Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Rutland South Crime report for June 2021

1st  – Lyndon nature reserve – 16.20 –  unknown person/s have smashed the rear window and stolen items listed. (Perpetrators may have been watching items being placed into boot area)

3rd – Tinwell  – Burglary – whilst owner on holiday someone has gained entry gained via smashing side door window. Nothing stolen

3rd – Caldecott – Theft attempt to gain entry to an empty church donation box.

3rd  – Ridlington  – theft of tools  – suspect to be interviewed .

5th –  Lyndon – 14.20  Rutland water vehicle parked up has window smashed and items stolen. (Please remove items prior to arriving as perpetrator may be watching you).

7th – Bisbrooke – theft of items from driveway. (If you leave it on show it will go)

10th – Ketton – 23:02  – Owner wakes up after hearing her car windows being smashed and car driving off.

14th – Stoke Dry – person dealt with for possession of cannabis.

15th Empingham – assault

22nd – Banking protocol on elderly victim after receiving a phone call – (attempt)

26th  – Ketton  – Theft of land rover defender from driveway

26th – Ridlington – Overnight – Theft of Landrover defender doors that was parked at rear of property. 

As part of our ongoing drive to reduce demand did you know that you can report a “NONE EMERGENCY” crime and find lots of useful information on our new improved web site.

NLPC Annual Accounts and payments over £100

I am pleased to advise that NLPC passed their annual internal audit with regards to Governance and Finances. Please find attached the finalised report along with a list of expenditure over £100. If any member of the public would like to examine the accounts then this can be done from the 14th June to 23rd July 2021 by first contacting the Parish Clerk by email:

Rutland Walking Cycling and Outdoor Festival

Rutland Walking Cycling and Outdoor Festival 29 May – 13 June

A range of virtual challenges and activities to get involved in, at your own pace and in your own time. Activities will be regularly added to our website throughout the 2 week festival, including family fun activities, local walking and cycling routes, outdoor spaces, local club activities, workplace wellbeing and more. Find out more by visiting the Active Rutland website:

Face to face festival activities are planned for later this year, if you would like to be added to our mailing list for updates please let me know. If you are part of a club/group/organisation that would like to be involved in our festival later this year, please get in touch.

If you or someone you know takes part in any activities across the 2 weeks, don’t forget to take some photos and send them in to us or let us know what you had a go at.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

Many thanks,


Danielle Adams | Active Rutland Officer

Rutland County Council

Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP

t: 01572 720936 | 07765 770930


RCC Road Closure notices

Please find attached Notice’s and accompanying plans in respect of the Temporary Road Closures in the above areas in Rutland which will come into effect from 03/06/2021 to 05/06/2021.

Plans of the proposed closures and their associated diversion routes are included in the attached documents for your reference.

It is anticipated the works will only be in place for a few hours at each location and only one site will be worked on at a time.

Planning Application: Reference: 2021/0549/CAT

North Luffenham Hall Church Street North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8JR

PROPOSAL: T1-Acacia tree – Reduce and reshape by up to 5 metres to suitable pruning
points, to allow light into neighbours properties.

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 8 June 2021. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.
Please email any comments you wish to make to

Planning Application: Reference: 2021/0476/FUL, Ketton Fields Ketton Road, North Luffenham, Rutland, PE9 3UT

PROPOSAL: Erection of a first floor extension on top of the existing triple bay garage
as ancillary accommodation to main dwelling.
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 3 June 2021. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.
Please email any comments you wish to make to

NLPC Annual Parish Council and Trust Meetings: Monday 17th May 2021 @ NL Community Centre 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above meetings. As this meeting is being held in the Community Centre we need to ensure that it is within the Covid guidelines for indoor meetings. As a consequence, we are restricted to having 15 people (including Cllrs and staff) in the room. Therefore we may need turn residents away if it looks that this number is going to be exceeded.

Any attendee must wear a face mask when they arrive and leave, santise their hands on entry and if they have a mobile phone, scan the QR code we have for the centre. If you do not have a phone then please complete the signing in sheet. We will ensure that the chairs are spaced 2 meters apart and will have been wiped down before use.

Finally if you have any of the following symptons then please do not attend:

a new continuous cough

a high temperature

a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell