Author Archives: Tim Smith

Submission Neighbourhood Plan: Consultation ends on 28th April

Comments on the North Luffenham Submission Neighbourhood Plan can be made to Rutland County Council until 5 pm on Friday 28th April:

The Neighbourhood Plan has been posted previously but all the documents can be viewed on this link:

Glebe Road Bins: problem with collection

Due to roadworks/road closure Biffa were unable to collect the grey bins on Glebe Road, North Luffenham last week. They tried again on Saturday but were still unable to collect them. As the road is scheduled to be closed until 17 March 2023, we are anticipating that there may be problems with the black and green bin collections. Biffa have a smaller vehicle that should be able to access Glebe Road to collect all the bins but this may not be available until Thursday 9 March 2023.

Please leave bins out until they have been collected.

Church Bell Ringing

A few weeks ago the bells were inspected to make sure all was safe and were rung recently. Apparently a few people were concerned that all was not well. It is pleasing to report that parish life has continued on as normal.

So, please just enjoy and don’t be alarmed when the bells are rung again on Tuesday 21st February between 7.30pm – 9.00pm.

Public Information Leaflet from the Ministry of Defence

St. George’s Barracks has asked that the public information leaflet on dog walking on Ministry of Defence land be posted: please download or click on the link below.

Please also note the information on the red flag, which when flying, means there is no public access to the site. In the future the barracks is making sure that the red flag is flying only when there is military activity.

Proposed Solar Farm South of Pilton: Consultation

In-person exhibition event will be held at: 

Wing Village Hall, Morcott Road, Wing, Oakham, LE15 8SA 

Tuesday 24th January from 2:00 – 7:00 pm

Webinars will be held on:

Wednesday 25th January – 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Thursday 26th January – 12:30 – 1:30 pmTo register for a webinar, please email

For more information on the proposed development please click on this link:

North Luffenham Parish Council and Trust Meetings on Monday 19th December 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre

Please click below for the agendas and associated documents

Carol Service in the Church

The North Luffenham Carol Service will take place in the Church on Thursday 22nd December at 6.00 pm.

Please do come to the village carol service in the church; due to an irreparable breakdown of heating in the church it was advertised in the Benefice Magazine as taking place on The Oval. However, there isn’t much heating on The Oval either and the church would protect from the elements.

There will be a warm welcome, dress up warmly, sing lustily and celebrate with words and music the birth of Jesus!