Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Help shape Rutland County Council Local Plan

Rutland residents are being given the opportunity to share their views and help shape Rutland’s Local Plan, during an eight-week consultation that runs until Monday 25th September.

The Local Plan provides planning policies for the whole of Rutland, as well as identifying the main locations for future development in the County.

The latest version of the Local Plan is currently being reviewed with the aim of extending the plan period from 2026 to 2036, setting out where additional new housing, employment and other development will be needed during this time.

As part of this process, the Council is seeking people’s views on a new Draft Local Plan that identifies provisional sites for additional employment, retail, waste management and minerals-related development, along with space for approximately 1,700 additional new homes to meet housing needs in Rutland over the plan period.

Cllr Oliver Hemsley, Portfolio Holder for Growth, Trading Services and Resources, said:

“This is a great opportunity for local people to get involved and help shape future development in Rutland. One of the Council’s main aims is to help deliver sustainable growth in the county – growth that meets the needs of both current and future generations of residents while also protecting our rural environment. We are keen to hear feedback from residents and local businesses to ensure the Local Plan reflects the needs, expectations and views of our community.”


Next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (Trustee) on 03/07/2017

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field Gardens) will be on Monday, 3rd July 2017, immediately following the Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre.  The Agenda and associated papers are listed below.

Public Consultation: Oakham Town Centre Improvement Scheme

Rutland County Council (RCC) advise that they have today launched a public consultation around possible improvements to Oakham Town Centre.

The consultation runs from Wednesday, 14th June through until Friday, 7th July 2017 with residents encouraged to share their views on two possible designs.

RCC have set up an information stand in Oakham Market Place with members of their project team on hand to discuss the proposals with members of the public. This has been in place throughout today and will return again on the following dates:

  • Friday 23rd June, 8am to 5pm
  • Saturday 24th June, 8am to 5pm

Members of the public can also find out more, view the plans and submit feedback online by visiting:

Once this period of consultation is complete, the Council will review all the responses and produce a detailed Town Centre design based on feedback that has been received. This design will be subject to a second  round of consultation in autumn 2017. Work to implement a final design will begin in spring 2018.

Should you have any questions regarding the Oakham Town Centre Improvement Scheme, please email:

Anglian Water: private pumping station on your property?

Anglian Water may have some good news for residents who have a private pumping station on their property and have not yet registered it with Anglian Water.

Currently, homeowners spend hundreds of pounds every year for electricity running costs, maintenance and repairs to look after these private pumping stations. They may even have been flooded if it’s broken down in the past.
Anglian Water Pumping Station
As of 1 October 2016, many of these private pumping stations automatically transferred over to Anglian Water and became their responsibility. They have taken over all of the maintenance and the running costs too, saving customers hassle, worry and money.

If you think you have a private pumping station Anglian Water would like you to get in touch with them by:

To help customers identify and report the pumping stations, further information can be found at:

Rutland South crime report for May 2017

Latest Rutland South crime report for May 2017 received from PC Icke.

Next beat surgery:  your local beat officers, PC 2113 Icke and PCSO 6516 Di Freeman will be at the Rutland County show on Sunday 4th June 2017 and hope you will take this opportunity to pop by to say ‘hello’.  The location is fully accessible with disabled access.

North Luffenham recycling centre open 10am-6pm every day 12th-26th June inclusive

Rutland County Council have advised that Cottesmore recycling centre is to close for two weeks from 12th to 26th June 2017 to allow sections of the main yard to be resurfaced.  Find out more about Cottesmore recycling closure.

During this time, the recycling centre at North Luffenham (usually closed from Tuesday to Thursday) will be open every day, ensuring the county continues to have a civic amenity site open seven days a week.

As a result, from 12th to 26th June, North Luffenham recycling centre will be open from 10am to 6pm every day, with extra site staff transferred from Cottesmore to North Luffenham to help receive materials and assist members of the public.

Once the work is complete, both sites will return to their normal operating hours.

Should you have any questions about the closure, please email:

Parish Council Accounts FYE 2016/17 and Notice of Electors’ Rights

To comply with Transparency regulations, North Luffenham Parish Council is required to publish a notice of electors’ rights, together with items 1-5, being details of Accounts for year end 2016/17 and accompanying supporting schedules, and concluding with a Declaration of status.  These 7 documents are listed below:

Notice of Date of Commencement of Period for the Exercise of Public Rights and accompanying Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (c. 2)

  1. Items of expenditure above £100
  2. Accounting statements 2016/17
  3. Supporting schedules, to include bank reconciliation and an explanation of variances (e.g. more than 10-15%)
  4. Annual governance statement 2016/17
  5. Internal Audit Report

Declaration of Status of Published Accounts

Approved Minutes of Extraordinary PC meeting of 26.04.2017

Listed below is the approved Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting of 26th April 2017, which replaces the watermarked ‘draft’ version of the same date. Note: one minor amendment being the unintentional ommission of the presence of a Councillor, annotated to the Minutes prior to signing.



Annual Parish Meeting of 03/04/2017

The Annual Parish meeting took place on Monday, 3rd April; the Chairman’s presentation, and provisional Financial Statements for PC General and PC Trust referred to during the meeting are listed below, together with draft minutes.

Next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (Trustee) on 15/5/2017

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field) will be on Monday, 15th May, immediately following the Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre.  The Agenda and associated papers are listed below.