On Sunday 13th November, just before 11am some 200 Villagers, together with Parishioners from local Parishes within the Benefice and Military Personnel from 1 Military Working Dog Regiment (1MWD Regt), 2 Medical Regiment RAMC, St George’s Barracks Army Cadet Force Detachment and members of North Luffenham Scouts gathered to remember those who gave their lives in two World Wars and those that lost their lives on operations and training in more recent times.
The Service was led by Rev John Taylor and our Lay Reader Caroline Simmonds.
Caroline Simmonds and Rev John Taylor lead the Commemoration
Senior Military Guests included Air Vice Marshal Nigel Sudborough CB, President of The Royal British Legion, Rutland and Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Foreman RLC Commanding Officer 1 MWD Regt and Station Commander at St George’s Barracks.
Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Foreman RLC, Commanding Officer 1 Military Working Dog Regiment
The Standards of the Royal Air Forces Association, 1 MWD Regt, North Luffenham Scouts, and Army Cadet Force Paraded outside the Church and took part in the Service and Commemoration.
L-R Standards of Army Cadet Force, RAFA and Wreath Layers from Scouts, Royal British Legion (AVM Nigel Sudborough, 1 MWD Regt (Lt Col Foreman) and 2 Med Regt RAMC.
During the Service the names of some 86 British and Commonwealth Fallen were read out and remembered with great solemnity and pride.
Following the service the congregation gathered outside and Wreaths were laid in front of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission plot.
Choir and Congregation gather at the Commonwealth War Graves Plot
The Collection for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal raised £566.
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