Author Archives: Pete Burrows

Dog Mess in Local Fields

People may not be aware, but in order to protect sheep from diseases such as you need to pick up your dog mess when walking in the fields local to North Luffenham

Local Farmers have lost several sheep to dog faeces transmitted disease

Dog waste on grazing land can pass worms and parasites to sheep, so it is vital that dog owners pick up their dogs’ droppings when walking pets on farm land. The eggs of worms and parasites can survive on the ground for a long time, so dog mess must even be cleared from fields that do not currently have livestock grazing in them. It is also important to keep your dog thoroughly wormed all year round.

For more information see the link below

Worm control | National Sheep Association

Rutland Covid Vaccination Update

Just to let you know we have now vaccinated 89.6% of the 2753 patients aged over 80. We have finished vaccinating residents of all 11 care homes.

An attempt to contact all the patients over 80 has been made, and there will be more calls made tomorrow. Where we cannot contact patients, we will try their next of kin if recorded in their records. We have not yet started vaccinating housebound patients but hope to do so after this week if we get a vaccine delivery. Any housebound patients who can be brought to the centre will be vaccinated this week (we can vaccinate 600 per day at eth vaccination centre, but only 20/day at home and the vaccine centre is better supported for potential reactions)

We have a larger delivery this week, and we are now able to start offering vaccine to the next cohort, 75-79 year olds. Again there are over 2000 people in this cohort, so they will not all be invited this week. Some patients who are aged 77-79 will receive an invitation to book. We have sufficient vaccine to start this process using the automated booking whilst we are also finishing the over 80 invitations by phone, and we are also offering vaccination to local frontline health and care staff who have contact with multiple older adults. I hope that the  simultaneous booking of 77-79 year old using a rapid process, whilst we also use a slower process to invite the remaining over 80s does not cause confusion, and any help you can give in allaying any concerns is much appreciated. We are making the best use of the vaccine that we receive – most is administered to patients within 48 hours of our receiving it, and we are using the extra doses in the vials whenever possible( all but one vial on Friday!)

Dr Hilary Fox

Clinical Director Rutland Health Primary Care Network

Rutland Covid Vaccinations

Rutland Covid Vaccination Programme

If you are registered with a surgery in Rutland, they will be sending booking details for the Covid Vaccination Programme to your mobile phone, if you have one, over the next few weeks and month. If you are aged over 70 and have not yet received an SMS message (text message) about the Covid Vaccination Programme then they may not have your mobile phone number. 

If you have a mobile phone please let your practice know the number by writing to your practice or emailing Please do not phone your practice. If you do not have a mobile phone then they will contact you by other means.

Message sent on behalf of Rutland Health Primary Care Network (

The Boot Inn South Luffenham – Christmas Opening Hrs

With Christmas just around the corner, why not make a visit to The Boot as part of your Christmas plans.

We will have festive homemade scotch eggs, the Boris Menu and our lovely full menu running at various times.

We have also planned a New Years Eve “Boot to the Future” party (more details to follow). Please remember to book your table by messaging us on Facebook or emailing

All closing hours may vary dependent on bookings.

Monday 21st Dec – Closed

Tuesday 22nd Dec – Closed

Wednesday 23rd Dec – 6-9pm (pizza night)

Christmas Eve – 12-10pm (2-5pm festive scotch eggs only)

Christmas Day – 12-2pm -(festive scotch eggs)

Boxing Day – 12 – 4pm

Sunday 27th Dec 12-6pm (Roast)

Bank holiday Monday – 12-9pm (pizza’s)

Tuesday 29th Dec – Closed

Wednesday 30th – Closed

New Years Eve – 6-11pm – “Boot to the Future”

New Years Day- 12-10pm

Please remember Tier 2 rules apply throughout these times when visiting. We can’t accept visitors from Tier 3.

HGV Storage at St Georges Barracks – Planning Permission Refused

I’m sure the majority of North Luffenham residents will be delighted to hear that the retrospective planning application to allow the storage of up to 400 HGV trailers, lorries and coaches at St Georges Barracks was last night refused by RCC’s Planning Committee.

Many thanks to all of the local residents who provided input, wrote objections directly to RCC, and assisted with the Parish Council submission.

Particular thanks should go to Tim Collins for initially bringing this to the attention of the Parish Council, and for his very detailed analysis of the ecological impact of the activity. This was one of the key points for the refusal, along with the Councillors understanding of the impact of the HGV traffic on the roads and residents of North Luffenham and Edith Weston

Final Neighbourhood Plan Zoom Call

A reminder that your last chance to take part in the Zoom presentations on the Neighbourhood plan is this evening at 7:30pm.

The Neighbourhood Plan will cover planning rules in the Parish for the next 15 years, plus objectives and plans for issues such as speeding, parking and the environment in the Parish

Topic: North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 6352 3277
Passcode: 292804

Physical presentations are being worked on, however these are likely to be necessarily limited in the number of people that can attend due to the current Covid 19 restrictions. This means that the Zoom call will give you the best opportunity for information on the Plan, and the impact on the Parish

Neighbourhood Plan Zoom Meeting, 5pm Tonight

A reminder that there will be another chance to take part in the presentations on the Neighbourhood plan this evening at 5pm

The Neighbourhood Plan will cover planning rules in the Parish for the next 15 years, plus objectives and plans for issues such as speeding, parking and the environment in the Parish

Topic: North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 6352 3277
Passcode: 292804

Village Jigsaw Swap?

As “Lockdown 2” progresses, and the nights get ever longer, there has been a suggestion for a Jigsaw swap in the village.

If you have a jigsaw that you have completed, or do not need any more, and you want to pass it on to other people in the village, please leave it in the old telephone box on Church Street. It can then be recycled around the other jigsaw fans in North Luffenham

In Remembrance

Lest we forget.

Thinking of the men who died for our way of life from RAF North Luffenham and RAF Woolfox Lodge, local resident Gareth Jones is looking at how the heritage of these battlefields can be recognised.

Gareth has researched the background of the airmen buried in North Luffenham churchyard, and has recorded them on his website

You may be interested in his blog and some amazing stories documented there.

The WW2 men resting in the North Luffenham churchyard are a minor sample from Bomber Command war, where 55,500 aircrew died and 8403 were wounded. Not known is how many RAF and WRAF lost their lives on the ground. There are also 11 war graves at North Luffenham from the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1952, 53 and 54 in the Cold War.

We will remember them. Please contact me if you are interested or have any stories to add.

You may also recall the previous posts on the website recording the men from North Luffenham who died during World War 1

Takeaway Beer at The Boot Inn South Luffenham

Fancy a beer? We are able to offer you takeaway beer and ciders at the discounted rates below. All you need to do is send a WhatsApp message to Mark (07545153698) with your order and we will arrange a time with you for collection.
We have 2 pint cartons for you or you can bring your own container.

Guinness £3
Prava £3
Morretti £3
Aspalls £3
Magnus £3
Carling £2.50
Laines IPA £3
Bottles of Erdinger 3 for £5

Our Ice machine is running so if you want free ice when you collect a beer order bring a plastic tub and we will fill that up for you too.

Takeaway menu out soon and starting next week!

Local Plan Consultation – Last Day, and Sample Submission

Today is the last day that you can make a representation on the draft Local Plan – it needs to be received by RCC by 4:15PM today

Other posts on the topic have outlined the issues and topics that are judged to be inadequate and should be challenged.

For those of you short of time there are two Word documents with representations included. Should you wish, you can download these, modify as you feel fit, complete the personal details (you cannot make anonymous submissions) and email to RCC at

Remember this needs to be completed by 4:15 PM today

North Luffenham Response to RCC Local Plan

Individually we make a difference. Together we can make all the difference.

As advised during last weeks Zoom call, the Parish Council and Local Plan group are offering advice and input to village residents responding to the Local Plan Consultation
Local Parish Councils, CPRE and the Fight4Rutland campaign group have analysed the draft Local Plan and identified areas they feel should be challenged on the basis of either not being legal, sound, positively prepared or in line with National Guidelines.

  • Flawed Consultation Process 
  • Inaccurate  Population Projections 
  • Promoting unustainable Development
  • Poor Location of development
  • Overstating the housing supply requirements for Rutland
  • Location of affordable housing
  • Impact on Rutland Water area
  • Lack of sustainable transport

As you can see its quite a list! 
These issues need to be raised as part of this consultation process, to be brought to the attention of the Independent Inspector for the plan
If these issues are not formally challenged the Inspector will not investigate and rule on them

An overview of the details of the issues found with the plan are here:

If you are one of the 90% of village residents opposed to RCC’s plan, please do one of the actions below before November 6th

If you are happy for Fight4Rutland to raise these issues on your behalf, as part of their representation, they can add your name to the list of people supporting their submission via this link: Add me to Fight4Rutlands Local Plan Submissio

If you would like to make your own submission to RCC, based on the information in Fight4Rutlands document, the details are here:
Firgh4Rutland Sample Representation

If you would like to see North Luffenham Parish Council’s Response to the Local Plan please click on the link below and please use the representations as a basis for your own.

If you need assistance with making your own submission, the Parish Council can help – email us on

Further Covid-19 Information from RCC – Care Homes and Covid Marshals

Adult Social Care winter plan
The Adult Social Care winter plan that was recently published by government had two
additional requirements attached to it regarding care homes. Firstly, a self-assessment
questionnaire to provide assurance with care market sustainability, which we are currently working on. The second relates to Care Quality Commission (CQC) designated COVID Care Homes.
The latter requirement is for each authority to have an identified care home that will care for COVID-positive patients in a secluded area within its establishment, with its own care and support staff who only working with COVID patients. This commissioning request has come to Adult Social Care (ASC) to facilitate and inform CQC of the identified home.
We have a very good relationship with all of our care homes and all have indicated
previously they would not take COVID-positive patients. ASC is therefore working closely
with County and City colleagues to identify homes where we may all be able to facilitate
COVID-positive hospital discharges.

Local Area Coordinators Scheme
Rutland County Council is required to have a Local Area Coordinators Scheme for Test,
Track and Trace. These are people who will knock on doors if people in Rutland have
received a positive COVID test but failed to respond to phone calls informing them they
are positive. All coordinators will be wearing the necessary PPE.
COVID Marshalls
The question of COVID Marshalls has been discussed in detail at RTCG. There is
agreement that COVID Marshals would be beneficial in our towns to remind people about the need to follow social distancing, wear masks and wash their hands regularly. This is in order to be as proactive and preventative as possible.
Contingency planning
RTCG is looking at ways to fund extra resources to enable contingencies, should we are
to enter the second tier in the new government tier system or even the highest third tier.
RTCG has also discussed the possible need to close less business critical areas of the
council if needed, to support business critical services if the second wave continues and
escalates further. Plans are being put in place so we can act quickly if required.
Self-isolation payments
People are now required by law to self-isolate, supported by payment of £500 for those on lower incomes who cannot work from home and have lost income as a result.
We have now set up a scheme which went live from 12th October to administer self-
isolation payments. We have had six claims to date.
Further details can be found on our website:

Finance updates
There have been various announcements this week including the suggestion that we will receive another non-ring fenced COVID-19 grant to support all aspects of work from a further £1bn fund. We await the details on this. A full round up of the COVID-19 funding position will be presented in the November Finance report to Cabinet.
Local lockdown grants
The Council previously received guidance in respect of a Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG). This would involve making payments of up to £3,000 (revised from £1,500) to businesses (not only those who pay rates) which have closed or have been impacted by a local lockdown.
Some initial work has been undertaken and the Council will be stepping up plans to put
arrangements in place so we can respond if the need arise.

Latest Covid-19 Information for Rutland

  1. COVID-19
    a. Latest situation
    As of 4.00pm on Thursday 15 October, 673,622 people have tested positive for
    coronavirus in the UK.
    As of 4.00pm on Thursday 15 October, of those tested positive for coronavirus in the UK, 43,293 people have died across all settings within 28 days of a positive test.
    These figures will also be published on the daily dashboard:
    Rutland recorded 44 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the latest week (7-13 October). This equates to 110 cases per 100,000 people. The average area in England had 95.
    A total of 24 coronavirus-related deaths have been registered in Rutland as of 2 October.
    b. New COVID alert system
    The government has implemented a new three-tier ranking system for local authority areas across England, indicating the COVID threat level for each area. The three Local COVID Alert Levels are Medium, High and Very High.
    Rutland is currently ranked as Medium-risk, meaning:
     People must not socialise in groups larger than 6, indoors or outdoors (other than
    where a legal exemption applies)
     Businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a COVID-secure manner, other
    than those that remain closed in law
     Certain businesses are required to ensure customers only consume food and drink while seated, and must close between 10pm and 5am
     Businesses and venues selling food for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-through
     Schools remain open
     Places of worship remain open, subject to the rule of 6
     Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on numbers of attendees
     Exercise classes and organised sport can continue to take place outdoors, or
    indoors if the rule of 6 is followed
    This is all in addition to following public health guidance about hand washing, face
    coverings and social distancing.
    People living in England can find the Local COVID Alert Level for their area by using a
    postcode checker on the government’s website.

Village Survey 2020

We want your views! What is good about the village and what is not so good? How would you like it to develop in the next 10 to 20 years?

The foundation of the Neighbourhood Plan, currently being developed by a Working Group of North Luffenham Parish Council + residents , is what you, as villagers, say is important. As the name suggests the Neighbourhood Plan is a plan for the whole Parish, and if adopted has legal status and means that any development within the Parish must take account of its policies. A major factor in the decision to develop an NP is the proposed development of St Georges Barracks, and an NP would enable the village to have a significant influence on how the site is developed.

To find out exactly what you think and want, we have issued a new village survey – available both online and in paper hard copy. The purpose of this survey is to update and refresh the findings of the previous Village Survey, undertaken in 2017, to ensure our Neighbourhood Plan reflects what the Community wants to happen.

The Online version of the Village Survey 2020 can be found via the link below.

Villagers over 16 are welcome to complete the survey either individually or on behalf of members of your household. The questionnaire should take about 15 minutes to complete.

Your opinions matter and will help to protect and enhance village life, so please complete the survey and attend and participate in the public meetings.

Paper copies of the questionnaire will be collected approximately 10-14 days after being delivered. It can be completed on the village website but please indicate in the boxes below that you have done so, when you hand in the form. 

There are comment boxes in each section of the questionnaire. Please feel free to use them, as any additional comments would be greatly appreciated in helping to form the correct picture of what you think and want.

You may feel that some of the questions are not relevant, not of interest to you or maybe you would prefer not to answer. If that is the case, please leave them unanswered. 

The responses will be analysed collectively and no individuals will be identified in any published results. 

Public meetings, when feasible, will be held to further inform and gather comments in order that the Neighbourhood Plan will have as wide a range of views as possible.

The Parish Council is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and any personal information will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act. 

South Luffenham Table Top Sale – Saturday July 25th

Tabletop Sale
Have you had a good clear out whilst in lockdown? Have items that are too good for the tip? Would like to help raise money for Macmillan Cancer research?
On Saturday July 25th in the South Luffenham Village Hall there will be a tabletop sale from 10am-4pm to raise donations for Macmillan Cancer research as we will not be able to hold the usual coffee morning to support them in September. It will be carried out within the recently published Covid19 guidelines for Village Halls with numbers in the hall at any one time being monitored, gloves available and facilities for hand sanitiser and hand washing in place.
If you would like to donate items, please contact Tracy Steward and arrangements will be made to bring your items to the hall at least 3 days before the event. Tracy 01780 729006