Author Archives: Pete Burrows

Sherlock Holmes & the Crimson Cobbles – South Luffenham Village Hall


South Luffenham Village Hall

Wednesday 18th October 7.30pm

Suitable for Adults/Family (12+)

90 minutes + interval

Tickets £10 from 01780 720687 or 01780 720112

Murder! Mystery! Mayhem! A witty, laugh-a-minute pastiche of Conan Doyle’s great detective, this fast paced, quirky and deeply daft retelling of one of the darkest times in Victorian history sees Holmes stalking Jack the Ripper in the streets of London’s East End.  Holmes and Watson are called upon to investigate the Whitechapel Murders which have recently sent shockwaves through London. Butwhen the evidence points to only one possible conclusion – that Jack the Ripper is actually Sherlock’s trusted sidekick Dr Watson – is our super sleuth prepared to believe the unbelievable? A kinetic, boisterous, joke-fuelled treat . . . tirelessly superb.

This is a brand-new Sherlock Holmes caper which brings together the world’s most famous fictional detective with infamous real-life characters and the fun comes thick and fast.

Oval Tree Inspection

The Parish Council has commissioned Rutland County Council to survey all of the trees on the Oval to review their health and ensure the safety of users of the Oval and adjacent householders.

Over the past few days the Forestry Officer from Rutland County Council has inspected all the trees on the Oval – we await his report which will be published on line in due course.

Picture – Forestry Officer and Cllr Cade, PC Vice Chair reviewing tree health.

Rutland Local Plan Review – Parish Council Response

Rutland County Council are reviewing the Local Plan in order to extend the plan period to 2036 and to provide for any additional new housing, employment or other development that may be needed over the extended plan period.

Details of the Draft Local Plan can be found at:

As Chair of the Parish Council I have drafted a response which has been circulated to all Councillors for comment. Comments received have been incorporated into our response, which is attached for residents information:

NLPC Response to Draft Local Plan

Good News – Oval Play Equipment

From Paul Cummings: PC Chairman:

The Parish Council have been advised that over the next week 3 new pieces of play equipment will be installed on The Oval. These are a Cradle Swing, a Zip Wire and a Climbing frame.

Please note that the equipment should not be used until all necessary safety checks have been completed as part of the commissioning process.

This will complete Phase 1 of the process of modernising and improving play facilities on the Oval. Much more is to be done and we are looking for volunteers to join a working group to develop ideas for the improvement of the play area.  

I am thrilled that the new equipment is now being installed and would wish to thank Cllr Steve Marson for his hard work in getting us this far – many thanks indeed.

Piano and Organ Recital – Barrowden 28th October

Piano and Organ Recital

St Peter’s Church, Barrowden

Saturday 28 October, 2017

12:30 – 14:00

This is a “not to be missed” opportunity to enjoy the playing of two of Barrowden’s truly accomplished musicians, John Comber and Jean Swinbanks.  They have put together a fascinatingly eclectic range of music for both organ and piano.

The recital will showcase pieces as contrasting as Elgar and Gospel, Bach and Jazz – and you’d have to travel a long way to find such a diverse mix!

The recital starts at 12:30 with an interval at 13:15 when light refreshments will be served – wine, soft drinks, coffee and small eats. We plan to finish at about 14:00

Seating for the first 40 who apply will be in the nave, and after that it is free seating, a bit like flying with easiJet but more fun!

Amazingly there is no charge for the recital.  However there will be a collection at the end with all donations going towards the cost of the new Thirlmere Organ.  The pieces that John plans to play are designed to demonstrate the versatility of this new piece of kit!

Please let us know as soon as possible if you wish to come – then we can make plans for the catering.  And oh yes, bring a friend, the more the merrier!

So, if you fancy coming along please contact any one of the following:

John Comber [747447]

Steve Preston [747098]

Peter Voller [747374]




Planning Application – 8 Oval Close, North Luffenham


PROPOSAL: Demolition of integral garage, two storey side, single storey rear extension, two storey front extension. Windows & door positions, cladding &render.

8, Oval Close, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8LB

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of the application publication (30th August 2017).

The details of the application are available to view on the website by entering the reference number above.

You can click onto the link below which will go straight to the relevant application:

Please email any comments you wish to make to

Gesualdo Six Church Concert – 30th August

The Gesualdo Six (a younger version of The Kings Singers) will be appearing on the Radio 3 programme In Tune on Monday 28th August a couple of days before appearing in North Luffenham on Wednesday 30th!

Don’t miss a memorable concert of music from the Renaissance to light present day tunes –come and drink a glass of Last of the Summer’s Pimm’s to say farewell to our wonderful summer before the Autumn weather.

Concert in church at 7.30pm Wednesday 30th August -Tickets £12 (including Pimm’s) from Janet Whittaker 01780-721216 or at the door.

Vandalism – Graffiti on the cricket pavillion

After a long period where there have been no issues with vandalism in the village, unfortunately the problem has reappeared.

Someone in the last couple of days has sprayed graffiti onto the Cricket Club toilet block

Can anyone who might have any information about who might have done this please contact Charles Cade


Oval Play Equipment – Update

We have recently received confirmation from Rutland County Council authorising the installation of the 3 new pieces of Oval equipment and the order has been placed with our chosen supplier.

The likely installation date is some time in September which isn’t ideal given that it won’t be in place for the remaining School holidays. We have asked the supplier to give us priority in the event of other work being delayed. As a reminder the equipment is a zip-wire, cradle swing and climbing frame.

 We have also started the process of gaining quotes for slightly smaller goalposts to replace the adult sized versions that are currently in a very poor state of repair and are largely unsuitable for children to use due to their height.  

We intend to redecorate all of the current equipment that is in place too, with quotes currently being obtained for this work.

Job Vacancies at The Fox

The Fox Country Pub and Dining in North Luffenham are currently recruiting the following :

A full time front of house member of staff to join our team,  duties to include bar and waiting. The individual should have an outgoing personality and a passion for excelling in customer service. Some experience preferred although full training will be given. Whilst this is a permanent position it would suit either an experienced individual, someone who is wishing to pursue a career in the hospitality industry or alternatively a student who is available from now until the end of September. 40 hours per week over 5 days to include evenings and weekends. Excellent rate of pay and holiday entitlement and pension scheme.

We are also recruiting part time front of house staff with flexible hours.

For further information please forward a CV to or Tel 01780 720991 to register your interest.


Job – Fox May17

Oval Play Equipment – Further Details

More information on the proposed Play Equipment is below

This is the ramp design but we intend on having the sides painted green and it will not have any large branding on it. The Skate Ramp is 8 metres long and 5 metres wide

The final zip wire length will be proposed to the Parish Council prior to the next meeting taking place. Under consideration currently in a size range from 20 metres to 30 metres in length. At the widest point, which is the platforms at either end, it is 3 metres wide.

The basket swing  full area, allowing for swinging space, will be 7 metres in length by 3 metres wide.

The climbing frame will be 4 metres long and 3 metres wide.

Dogs on the Oval

From Paul Cummings, PC Chairman

It has recently been reported to the Parish Council that an elderly resident slipped on ‘Dog Mess’ on the oval last week and as a result suffered an injury. All dog owners are requested to ensure that their dogs are kept under control and that they clear up after their dogs at all times.


The Oval – New Playground Equipment

From Steve Marson:

Upon the completion of the housing development at Rosewood Close we received a payment  in line with Section 106 of the Town and County Planning Act. This payment is known as a LEAP contribution, to be spent on a Locally Equipped Area for Play.

Last year after a number of months of consultation with local Parents and Children, along with members of the Parish Council an outline plan was developed for some additional pieces of  equipment  to be introduced to the Oval area, utilising the money that we had received.

The equipment we have chosen is:

·       A timber skate ramp

·       A zip-wire

·       A basket swing

·       A timber and rope climbing frame

The new items will compliment the current equipment, which we plan to redecorate this year. Replacement, slightly smaller goalposts will also be installed during this year. Upon completion of the work we will have facilities that span from young children through to teenagers for the first time.

Following a formal tender process, with 3 suppliers submitting detailed proposals we are now at the stage where we are in a position to appoint the supplier to carry out the work. At the next Parish Council Meeting we intend on discussing the final proposal with a view to voting to gain approval for the work to be undertaken.

Out of courtesy we have written to all residents of houses surrounding the Oval highlighting our plan as well as placing detail on the Village website. The picture below indicates where we intend to install the new equipment. If you would like to discuss any of the above then please contact me using the details below.

Many Thanks,

Steve Marson,

North Luffenham Parish Council

07720 699781/

Uppingham Winter Musical Safari – Saturday 4th February

The High Sheriff of Rutland invites you to a Winter Musical Safari in Uppingham on Saturday 4th February, starting at 2:30pm

There will be free music and entertainment for the whole family in multiple venues around Uppingham

Full details of the activities and performances are in the programme below



Invitation from the High Sheriff of Rutland

Residents of Rutland are invited by the High Sheriff to attend a Service celebrating the County of Rutland, attended by the Sheriff of Rutland Vermont USA, to be held on Sunday 26th February 2017 (not 2016 as in the invite below)

Please RSVP to the High Sherriff using the contact details in the address in the invitation by February 15th 2017if you wish to attend