Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

Outing to RHS Hyde Hall with Easton on the Hill Horticultural Society

On Saturday 21st July there are still places available for anyone who would like to join this outing.  It is a chance to visit these very fine RHS gardens.

Depart Easton on the Hill Village Hall at 08.30.  Return from Hyde Hall at 16.00.                               Non-members pay £17.50                                                                                                                             Please contact Joy Forster on 01780 762156 to book your place.

Garden Club Meeting This Evening -Scented Plants

Don’t forget it’s Garden Club this Thursday 10th May with the final speaker before the summer break! The club  will be welcoming Geoff Hodge with a talk on ,Scented Plants and the Scented Garden’. 

Geoff may be a familiar name as he is a freelance horticultural author, editor and broadcaster, writing regularly for publications such as ‘Garden Answers’.

You’ll learn plenty, have a good laugh, and he donates lots of extra raffle prizes!!

Please feel free to bring any spare seeds/seedling/plants to offer to other members. – 7.30pm at the Community Centre – all welcome – guests £2 per person, with tea/coffee/biscuits to start & raffle at the end

URGENT – Church Security

Church Security – MAR 18


Criminals are targeting our Churches in this area and stealing lead and copper. The Church which lies at the heart of our community is at great risk – please keep alert and report any suspicious activity – especially at night. Thank you.


Janet Whitaker / Nic Merrett

Church Wardens

Create an Easter Garden and bring to Church

People of any age can make an Easter Garden:

Each garden needs to include the main elements of the Easter story: a cross, a tomb and some signs of new life, like a tiny plant from the garden, sprouted grass seed, cress seed, paper flowers….

On Maundy Thursday (the last day of term) please bring your Easter Garden to Church on between 8.40 and 9.10, so that they can be displayed. If you can’t make this time, please contact Pippa or Janet (see below)

On Good Friday we will gather at Church for a 10am start, then (weather permitting) go on a short walk (strong shoes advised), remembering the final parts of Jesus’ life and ending up in Church to celebrate how the story ends and the signs of new life . . .

Hot cross buns will follow!

Do come and join us: this will be quite short and is suitable for all ages.

Pippa the Rector

Help Needed ?

With the help of Good Companions, members of the Parish Council have visited a number of villagers to see whether they needed any help as a result of the adverse weather. Those visited had made provision and often had the support of family and friends. However if anybody else requires help, or knows of somebody who does, then North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme can be contacted (8 am to 8 pm) on 07825 697841, and the scheme will endeavour to help.

Garden Club – February Meeting

Garden Club meeting this Thursday – 8th February 

We welcome Steve Lovell, a horticultural consultant & former Chairman of the Hardy Plant Society speaking on “Bark, Berry and Leaf – Texture in the Garden” 

Steve will be looking beyond flowers and showing us what else nature provides in the plant kingdom.

The meeting will be at the Community Centre at 7.30pm – anybody can come along (guests £2).

Program of Events for Good Companions

North Luffenham Good Companions 2018

Wed feb 7th  Sayings.           Gill Collinge

Wed mar 7th  The Wildlife Trust.        Mr Steven Ashpole

Wed apr 4th  Why I dont like Brussel Sprouts.     Claire

Wed May 2nd     Wait and see.

Wed june 6th      How to get the best from your cut flowers.    Emma

Wed july 4th  The Village trip.

Wed aug 1st  Meal in the community centre 12.30pm.

Wed sept 5th  Curiosities.  Helen Crabtree

Wed oct 3rd The Jolly Boat.   Mr Adam Lowe

Wed nov 7th Beautiful Photos.   Mr Richard Adams

Wed dec 5th Christmas Dinner: to be arranged

The Good Companions meet in the community centre at 2pm..

Yearly subs of £10 plus £1 a month for tea and cakes and free door ticket.

There is also a raffle during the afternoon.

The village trip this year is Holt and Sherringham.

Ring Evelyn 01780720528 or Vivienne 01780720814

Don’t miss “A Musical Dreame” concert this Wednesday

On Wednesday 7th February at 7.30pm the church will be hosting a fabulous concert by the inspirational young & hugely talanted musicians, Alison Hill (soprano) & Yair Avidor (lute & theorbo). The concert is titled “A Musical Dreame” & is an hour long recital for voice & lute inluding music by John Dowland, Robert Johnson & Henry Purcell.

Tickets £10 (including wine and refreshments) available at the door or from Janet Whittaker 01780-721216 &


Reminder! – Candlelit Concert in Parish Church this Friday

A quick reminder that the wonderful Cambridge Singers will be returning to the village to give a Candlelit Concert in our beautiful church this Friday 5th January at 7.30pm.
Tickets available from Janet Whittaker (tel:-721216 or at £10 (children free). Profits to be shared between Cancer UK -Brain Tumour Research & Church Heating Fund – you know we need it!
Do please join us on what should be a very special everning. Mulled Wine & Nibbles will be available from 7pm and during the interval. We look forward to seeing you.

NL Epiphany Poster 2018

North Luffenham Garden Club Christmas Social, Thursday 14 December

North Luffenham Garden Club will be holding its Christmas social with quiz (optional, being put out on tables, not read out). Please bring food to share. Wine & soft drinks – first glass free then donations.

Time and place: 7.30pm at the Community Centre

Date: Thursday 14 December

Once again, just a reminder, it is time to pay annual membership fees of £10.00 for which we have interesting speakers from October to May each year and organised outings each summer.

North Luffenham Christmas Trail

We need your help:  can you knit a small sheep or display one in your window?

In December, a Christmas Trail leaflet will be available so you can discover and record the names of sheep around the village. Bring the completed trail leaflet  to the Village Carol Service on Sunday 17th December at 5pm and the Christmas story will be explored with the help of the sheep.

Intrigued?  Willing to knit a sheep? Or offer a sheep a windowsill? Want to go sheep hunting?  For more details, please email Pippa the rector:  Full details including a knitting pattern are contained in leaflet attached below.


Christmas Trail knitting & displaying sheep


Christmas Flower Arranging Workshop

Sally Lambert has again kindly agreed to run a workshop on Sat 25th November from 10am – 1pm @the Community Centre, where she will guide us in making our own wreath, and other arrangements.

Cost is £5 per person, which includes tea/coffee & a mince pie.

You will need to bring any equipment you have – oasis, secateurs, vase/container you intend to use, pine cones, ribbons, decorations – plus foliage & flowers. Prunings of woody clematis stems, dogwoods etc make a great basis for wreaths – we all share bits and pieces too.

Please book your place with Katy Ellis on 01780 722173 as soon as possible.

North Luffenham Garden Club

November Meeting

NB:  The next meeting is to be held a week later than usual, on Thursday 16th November, at 7.30pm.

It is also the AGM, followed by Stephen Ashpole from the village, to present a talk on Organic Gardening, which will be full of information about the whys and wherefores on this subject.



Extracts from Captain of the ‘A’ Team Annual Report

There were some changes to the team during the season with Lewis leaving for the Falklands,  Ben Cox joining the team and immediately playing very well reminding us how good a player he is,  Andy and James played most of the games and without them it would have been difficult to maintain the numbers  needed to field a team.  Thank you  to all the team members for the commitment and dedication during the season.

2016/17 was a difficult season for the ‘A’  team with several disappointing  results notably a 6-4 win at Paston when an 8-2  win should have been the result.  An 6-4 win at home to Eyebury highlighted the  weaknesses in the team  although  it must be said Eyebury  played very well that night.  A 4-6 loss at Ramsey  was the worst result  of the season.

For  comparison in 2016 the team scored  four x ten/nil results , in 2015/2016 ten x ten/nil scores were recorded. In the latter part of the season the team were resigned to second place in the league, behind Paston, when out of the blue at their penultimate game, Paston lost 10-0 at  Northborough and handed the league to North Luffenham.

In  other competitions  the team won the Annette Stubbins cup beating Paston  in the final. North  Luffenham teams won the North Cambs area singles, pairs, triples, and  fours competitions. In county competitions Jason won the Hertfordshire singles with Jack runner-up.  Thomas , Jack and Jason won  the Hertfordshire triples and this qualified them to represent  Hertfordshire at the national finals in County Durham which they also won and they  are the current Nation Triples Champions, well done them!  Paul won the Cambridgeshire singles competition and went on to win the  Eastern  Counties Competition.

North Luffenham Garden Club Autumn Show Sunday 10 September

The Show is a celebration of local talent and is Open For All to enter with many categories: plants, painting, needlework, card craft, woodwork, photography, baking, jam making, vegetables, flowers and fruit for example.

At North Luffenham Community Centre

On Sunday 10th September

Entries are open to everyone and if possible should be made before the show using the attached Schedule or you can get a hard copy of the Schedule from The Fox or Edith Weston Village Shop.

There are some simple guidelines in the Schedule and we will help you with any queries beforehand and on the day (contact details inside back page).  We’d love to see what you can do – be proud and show it off!

Photography.   Here are this year’s categories to keep in mind over the coming month so you can get snapping:                                                                                                                                 Flowers and Plants,  Gardens,  Sky,  Countryside  Activities,   Animals (wild or tame),  Linked theme (one set of three phtos linked together in some way),   Open (includes anything not already covered already).    There is a also a class for U16s, which is free, for any of these themes.

How to enter:

  1. Complete the entry form in the middle of the Schedule
  2. Take your Entry Form and money, either to Katy Ellis, 24 Sycamore Road, North Luffenham,  before show day, OR to the Community Centre between 2pm – 5pm on Saturday 9th September
  3. On Show day bring your entries to the Community Centre between 8.30am and 10.30am. Judging starts at 11am,  then open to the public from 2.00pm for viewing, afternoon teas and Prizegiving.

Autumn Show Schedule 2017 V3 copy

Gesualdo Six Church Concert – 30th August

The Gesualdo Six (a younger version of The Kings Singers) will be appearing on the Radio 3 programme In Tune on Monday 28th August a couple of days before appearing in North Luffenham on Wednesday 30th!

Don’t miss a memorable concert of music from the Renaissance to light present day tunes –come and drink a glass of Last of the Summer’s Pimm’s to say farewell to our wonderful summer before the Autumn weather.

Concert in church at 7.30pm Wednesday 30th August -Tickets £12 (including Pimm’s) from Janet Whittaker 01780-721216 or at the door.

Vandalism – Graffiti on the cricket pavillion

After a long period where there have been no issues with vandalism in the village, unfortunately the problem has reappeared.

Someone in the last couple of days has sprayed graffiti onto the Cricket Club toilet block

Can anyone who might have any information about who might have done this please contact Charles Cade