Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Annual Parish Meeting on Monday, 3rd April 2017

North Luffenham’s Annual Parish Meeting will held at 7.30pm on Monday, 3rd April 2017 in the Community Centre.  All residents of North Luffenham are welcome.

The Chairman and Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer will be in attendance to answer any questions concerning Parish Council affairs.  The agenda is shown below together with the Chairman’s Report which will be considered at the meeting.

Mobile Post Office Service every Friday

A reminder that a mobile post office service is available 12.30pm-1.30pm, in Butt Lane, adjacent to the Oval every Friday.

Services offered include:

  • special delivery
  • travel money
  • car tax
  • passport check and send
  • banking services for personal customers and small businesses
  • cash deposits and withdrawals
  • withdrawals using a Post Office card account
  • sending funds abroad using Moneygram
  • paying bills

Please try to support this valuable service.

Notices of local road closures during April and July 2017

Four Temporary Diversion of Vehicular Traffic notices have been received recently from Rutland County Council.  Documents containing details of road closures, dates, times and alternative routes are listed below.


Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 13/03/2017

An Extraordinary meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council will be held on Monday, 13th March 2017 in the Community Centre, immediately following the Extraordinary meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (Trust).  The agenda is listed below.

Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council (Trust) on 13/03/2017

An Extraordinary meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (Trust) will be held at 6pm on Monday, 13th March 2017 in the Community Centre.  The agenda and supporting papers are listed below.

Next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (Trustee)

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field) will be on Monday, 6th March 2017, immediately following the Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre.  The Agenda and associated papers are listed below.

Next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council will be held at 7pm on Monday 6th March 2017 in the Community Centre.  Please note the earlier start time.

The agenda and associated papers are listed below.

Mobile postal service reintroduced to North Luffenham

As reported in the local media recently, a mobile postal service is to begin in North Luffenham, tomorrow, Friday, 20th January 2017.

The vehicle will be parked adjacent to the BT pole and steps into the Oval in
Butt Lane, 12.30pm-1.30pm, then every Friday, at the same time.

According to the Rutland and Stamford Mercury, services offered will include:

  • special delivery
  • travel money
  • car tax
  • passport check and send
  • banking services for personal customers and small businesses
  • cash deposits and withdrawals
  • withdrawals using a Post Office card account
  • sending funds abroad using Moneygram
  • paying bills

North Luffenham is one of several local communities to benefit from this mobile postal service.

Next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (Trustee)

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field) will be on Monday, 16th January 2017, immediately following the Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre.  The Agenda and associated papers are listed below.


Next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council will be held at 7pm on Monday 16th January 2017 in the Community Centre.  Please note the earlier start time.

The agenda and associated papers are listed below.

Rutland South Beat Report received 2nd January 2017

Received from PC Paul Le Pla as follows:

Here is the latest Rutland South beat report detailing crime for last month.

  • 1/12/16 – Damage to motor vehicle – Tixover Grange, Tixover
  • 2/12/16 – Burglary other than dwelling – Normanton Rd, Edith Weston
  • 8/12/16 – Theft – High Street, Ketton
  • 14/12/16 – Theft from unattended motor vehicle – A1 Tinwell
  • 17/12/16 – Theft from unattended motor vehicle – Wireless Hill, North Luffenham
  • 21/12/16 – Theft – Chapel Lane, North Luffenham
  • 21/12/16 – Damage – Stamford Rd, South Luffenham
  • 21/12/16 – Theft – Main Street, Lyddington
  • 21/12/16 – Theft High Street, Ketton
  • 24/12/16 – Assault – Church rd, Ketton

Our current Neighbourhood Priorities’ are:

1 – Tackling crime in Barrowden village due to the recent spike in crime there. We are carrying out high visibility patrols and liaising with surrounding forces sharing intelligence and information. Since we began this priority, we have had no further crimes in the village, which is great news.

2 – Targeting hare coursing  along the A47 corridor from Uppingham to Tixover & parts of the north beat area from Langham towards the A1. Last month, members of the public reported to police numerous reports of hare coursing. As a result several people and vehicles have been identified as taking part in this illegal activity.

I would encourage you all to be vigilant and report any persons you suspect as acting suspicious. Take note of any vehicle and registration number they are in and ring the police on 101.

By all means, let me know and your Neighbourhood coordinators, but ring 101 in the first instance, so the information can be reported and acted upon straightaway.

Remember to visit the Rural Watch website, via for rural crime updates and a whole host of crime prevention advice.

You can also email PCSO6516 Diana Freeman for any advice at