Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

Apple Days – press your own juice!

On Sunday 16th October (10am – 5pm), the Garden Club are inviting people to come and press their own apple juice outside the Cricket Pavilion on the Oval.  They will have equipment on loan to enable you to press your apples, whether home-grown or bought, and make tasty juice (which can also be pasteurised to lengthen shelf life).  Teamwork will be needed so please be prepared to help muck in to help each other out. The Pavilion will be open for use of the toilet & making hot drinks.

Just turn up on the day – first come, first served basis so you may have to wait, or come back later in the day.  All queries to Katy Ellis on 01780 722173  (  

North Luffenham Garden Club

The Garden Club holds a monthly meeting so that members can share their knowledge, interest & passion for gardens and gardening.  At meetings we have a guest speaker, followed by refreshments and a raffle, plus plants for sale.

Our regular monthly meetings will begin on Thursday October 13th @7.30pm in the Community Centre when guest speaker David Thornton will be talking about

‘Growing Better Vegetables’ followed by a talk by local grower Penny Dawson on Harvington Hellbores on November 10th,  and Garden Designer, Andrew Mikolajski,

joining us for our Christmas social evening on December 8th. Annual membership is £10 per person or £2 per meeting – all are most welcome.

Photos – Favourites and Principles, Sept 2016

At the September meeting of the Camera Club, David Harris gave a selection of his favourite photos, of course including his Black and White pictures. The subjects covered ranged from People , doing their own thing-watching trains and the Queen!  through Insects (macro) and dogs to Sport- Cycling and Burghley and Landscape.  The latter covered dramatic scenes in very rough weather, from Northumberland to Cornwall and the Balearics.  He looks forward to really bad weather on holidays!

Very apparent in these pictures were David’s use of strong lines and shapes. He has a very good eye for contrasting  large and small shapes, with dramatic positioning!

The next meeting of the Camera club is on November 14th, when we have a speaker new to the club.  Nigel Spencer is a professional photographer and has travelled most of the world and gives talks all over the country.  He will show  us “An Evening of Wildlife” 

Do have an  introduction by visiting his website  Well worth a visit!


Carpet Bowls Club AGM 2016

It was decided at the recent AGM to have a celebration day to commemorate the start of the Club which was soon after the opening of the Community Centre

The day was the 3 September. In the afternoon the Drawn Pairs took place. This when all attending put their names into a hat and drew out a partner. This makes very interesting pairing with champion players partnering novices. It is also very tiring! However the pair who came first were Lynda and Jack and were awarded the cup, next came Paul and Dot, then Jason and Martin. Good for them and now it was time to eat..

The buffet supper was enjoyed by all at 7 pm Players and wives were delighted with chicken and salmon etc and all sorts of salad dishes followed by fantastic deserts. Seconds were obligatory. When coffee was being served Paul gave a short history of the club and paid tribute to Jason for his enthusiasm and drive in starting the club and making it grow . Tim then presented a silver engraved plate to Jason. Jason had recently resigned from the chair having held it for 19 years.

Anyone interested in having a go at bowls there is a practice evening on Mondays in the hall 7 to 9. Come along . Tea and biscuits for a small fee. The game keeps you and you toes and is great fun.

Sylvia Lawson

September Meeting of the North Luffenham Camera Club

The North Luffenham Camera Club meets again on Monday 12th September 2017, at the Community Centre at 7.30pm.

Our Speaker will be DAVID HARRIS.  This is a welcome return, as David gave us a splendid evening showing  his Black and White Photography, last year.  For this meeting David will be showing and discussing some of his Favourite photos.  We look forward to lots of new Ideas!

Club members will be bringing examples of our Current theme – Cars, Trains and Planes; and will also be bringing photos to be considered for the next Club CALENDAR- 2017

This September meeting is a FREE TASTER SESSION for anyone interested in taking photos – so do come along – all are most welcome- any queries please  contact


North Luffenham Garden Club Autumn Show – A chance to show case your talent!

Please see below details of our Autumn Show:-

  • On Sunday 11th September
  • Open to the public from 2 pm (admission £1, children/Garden Club members free)
  • Homemade cakes & refreshments available from 2 pm
  • Prize giving at 3.45 pm
  • @ the Community Centre, Church Street, North Luffenham

ANYONE can enter our annual show – it’s a celebration of local talent and you don’t have to be a member of the Garden Club to participate!

Entries to be set up on the day between 8.30 – 10.30 am.

Classes include:-

  • Fruit & Veg
  • Flowers
  • Pot plants
  • Home produce
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Photography
  • Flower arranging
  • Children’s classes (under 8’s, 8-12’s & under 16’s Photography)

Copies of the full Schedule are available from The Fox, Edith Weston Shop or Katy Ellis on 01780 722173.  Alternatively, you can download here.

Garden Club Autumn Show Schedule 2016


Cricket Club Race Night

The Cricket Club will be holding a Fund Raising Race Night on Saturday 15th October

Entry Fee is £10 (£50 for a table of 6) and includes a Fish and Chip supper

There is an option to become a Horse Owner for the evening (£5 per horse)

The winning owner for each race receives £10

Contact the Race Steward – Barry Read – on 01780 721237 for tickets, more information and race sponsorship opportunities

Cricket Club Race Cricket Club Race Night Flyer

Poignant Reminder – the tenor bell tolls 100 times

As an act of commemoration at 7.30am this Friday morning, 1st July 2016, one half-muffled tenor bell will toll 100 times at St John the Baptist Church.

At precisely that time 100 years ago, a whistle was blown, the men went over the top of the dug outs at the Somme and walked towards enemy lines, starting the bloodiest battle that the British Army ever fought.

On that day alone, the 1st July 1916, 60,000 soldiers were killed, injured or declared missing.

The centenary of the battle provides an opportunity to commemorate the service and sacrifice of those who gave their lives at the Somme and to reflect on the human cost of war.


Do bring your CAMERA along to the Oval on Saturday and visit the Camera Club Display.

Take a cracking photo of your CHILD or PET –     to win a PRIZE .

Send your photo in to the CAMERA CLUB and the BEST ones will be judged by members of the Club.  Separate category for  16yrs old and Under.     All details at our GAZEBO

Don’t forget to add AGE if 16 and under ……..             and SEND IN YOUR PHOTO


May meeting of the Camera Club 2016

North Luffenham Camera Club- next meeting is on Monday May 9th at 7.30pm at the Community Centre.
Andrew James will be our speaker for this month’s meeting. He will give us a glimpse into the people, colours and general flavour of his travels to CUBA VENICE AFRICA.
As with his previous talks , we can sit back and enjoy these exotic locations and pick up some tips as to how he captures his stunning Photos!
There is a small charge of £2 for visitors.

Rural Broadband – North Luffenham on TV!

East Midlands Today had an article last night on Rural Broadband and working from home featuring North Luffenham – it expires on BBC iPlayer at 7pm this evening, so catch a glimpse quickly, you may see someone you recognise… North Luffenham item is at 16 minutes into the show

Cricket Club Curry Night – 29th April

The Cricket Club will be holding a fund raising Curry Night, with home made Indian food available, details are below

Cricket Curry

Curry Night at the Pavilion

Friday 29th April 7.30pm

Main course & dessert £12.50 per person

Wine available to buy on the night


Tickets available from Sallyanne

07787 557511

Cricket Club Pavilion Clean Up

Many thanks from the Cricket Club to everyone, both members and non members, who helped out on the “Ground Force” clean up of the Pavilion. It was a great demonstration of community spirit.

The building is looking much better for a Jetwash, repaired guttering and roof and a cleaned and repainted interior.

There are still some details to finish off, and the new carpets that have been ordered need to be fitted.

Once all the work is completed, the pavilion will once again be fit for hosting the cricket team, and also any other village community events who wish to utilise the building

Jayne - Painting


John - Jetwash


Main Room - Repaint

Paul - Painting

Cricket Tea


Our meeting on March 7th, was very much tuned in to our speaker’s creative ideas. She brought in a range of her artwork (cards and glass) and showed photos which stimulate this work.
These showed us a great range of IDEAS – from silhouettes, shadows and reflections to distortions and movement.
There were some very unusual 360 degrees photos – 52 taken from the same spot and stitched together. The one/s taken from St Pancras were striking.
Her latest travels included Australia’s Opal mines.

Not being a photoshop fan, she only uses one camera and one lens, so apart from a little injection from Picasa! she makes it all seem very straightforward. The overall impression we were left with, was  her use of Colour and Shape. Plenty of Ideas here for us to try out!

Cricket Club Clean Up- April 1st-3rd


For those of you who have thought recently, “h’mm the Pavilion is looking a bit grubby” or have mentioned things could do with a tidy up, now is your chance to help to make  a difference.

The Cricket Club have obtained sponsorship for materials from Natwest, & is undertaking a “Get Stuck In” weekend from Friday 1st April to Sunday 3rd April. Obviously “Many Hands Make Light Work” and so we would welcome help from anyone who would be willing to assist in any way (for any period of time over the weekend) to get as much done as possible.

The intention is to spruce up the pavilion with a clean up and do some general maintenance – painting and repairs etc to make the pavilion and the area surrounding it a more pleasant place to be.

The pavilion is a village facility, able to be used by various different organisations within the village, and a clean up will make it a more welcoming space for anyone who wants to use it

If you can help out, please contact 07787557511 for further details and we look forward to seeing you over the weekend.


Traveller and Artist, Hazel Burnham, to give March meeting talk at the Camera Club

The next meeting of the North Luffenham Camera club is on March 7th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  Our speaker this month is Hazel Burnham.  Hazel is a photographer with many strings to her bow!  As a world wide traveller, she is always on the lookout to use her camera in her art work.

Her most recognisable art pieces, in textiles and glass, have a very clear use of Colour and Shape.  She says “I try not to take life too seriously and hope this is reflected in my work. The aim is to make people smile and add brightness to the day.”

hazel webphoto 001resize

For a small charge of £2, all visitors are most welcome to come along and see for themselves!