Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Community Health Consultation

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, the people who plan and buy health services, have started a conversation with people asking them about their experiences of community health services including  community nursing, intensive community support services and therapies.

We would like to share with you what we have learnt so far about experiences of the service and what matters most to people.  We would also like to tell you about other work that has been happening to review community services and how all of this information is contributing and influencing our thinking about how services could look in the future. We will be offering many opportunities over the coming weeks for you to get involved.  Initially we have pleasure in inviting you to attend one of six “interactive workshops’ being held around Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The event in Rutland is:

Tuesday 26th February 2019, 6.00pm – 8.00pm – Rutland County Council,  Catmose House, Catmose Street, Oakham LE15 6HP

The events are the opportunity for anyone who has an interest in getting involved in designing future community services to get involved

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council and Trust meetings 28th January 2019

Attached are the draft minutes of the above meetings along with an uptodate report from the Chair re the St Georges Barracks proposed developement

Rutland CC Green Bin Collection from 01/04/2019

Following the successful introduction of Rutland’s green waste service in 2018, it will soon be time for residents to renew their subscriptions if they would like to continue with green waste/green bin collections.

For current green waste service users, subscriptions are due to end on 31 March 2019.

The annual fee for green waste collections, approved by Council on 17 December 2019, remains unchanged from last year, which means a charge of £35 per green bin is payable for households that wish to continue with green waste collections from 1 April 2019.

Subscriptions can be renewed from 4 February 2019 onwards and letters are being issued to all green waste service users from this week, to advise them of their options.

The quickest and easiest way to subscribe is via Direct Debit. One off payments can also be made online by visiting: or over the phone by calling: 01572 758 488.

A discount is available if someone living in a property is in receipt of local Council Tax support.

Following the subscription period, we will be issuing new stickers to be displayed on green bins from 1 April 2019.

Subscriptions must be completed by 1 March 2019 in order for stickers to be sent and arrive in time for 1 April 2019. Green bins which do not display the new 2019 sticker will not be collected after 31 March 2019.

Active Rutland Grow together launch event

Launch Event & Seed Swap

Join us for our launch event at Oakham Castle on Saturday 9th February 2019 between 10.00am and 1.00pm. Find out more about the project and meet the project team, Claire Crowley and Alex Wilby, founders of Root-and-Branch Out CIC, who specialise in nurturing community through nature. Alex is a professional horticulturist and Claire is a permaculture designer.

  • Seed swap
  • Newspaper plant pot making
  • Children’s seed planting and vegetable ‘still-life drawing’
  • Project talk every 30 minutes
  • Meet the team
  • Refreshments

Rutland County Council Internet Safety Event: Saturday 9th February 2019

Rutland CC are putting on the above event at the Rutalnd Showground between 11am and 3.30pm on Saturday 9th February. It will provide practical advice for the whole family including: online gaming, image sharing, privacy settings. and parental controls. For further information please telephone; 01572 758301

Healthwatch Rutland – Survey

Healthwatch Rutland are conducting a survey and want to hear from you if you or your family have served in the British Armed Forces, if you are currently serving or are a reservisit in the British Armed Armed Forces.

If you fall within one of the above categories, they would like you to complete their survey to help improve local services. Their survey can be found here:

Parish Council & Trust Meetings 28th January 2019

Please see the attached agendas for the above meetings to be held at 7pm at the Community Centre, North Luffenham

Interested in being a local Councillor

RCC are running an event on Wednesday 13 February 2019 commencing at 7pm at Rutland County Council, Council Chamber, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP.

This event is being held to help people find out what it takes to become a local councillor and will cover the nomination process and standing for election, the role of a councillor and what support is available, including allowances and training.  

There will be a chance to speak with RCC Officers and Directors about council services and also the opportunity to speak to existing RCC Councillors about the role in practice.

For further information and to book a place on this event, please contact  or call 01572 720991.

Next Parish Council and Trust Meetings. Monday 28th January, 7pm, North Luffenham Community Centre

Please note the change of date for the next Parish Council meeting. This is because the original date set of Monday 21st January clashes with a RCC Council meeting where the main agenda item is the SGB Development.

Agendas for the meetings now scheduled for the 28th January 2019 will be published by 22nd January 2019

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council and Trust Meetings held on Monday 3rd Dec 2018

Below are the draft minutes for the meetings mentioned above along with the meeting dates for 2019 through to April 2020

Parish Council and Trust Meetings 3rd December 2018.

Please see below the agendas and supporting papers for the above meetings which will be at 7pm on 3rd December, North Luffenham Community Centre

RCC review of Polling Districts, Polling places and Polling stations.

Rutland County Council is conducting a compulsory review of the above in compliance with the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013.

The review is to run from the 29th November to the 16th December 2018. The review is to be completed by the 23rd December 2018 and any changes will be effective for the ordinary elections on 2nd May 2019. Full details can be found at the following web-site:

I would mention that there is no plan to change the polling station for North Luffenham, this being the Community Centre.

The Gusualdo Six Concert 23rd Nov 2018. 7.30pm North Luffenham Church

Beautiful unaccompanied choral music from the renaissance to the present day.

Tickets £15/£5 under-18s
View this stunning medieval Rutland Church
with pre-concert drinks served from 7.00pm
Tickets in advance from Janet Whittaker: 01780 721216
or, or on the door