Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

Camera Club news May 2015

This was the last meeting before the Summer Break and took the form of a practical session. This encouraged us to try out our settings for various situations.
These ranged from portraits (Jessica very kindly sat for us as a model)- to still life and coloured light displays.

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The Outing to Rutland Water was accompanied by Simon Lee, who gave a talk on Photography for Automotive magazines, last year. On the Theme of Movement, there were plenty of speeding yachts, windsurfers and the water! Although racing was delayed because of the windy conditions, it gave us an opportunty to experiement with camera settings. In spite of these adverse conditions (made bearable with hot coffee in the clubhouse) some exciting photos were captured.

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The next meeting will be in the Community Centre at 7.30 on the 14th September.

Burrough League Cricket – Home Match vs Sproxton

In an exciting 15 overs match played in the late Tuesday evening sunshine on the Oval, Sproxton batted first scoring 68 for 5.

In reply North Luffenham won on the last ball at 69 for 7, (Sam Hodson 33)

The next home fixture is on Tuesday June 16th.

The club welcomes any new players who would be interested in taking part in the Tuesday evening league

Please contact Woody Hodson on 07719264041 or Bill Whittaker 01780 721216 / 07867673730

Camera Club news – May 2015

Next meeting of the Camera Club is on Monday 11th May, in the Community Centre at 7.30pm. This is a practical session, so please bring camera and any other accessories you need.

The outing to Rutland Water with Simon Lee, is on Saturday 16th, weather permitting. ( More details at the meeting)   Everyone is very welcome – hope to see you there.

NLCC – Junior Cricket Training 2015

Junior Cricket training will once again start its summer season on The Oval from Monday 13th April

Note that this will commence at 6pm, apologies for the error in the previous post

All existing & new players are most welcome to come & join our friendly village club.

We have 3 age groups – years 1&2, 3&4 and 5&6.

For further information please contact us through village website page.


At the March 2015  meeting of the Camera Club, there was a good turnout for photojournalist speaker, Andrew James, who delighted us all with his splendid photographs of the wildlife of the Ranthambhore National Park, particularly those of the tigers and cubs.  It is quite rare for some of the situations photographed, to have been taken before – mothers carrying their cubs so close to the vehicles and people.   These were taken in temperatures of  over 40 degrees, in the scrub and vegetation.  Also included, were  pictures of local Indian people with their colourful clothes.

To bridge the two halves of this programme, Andrew presented some glorious views of Rutland, taken in the depths of the winter frosts.

We were  then shown photographs of  a completely opposite part of the world- stunning views of the mountains of South Georgia and the Falkland Islands– the old whaling station, albatross, antics of the elephant seals  and  the different breeds of penguins.  Those sparse, treeless wastes contrasted so strongly with the Indian photos.   Being in those two extreme living conditions must have been very demanding.

What a very enjoyable evening – our thanks to Andrew for bringing these two different environments to our club.

The next meeting of the Camera Club is on May 11, 7,30 at the Community Centre.  This will be a Practical evening.

The theme for Display is “Wildlife”


MARCH 2015 meeting of the CAMERA CLUB

Albatross-Andrew-James-LR                        Tiger-Andrew-James

We welcome the return of experienced photo journalist   ANDREW JAMES  on the 9th March.

(7.30 pm in the Community Centre).

Andrew  will give a presentation  of some of the world’s rarest wildlife and wildest landscapes in the Forests of Ranthambhore National Park in INDIA and on the high seas of the   SOUTH ATLANTIC.  This is a good opportunity to enjoy these  regions of the world, without all  the hassle of travelling!

Visitors are always welcome (£2)

Chater Community Choir Change of Rehearsal Location

Due to the continued success of Chater Community Choir the decision has been taken to change the choir’s rehearsal location to somewhere that will more comfortably accommodate their large numbers. Therefore from Tuesday 10th February the choir will be meeting at Edith Weston school.

Full calendar of events for North Luffenham Good Companions

Wed 4th Feb:   Social Afternoon

Wed 4th Mar:  Bee Keeping – Hazel Goodman

Wed 1st Apr:   Dolls Houses – Ruth Pryke

Wed 6th May:  Patagonia  – Richard Davies

Wed 3rd June:  Beetle Drive

Wed 1st July:    Living with the Innuits – Kath Peddie

Wed 5th Aug:   Lunch starting at 12pm followed by Allan Black, music, sing a long, dance !!!!

Wed 2nd Sept: Desert Island Discs – Nina Rawlings

Wed 7th Oct:   Postboxes – Helen Crabtree

Wed 4th Nov:   Christmas flower decoration, there may be an extra charge for this.

Wed Dec 2nd:   Christmas Lunch, to be decided.

Venue—Community Centre

Time     2pm to 4pm

Cost £10 a year subscription. Plus £1 a month, which includes tea and cake and door ticket. A raffle is also run during the afternoon.

There will be a charge for the lunch in August.

Other trips will be run during the year, to be decided.

This is a very friendly group and we look forward to welcoming new membe

Need a helping hand

The North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme is ‘active’ from Monday 19th January and if you need a helping hand, which is not an emergency, then ring 07825 697841 (8am to 8pm). We will do our best to reply straight away but if we are unable to than a message can be left, and we will return the call as soon as possible.

A leaflet explaining the scheme, the kind of help offered and a fridge magnet with the contact number, was recently delivered to each household but just to mention the broad areas where we could offer help are:

  • Occasional Transport (Expenses to driver)
  • Shopping in an emergency
  • Collection of prescription
  • Help with pets
  • A one-off tidy of your garden
  • Form filling (non legal)
  • Practical support following injury/surgery
  • Minor household repairs
  • And more …… just call:

07825 697841


Camera Club Meeting -January 12th 2015

Members and visitors enjoyed an evening with speaker David Harris from Empingham.  David’s photography covers many years, including film and darkroom techniques.

His recognition of Shape is very strong and really enhanced by his splendid Black and White prints.  He has considerable patience, waiting for  figures to enter the  view , to show up his sense of scale,  with the occasional Fun element.

He has raised an awareness of  looking at our own environment, which we could  all process into better photos!

The next meeting will be on March 9th at 7.30 with speaker Andrew James.

All visitors are most welcome.


A Little Christmas Magic

The Christmas story told, in song and readings, in a somewhat different way by the Chater Community Choir and children from Brook Hill Academy, to a sell out audience at Oakham School Chapel on Friday 12th December.

The concert seemed to go down well but judge for yourselves by looking on YouTube at the various numbers that were performed.

The concert raised £1520.42 for the British Heart Foundation and The Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

The choir was formed by Tracy Steward in January 2012 and was the first community choir in Rutland. Since their first concert the choir have raised nearly £5500 for local causes and national charities. New members are always welcome and do not have to audition and no experience is necessary.

For more information on joining the choir visit

November meeting of the Camera club

Simon Lee gave us a talk and showed photos, for our last meeting this year.
Some of the photos looked very exciting – not to say dangerous- to capture! Being in front of, or alongside, speeding cars and motorbikes, is not something our members have much experience of!   Simon’s enthusiasm for his subjects certainly came through in his pictures which are displayed in National Magazines.
The 2015 calendars are going quickly – just a handful left so please ring if you would like one. 01780 720374

The next meeting is on MONDAY January 12th 2015 7.30pm at the Community Centre. VISITORS ARE MOST WELCOME.

Introducing the Good Neighbour Scheme

The North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme will be operative in the near future.

What is a Good Neighbour Scheme?: The following attachments Scheme Outline and Good Neighbour Scheme Leaflet explain the purpose of the scheme and how it functions.

If you are interested in volunteering for the scheme, or wish to know more, than please contact us.