Author Archives: North Luffenham

Rutland Community Wellbeing Service – Events for Volunteers and Community Groups

The Rutland Community Wellbeing Service has scheduled a series of webinars, and a virtual Volunteer Party to inform and support volunteers and Community Groups across Rutland.  Please click on the link below for information.

Your Village Needs You

There has been a very good response so far to the short questionnaire on the proposed St. George’s Barracks development. North Luffenham Parish Council would like to hear from as many resident as possible and if you would like to give an opinion please click on the following link:

Thank you for your time. Your opinion matters.

St George’s Barracks Development – Give Your Opinion

North Luffenham Parish Council have created a short questionnaire on the St George’s Barracks development; please click on the link below to give your opinion. This will enable us (the Parish Council) to give the villages’ viewpoint in the ongoing discussion with Rutland County Council. Thank you for taking a few moments to complete…

Answers will be anonymous; however, comments you add may be used by NLPC in communications regarding St George’s

A Big Thank You

The volunteers at the Rutland Food Bank would like to thank the residents of North Luffenham for their donation. In only a few days 37 kg of various food items have been donated and delivered to the Food Bank.

Your continued generosity would be appreciated but no fresh food items as these can go off in the time it takes to turn around collection and delivery.

Local Weekend Takeaway Service in South Luffenham

The Boot Inn in South Luffenham is offering a takeaway service at the weekends.

Their menu and specials are on their facebook page and you can call or message them on 01780 720177 or to book a collection slot which runs every 15mins from 5-8pm on Friday and Saturdays.

They will also deliver to North Luffenham residents free of charge if they are self isolating

Planning Proposal 2019/0736/FUL: Change of use of hardstanding from an airfield to B8 vehicle storage (retrospective)

Revised plans / proposals for the above application have been received by RCC.
The full details of the application are available to view on their website

Anny comments should be made by 9 May 2020
Planning applications are public documents and as such your comments will be available for public inspection.
Please email any comments you wish to make to

North Luffenham Parish Council will be responding seperately as one of the statutory consultees

Details of the application can be found via the link below

Are you self-isolating in North Luffenham and need food & provisions delivered to your door?

Edith Weston Village Store & Post Office are coordinating home deliveries of food & other provisions from their shop, through a team of local volunteers, to people self isolating in the community.

If you cannot leave your home to shop for food because you are self-isolating, you can call the Store on 01780 722164, and place your order over the phone. They will endeavour to deliver your order asap, but if you can order in the morning it will help them deliver it sooner to you.

Please note the new slightly contracted opening hours for the store below. This will allow the store more time to re-stock shelves , coordinate deliveries and maintain employee distancing in the workplace.

Basic food provision boxes for the self isolating / those at risk

The Fox has been able to source some boxes of basic provisions (Foxy Boxes) for the at risk people in our community.

The boxes contain basic essentials, typically milk, bread, eggs, potatoes, grapes, apples, bananas, oranges, cabbage, onions, mushrooms, carrots, cucumber and cherry tomatoes and cost £20.

One box per household can be purchased by calling The Fox on 01780 720991 before 8pm this evening (Friday 20th) for collection or delivery between 11am and noon tomorrow (Saturday 21st). Payment must be by cash or cheque.

There is a possibility that this may be available again in the coming days and we’ll update the website if that should occur.

In order to maintain a level of fairness please only take this offer up if you are self-isolating or in the at risk group (over-70, underlying health condition).

Via Claire Bewick – Good Neighbour Scheme

Social Distancing reduces the spread of the Coronavirus and lessens the impact on the NHS

What is social distancing?

Social distancing measures are steps you can take to reduce the social interaction between people. This will help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

They are:

  1. Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
  2. Avoid non-essential use of public transport, varying your travel times to avoid rush hour, when possible
  3. Work from home, where possible. Your employer should support you to do this. Please refer to employer guidance for more information
  4. Avoid large gatherings, and gatherings in smaller public spaces such as pubs, cinemas, restaurants, theatres, bars, clubs
  5. Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
  6. Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services

Everyone should be trying to follow these measures as much as is pragmatic.

We strongly advise you to follow the above measures as much as you can and to significantly limit your face-to-face interaction with friends and family if possible, particularly if you:

  • are over 70
  • have an underlying health condition
  • are pregnant

This advice is likely to be in place for some weeks.

Thank you to all those volunteers who joined in with the litter pick 🚮 today, it was a great success!

A full boot load of rubbish was collected around the village today by a large group of volunteers from the village.

A large proportion of the rubbish collected was found along Edith Weston Road and Station Road, so the luminous tabards came in very handy to keep everyone safe along the road side.

It took 10 volunteers about 2 hours to scour the village and surrounding roads to complete an entire sweep of the area.

In the future it would be greatly appreciated by all in the village, if every now and again when walking around the village you could remember to take an empty bag with you and be on the look out for litter, it really doesn’t take much effort to keep the village looking clean and tidy.

Also some less than pleasant items were collected 💩 and again, for those of you who have the appropriate bags and are used to picking this up after your own dogs and disposing of it in the red bins around the oval, it would be especially appreciated of you could be on the look out for this as well. Some of you have been already, which is commendable, but we need more of this to help eradicate the dog fouling problem completely!

Thanks again everyone! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Help make your village litter free, join in with the Litter Pick Today! meet @10:30-11am in The Fox car park

The Parish Council has been asked to organise a litter pick and this has been arranged for Saturday March 7th. (Hopefully we won’t have a fourth weekend storm in a row) . If you would like to take part than please come to the car park of The Fox 10.30 – 11 am.

The Parish Council has some litter pickers, high viz tabards and bin bags but if you have these items please bring them along. Make sure you are dressed for whatever the weather is forecast to be and wear protective gloves.

Children under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. Good safety advice can be found on the following sites:

Planning Application 2020/0097/FUL

PROPOSAL: To erect a pent roof concrete garage on a concrete base on the drive
parallel with the front of the house.
29 Ancaster Way North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8LH

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and
you are invited to submit your comments by 20 February 2020. The details of the application
are available to view on our website 2020/0097/FUL.

Dog Fouling On The Increase Again!

With the dark mornings and evenings there appears to be a rash of dog fouling on the pavements along Church Street. Please be a responsible dog owner and clear up after your pet. If walking your dog in the dark please keep your dog on a lead and carry a torch – always carry bags and ensure that any mess is cleared up immediately.

Perhaps better known as dog roundworm the embryonated eggs of which can be ingested by humans causing disease called toxocariasis. Young children are particularly at risk as it is picked up by ingestion of eggs from infected dog faeces. It is fortunately rare but rare things do happen. Dog mess is not only unpleasant but a potential source of an unpleasant infection.

The vast majority of dog owners conscientiously clean up after their dogs and please continue to be vigilant when walking your dog. If users of The Oval see an infringement please continue to challenge and point out that there are bins provided.

Thank you.

Christmas trees and decorations at Digby Farm

Digby farm have been growing Christmas trees for over 30 years, and offer a range of trees including spruce pine and fir in a range of heights. There is also a Christmas shop full of decorations, tree stands, and gifts and crafts.

All the trees are on display so you can inspect each one and choose your preferred shape and size. Once you have chosen your tree, one of the helpful staff will give you a ticket, and then take the tree away to be netted, while you browse the Christmas Shop for decorations.

Open daily from 10.00 am to 5:30pm (4pm Sunday), and located here

Defibrillator reliability improvement

A big thank you on behalf of the village to Cllr Geoff Mason who recently volunteered his time and ingenuity to improve the weatherproofing of our village defibrillator. The defibrillator has been out of action on more than one occasion due to water ingress, and the addition of the black metal hood will improve the availability of this emergency life saving equipment in the future.

“Due to water ingress into the cabinet of the defibrillator it has been out of action on two occasions but thanks to Councillor Mason, who devised and constructed a cover for the cabinet, the problem has been resolved.”

Cllr Tim Smith – Parish Council Chairman

You can read more about how the village defibrillator works here.