Category Archives: General News

General news & information from the surrounding area.

North and South Luffenham Bench Project

A proposal was put forward by a resident of South Luffenham for benches at intervals on the walk from South Luffenham, around North Luffenham and The Settings. For those less able it would give the opportunity to have a rest, enjoy the views and the exercise would be beneficial to their health and well being. North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) felt that this was a good idea as it would also be of benefit to residents of North Luffenham as well. In a joint venture with South Luffenham Parish Council (SLPC) NLPC has resolved to enable this proposal.

Below is a picture of the type of bench chosen. A map of the sites for the benches can be downloaded. NLPC is appealing for funds for the purchase of the benches and their secure placements. SLPC will also be appealing to their residents. If you would like to donate please contact the clerk:

The bench is made of recycled plastic

Licencing of the Reverend Jes Salt

Rutland Water Benefice welcomes Jes and Jane Salt.
Please click on the link below and look on page 2 of the News to find out how to join either his licencing as Associate Priest by the Bishop on Zoom or his first service here, in Empingham at 5pm. There is also information on Benefice Rambles on Monday 10th and 24th May.

Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride (DGR) 2021

Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride (DGR) 2021

 The DGR unites classic and vintage style motorcycle riders all over the world to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health.

 Looks like the date for this year’s DGR is going to be at a potentially warmer and drier time of the year this time (fingers crossed) for the UK.

The 2021 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is going ahead on its new date of Sunday 23rd May 2021.

A few of us from South Luffenham are planning to get together and join the ride in Cambridge; please use the links below to register and let us know if you’d like to join us.

Wildflower Area on The Oval: help needed.

Site for wildflowers

There have been requests from residents to have areas of wildflowers established. The photograph show a triangular area, at the lower part of The Oval by Church St., bounded by the walls and the line of trees.

Wildflower seeds have been bought by the parish council and if you would like to help establish the wildflowers please come along on Tues next week (27th) at 5pm  – and to bring along a garden rake if you have one – when the area will be raked and the seeds sown.

New Radio station for Rutland and Stamford

Rutland and Stamford Sound is a new, independent, not-for-profit community radio station led by well-known local presenter Rob Persani. We launched on 8th March this year. The attached is a poster for you to use and share as you wish to let your local residents know more about the radio station.

What do we do?

Rutland and Stamford Sound entertains and informs local people, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have local content, presenters, stories and involvement in every aspect of the radio station. We support the health and wellbeing of our listeners by helping to combat loneliness and isolation. How do we know this? Local people told us so, in engagement activities on the build-up to the station launch. Our name was chosen by local people and our logo was designed in Rutland. Local people listen to our radio station and engage with our brand.

Who is behind the radio station?

Originating from a project initiated by Rutland County Council, the station is now an independent Community Interest Company (Rutland and Stamford Sound CIC Registration No. 13100133). The Board and Management team are local people with business, broadcasting, finance and community experience. We are all volunteers, publicly accountable for our operations, transparent in how we use our funds and committed to regular engagement with the local community.  Currently broadcasting on-line, we operate to OFCOM standards of best practice.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions about the radio station, advertising and news, please get in touch. We’re looking forward to hearing from you and working together, soon

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) will be held on the 19th April at 7.30pm. Because of the restrictions this will have to be a virtual meeting by Zoom. The link for the meeting is:

Meeting ID: 912 6757 5090

Passcode: 738000

The APM is an opportunity for parishioners to have their say on the activities of the parish council and make suggestions of future projects that could be undertaken. There will be an online presentation of our activities following which parishioners will be invited to give their comments, so please do come along. However if you are unable to attend your comments are most welcome. Please email them to

For a variety of reasons not everybody will be able to join in the meeting and a Newsletter is being circulated summarising the activities of the Parish Council over the past year: please click to download

The Future Rutland Conversation

“The Future Rutland Conversation launches today. It’s your opportunity to get your views heard on all things Rutland. Topics to be covered include environment/ climate change/ health and wellbeing/ leisure/ living in Rutland/ public services/ learning, skills and employment.  Find out more and sign up for virtual live conversations or take part in surveys at  Please register and then you can join a conversation here:” on the village

Emergency Road Closure-Glebe Road, North Luffenham with immediate effect

Rutland County Council District Council (‘the Council’) in exercise of its powers contained in s14(2) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 has issued this notice in relation to Severn Trent water works because of the likelihood of danger to the public.
The effect of the notice is that Glebe Road shall be closed with immediate effect today to 25/03/2021.
The maximum duration of this notice shall be 21 days from the date below.
During the implementation of this notice the diversion route shall be Glebe Road, Pilton
Road, Moor Lane, Digby Drive, Chapel Lane, Church Street, Pinfold Lane and Lyndon Road

A map of the diversion route is available to view at

Mark Andrews 23rd March 2021
Interim Chief Executive
Rutland County Council
LE15 6HP

Bored with the televison? There is something more interesting to watch: how does HIF affect you personally?

HIF: you need to know about Housing Infrastructure Fund – because if voted through at the special Rutland Council Meeting 22nd March at 7pm the St. George’s Barracks development of 2,215 houses is much more likley to go ahead and it has significant fianancial risks to the county. If defeated the devlopment as planned cannot proceed.

A North Luffenham parish councillor and resident will ask searching questions concerning the risks if the HIF is approved. You can support them by attending the meeting on Zoom: As a member of the public you cannot speak but the councillors will be aware of the presence of the public and this will impress on them at what is a stake.

Please click on this link to have an understanding of the issues:


The effect of the order will be that during the dates and times specified below all vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the length of road known as Oakham Road from the junction with Lyndon Road to Uppingham Road
The closure is to enable Network Rail to undertake bridge demolition and rebuilding works.
The duration of the Closure shall be for a maximum period of six months from 12th April 2021 or until the works are completed.
It is anticipated the works will take 85 days. The closure shall come into force when the appropriate signs and diversion route are erected on site.
The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: from 12th April 2021 to 5th July 2021
The alternative route during the closure will be via the route shown on the attached plan

Changes to Centrebus Services 12 and 47

After the government announcement on 22nd February and the roadmap to ease out of lockdown we have been working with our bus operators on re-building our local bus services.  Several changes will come into effect from 8th March 2021 including the reinstatement of the Centrebus Service 47/R47 to aid travel to access education.  This timetable will be made available at relevant bus stops as soon as possible but can also be found on the Centrebus website

The timetable for Centrebus service 12 will also be amended from 8th March to include stops at Uppingham Community and Stamford College once again.  A copy of this timetable is attached for your information and is being put out at relevant bus stops during the course of today.

Social distancing measures should still be adhered to and the wearing of face masks is still mandatory unless exempt.  Hopefully if everyone is careful we will be able to build back up to full services everywhere in due course. 

Remember these at St. George’s Barracks

They have gone.

At a Rutland County Council Planning Meeting on the 15th December representations objecting to the retrospective planning application for the lorries to remain were made by residents and parish councillors from North Luffenham and Edith Weston along with our ward councillors. The application was rejected unaminously with the result that the site could no longer be used as a lorry park resulting in less heavy lorries on the surrounding roads.

It is heartening that the hard work that went into our valid objections to this application were heeded.