my second note during these difficult times.  Rutland County Council has recently announced additional on line support to businesses which can be found here Rutland County Council is now part of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP so their services are open to Rutland businesses. 

Our local health providers have also set up a web site which can be accessed here Stay isolating if you can and stay safe. If you need to contact me the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Anglian Water Annoucement – Rutland Water

As you may have heard we’ve sadly made the decision to close all of our water parks, including Rutland Water, to the public along with all activities with immediate effect to help limit the spread of coronavirus. None of our car parks will be open and all tracks and gates are closed. Public access will not be permitted in any areas.

All events at our parks will be cancelled until the end of June which sadly means that the Anglian Water Music Festival will be postponed until next year. We’ll be excited to welcome festival goers to the shores of Rutland Water then, but are advising those who have bought tickets for this year’s event to choose whether to defer their booking until next year, or claim a full refund. Refunds can be claimed via Eventbrite, and if we don’t hear from ticket holders by Monday 31st August, tickets will automatically be rolled over to next year’s festival.

We would encourage everybody to follow the Government’s advice to social distance and not travel wherever possible to protect the most vulnerable in our communities.

Bus Services

Bus Services from Monday 23 March 2020 until further notice

Centrebus will be operating in Rutland as follows:

12 & 29 – For details see Centrebus website

747 – normal service

RF2 – normal service

9 – no service (see separate RCC notice)

146 – normal service

RF1 – may go to a two hourly service

47 – no service

For up to date information on all services please visit / @CentrebusLive


CallConnect services are operating as normal and the Booking Centre will open:

Mon-Fri 8.00 am – 5.00 pm

Sat 8.30 am – 4.00 pm

Tel: 0345 263 8153 / / @callconnect

The above information is subject to change

COVID – 19 RCC newsletter

Dear resident,

I hope you are well and safe at this difficult time.  Rutland County Council is rising to the challenge of delivering essential services for residents but you will find changes to what is normally provided such as the closure of the municipal waste sites.  The Council is regularly updating its Covid-19 web pages, including explaining how Government announcements, for example on business rates, is being managed.  To find out more please go to  In addition for those of you who don’t subscribe the Council produces a free regular newsletter “Your Rutland” which also carries useful information.  You can subscribe here Remember, follow the social distance advice and stay safe.  If you need to contact me the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

The Fox – Take out menu

Following the governments decision today that all pubs now need to close to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus and therefore the impact on the NHS.

As a consequence the Fox will now be closing, however Jason is going to be offering a take out service from tomorrow, Saturday 21st March 2020

For full details please see the attached leaflet

Parish Council Meetings

Following guidance from Central Government actual Parish Council meetings along with committees and working groups are to be suspended for the time being due to CORVID-19.

Central Gov’t is currently working on new legislation to allow future meetings to be held virtually. This means that the NLPC meeting scheduled for 23rd March is cancelled. Further information about the Annual Parish meeting scheduled for April and the Annual Parish Council meeting in May will follow, though at present it is likely both will be postponed to later in the year.

Dog Fouling

We recently posted an item with regard to the increase in dog mess that was being seen around the village especially in Church Street and also in close proximity to the childrens play area on the Oval. This issue is now a national campaign by ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ and they have just produced the following short video.

The Parish Council is also considering introducing a scheme run by RCC which has proved to be very successful in other parishes across Rutland. If adopted we will be looking for support from residents.

Anglian Water Music Festival – Rutland Water 13-14 June 2020

The first Anglian Water Music Festival taking place on the 13th and 14th June.

The festival is specifically aimed at families – with lots of activities around the theme of “Getting Active” – including water sports, climbing wall and nature reserve walks. We are very keen that it will be a celebration to showcase all that Rutland has to offer.

Headline acts are Scouting for Girls and The Hoosiers, but most of the supporting acts are made up of individuals and groups from across Rutland and Leicestershire. The majority of the food and drink stands will be local businesses too.

The festival will be held at Sykes Lane, so well away from the nature reserve.

Parking will be included in the ticket prices, and everything we’re doing is to try and minimise queues and disruption for the local community – people will be able to drive straight on site without having to wait at barriers to keep traffic flowing.

Our aim is to make the festival as plastic free as possible in line with our plastic pledge as a business and the way our water parks are run all year round.

Bird Scarers

North Luffenham Parish Council has received complaints that on two occasions bird scarers have been used in Ancaster Way apparently to scare away the starlings in the laurel bushes.

It is considered a criminal offence to set off fireworks in the street or other public places without permission.

Bird scarers are very loud as their purpose is to scare away birds from farm crops and in an urban setting are a nuisance and in particular cause upset to the elderly.

The Parish Council is working with Rutland County Council to try and alleviate the problem that the starlings are causing.