Author Archives: Parish Clerk

RCC Temporary Road Closures

Please see the attached notices concerning road closures near North Luffenham to allow patching of the road surface.

RCC Road Closure Notice: TRO-20-143 North Luffenham Road, Morcott

Please see the attached road closure notice concerning North Luffenham Road Morcott.

The closure and one-way system are scheduled to be in place for 365 days. The closure and oneway system shall come into force when the appropriate signs and diversion route are erected on site.
The duration of the Closure and One-way System shall be as follows: from 19th November 2020 to the completion of the new Waste site entrance.

Following queries raised by residents, I wrote to RCC today for clarification of several points. The response I received is as follows:

As specified in the original email, the new TTRO is a continuation of the one-way system that was originally in place.

The previous TTRO for the closure and one-way system had a time period of 6 months, as that runs out on the 18th November this new TTRO has had to be issued.

There will be no changes to the signs and restrictions that have been in place for the previous 6 months, and as far as I am aware the tip will continue to operate as it has done since its re-opening.



Planning Application 2020/1213/FUL

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
PROPOSAL: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning application
2017/0008/FUL – Erection of 3 new dwellings.
Pasture House, Glebe Road, North Luffenham
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 1 December 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.

NLPC and Trust Meetings (Virtual) Monday 19th October 7.30pm

Please see the attached papers for next Mondays meeting. It will be a virtual meeting and here is the link:

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Notification of closure of Airfield


Can I please advise you all that the North Luffenham Airfield will be placed Out of Bounds to all civilians. Dates and locations listed below.

  • Saturday 10th Oct 20 from 1200 – 1530 (Golf course area).
  • Saturday 24th Oct 20 from 1200 – 1530 (Golf course area).
  • Saturday 24th Oct 20 from 1730 – 0800 Sunday 25th Oct (All areas within the airfield).

This due to Army Reserve Military Working Dog handlers completing essential training and to ensure your safety. Please co-operate with any safety staff’s direction.

We apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused.

Sgt P Miles

Permanent Staff Instructor

101 Sqn (Res).

RCC Covid -19 Newsletter

Dear resident,

It is a little while since I wrote a covid update.  We have had a lovely summer and the spread of covid seemed under control.  Sadly that has not continued and even here in Rutland numbers are rising, although not to the level we have seen elsewhere in the UK.  The news that pubs, clubs and restaurants now have to close at 10pm takes me back to the days when pub opening hours were limited to 8 per day (5 on Sundays) and regularly closed at 10.30pm (at least where I lived) but I guess I’m showing my age!  Whatever you do, though, keep yourself safe and follow the Government’s guidelines and advice:

  • Wear a face covering if you can’t keep two meters away from others (except in your own home, of course)
  • Wear a face covering in taxis and private hire vehicles
  • Wear a face covering in pubs, cafes, sports and social clubs etc. at all times you are not seated at your table (staff must wear a face covering at all times) 
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Don’t mix, either in your home or outside, in groups of more than 6.

There are also much stricter rules for businesses and village halls/community centres and if you are interested you can find details here.

Now to other topics.  Many residents have contacted me about the current consultation on the Local Plan.  This consultation has been extended to 4.15pm on 6 November.  Details can be found here: and your parish council has a hard copy of the document should you wish to read it in hard copy.  Your parish council will also be able to advise you on completing the response form, although you are allowed to submit a letter if you don’t want to use the form.

Leicestershire Police are currently undertaking a consultation on community safety.  If you wish to take part you can find it here:

And finally you will be getting communication from our health authorities on proposals to reconfigure Leicester’s hospitals.  This includes the proposal to close the maternity unit in Melton and other reductions at the General.  These proposals are likely to have a significant impact on Rutland residents and so you may wish to respond to them.  You can find out more about the proposals, and how to respond, here 

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

Airfield Notice – Out of Bounds

Good afternoon,

Can I please notify you and the local community that the airfield will be out of bounds for civilian use over the following dates.

  • Training commencing – 0900hrs on 24th Oct 2020.
  • Training complete – 1600hrs on 25th Oct 2020.

Kind Regards

Sgt PJ MILES | TRG PSI 101 SQN | St George’s Bks, North Luffenham

Mil: 95361 7890 | Civilian: +44 (0)1780 727890 | Mob: 00447511 617841

Community Safety


We would like to invite you to share your views on crime and anti-social behaviour in your local area by completing this questionnaire. This survey has been created in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire and the Community Safety Partnerships across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Who should complete the questionnaire?

We would like you to complete the questionnaire if you are aged 16 or over and live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland. The survey should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Participation in this survey is voluntary and you do not have to answer any questions that you feel uncomfortable with. You can withdraw from the survey up until the point that it is submitted.

What will the findings be used for?

The views that you share through this survey will be used to improve the work undertaken in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and to protect our communities. As this survey will be conducted annually, it will also help us to better understand changes in the levels and types of crime and anti-social behaviour in your local area over time.

The information collected through the survey will be handled in accordance with data protection legislation and will be presented anonymously in any outputs. Please click here to read our Privacy Notice. Your data will be processed by SurveyMonkey and you can view their terms for how they do this.

Thank you


Grace Strong

Strategic Director

Violence Reduction Network

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

NLPC and Trust Meetings (Virtual) Monday 28th Sept @7.30pm

Please find below the papers for the above meetings. A link to the meeting will be published here next Monday, 28th Sept. Here is the link:

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Planning Application – 2020/0923/CAT

The Town & Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012
North Luffenham Hall Church Street North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8JR

PROPOSAL: T1-T10-Lime trees – Re-pollard, to clear electricity wires. T11-T26-Lime
trees – Re-pollard, to maintain suitable size for their location.
T27-T34-Lime trees – Re-pollard, to maintain suitable size for their location. T35-T45-
Lime trees – Pollard to an height of up to 4.5 metres to suitable growth points to
maintain a uniform avenue of trees.
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 24 September 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.

Planning Application: 2020/0955/CAT; 27 Church Street

PROPOSAL: T1 , Malus sylvestris (Crab Apple ) crown thin and 1.5m crown reduction ,
T2 , Malus domesticus (Fruiting Apple Winter prunning , crown thin, and 1.5m
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 8 October 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by
entering the reference number above.
Please email any comments you wish to make to
Yours sincerely
Andrew Waskett-Burt
Planning Officer
Reference: 2020/0955/CAT
Stone Cottage 27 Church Street North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8JR

Planning Application 2020/0961/RGE

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 28 September 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.
Please email any comments you wish to make to
Reference: 2020/0961/RG3
Case Officer: Andrew Waskett-Burt

PROPOSAL: Regulation 3 application to create a new vehicular exit route from the site.
Civic Amenity Site North Luffenham Road Morcott Rutland

Planning Application: 2020/0973/CAT re 9 Glebe Road

PROPOSAL: 1 No. Silver Birch tree (T2) – Reduce height by 5m and reduce lateral branches by 1.5m to balance shape (smaller tree on right).

1 No. Silver Birch tree (T1) – Remove to 1m above ground level (larger tree on left).

1 No. Red leafed Maple (T3) – Reduce by 2.5m