Men & Women in Sheds, Rutland – Spring Commission Slots Available

As you may have seen around the village, the Men & Women in Sheds Team have been busy making bespoke garden furniture to order. Over the coming month we have some slots available should you want anything wooden built to your own design (or one inspired by us).

Our prices are very reasonable and are based on cost of the wood plus a donation to AgeUK to enable us to run the Shed.

Examples of our handiwork are picnic tables, garden benches, potting tables, bug boxes, mud kitchens & planters.

Personalised Mud Kitchen for 3 year old
An array of Benches, Gentlemen of MiS Rutland not included
Bug Boxes – before & after personalisation…

For further information and inspiration visit our website:-

Alternatively, contact Brian Lee on 01572 720319 or via email

Damage to Play Equipment on The Oval

There has been damge to play equipment on The Oval and unfortunately it looks deliberate. There has also been damage to the wooden bridge over the River Chater on the footpath from the Church towards the railway bridge on Glebe Rd. It also looks as though it might have been deliberate.

If you do see any antisocial behaviour please contact the police. If you have information that might be helpful our beat officer, PC Icke, may be contacted by email:

Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The draft North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan, having been approved by North Luffenham Parich Council, has been submitted to Rutland County Council for screening to make sure it complies with various statutory reqiurments. This takes 4-6 weeks and if it meets these requirements there will be an extensive consultation, called Regulation 14, with residents of the parish.

Full Fibre Internet Availability in North Luffenham Village

The Full Fibre Internet connection for the Community Centre and the School has been funded by RCC to encourage the further roll out of of fibre optic cabling in the village.

The installation by OpenReach has placed a limited number of properties within the connecting distance for a Full Fibre Internet upgrade. An upgrade would enable speeds of up to 1Gb/sec (Gigabit Internet)

The purple dots on the map below show which lucky residents now have availability for a full fibre connection.

You would need to contact your Internet provider for details on how to upgrade and costs.

Community Centre Fibre Broadband

The installation of Full Fibre broadband in the Community Centre has now been completed. The Wi-Fi is now powered by a fibre optic cable providing capacity for up to 1 Gigabit. Currently it is enabled for a stable 100Mb/Sec connection.

The Community Centre is available for any organisation or person to book, and so if you would like to take advantage of this new facility (maybe for an important Zoom meeting whilst the kids are playing games via your home Internet? ) please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

North Luffenham Scouts Collecting for Ukraine Today

We will continue to collect for Ukraine on Saturday 12th March 2-4pm due to great demand and donating in the previous week. Many have said they still have things to contribute. Please look especially for old rucksacks, water bottles, sleeping bags, hiking clothes and boots for men, women and children and medical supplies especially. Can parents please share to community boards locally , thank you everyone. The container will be in the car park of St Mary & St John CEVA Primary School, North Luffenham, Rutland school 2 til 4pm on Saturday. Every donation will help 🇺🇦

Unacceptable behavior

It has been brought to the Parish Councils attention that someone or people have been shooting at and killing pigeons in and around the Oval Recreation Ground. Please be aware that it is an offence to shoot wild birds without a license and cause. The matter has been reported to the police and they will be now be carrying out additional surveillance of the area

Chater Bowls AGM 2022

It is intended to hold the Chater Bowls 2022 AGM on Monday 4th April at 2pm in Clubhouse on Pinfold Lane.

If you have an interest in wanting to play lawn bowls, non members are invited to come along to meet existing members and see how the Club is run. You can also view our recently decorated Clubhouse.

Alan Costello

Secretary Chater Bowls Club

Access to the old railway line at South Luffenham withdrawn.

South Luffenham have informed us of an access closure and this may affect walkers from North Luffenham.

The owners of the land behind Gatehouse Lane have informed the Chairman that they have decided to withdraw access to the old railway line via the field behind Gatehouse Lane. Access was originally allowed through a permitted access route which expired in 2011. They allowed access to continue through goodwill but have recently decided to withdraw this as some people were allowing dogs to run in the crops and were not clearing up after them.

Fly Tipping on the Oval

It has been brought to my attention that someone has tipped their garden waste (buddleia branches) on the Oval behind the new electricity sub-station.

The Oval is not a place to deposit your garden waste, this should either be put in your green bin or taken to the Civic amenity site on the road to Morcott. There is no charge for taking your waste there

Thank you

Empingham Garden Club

“Empingham Garden Club – next meeting is on Monday 28th February at the Cricket Club, when guest Geoff Hodge will give a talk on ‘Propagation’.  Geoff is a well-known  garden writer, regularly appearing in various national gardening magazines.
Talk starts at 7.30pm – refreshments and raffle.  All welcome – £2 for non-members.