Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Planning Application 2021/0071/CAT 7 Digby Drive, North Luffenham

The Town & Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012
PROPOSAL: T1 Lime Crown clean predominantly remove epicormic from the tree which
is now getting a little congested removing and crossing or rubbing branches. this will
allow for a climbing inspection to assess the overall heath of the tree. I till also improve
light levels for the neighboring property located beneath.
T2 Walnut , remove now touching not yet suppressing the adjacent trees no amenity
will be missed from the group and will enhance the Beech as a stand out future tree
allowing it to retain full form.
T3 Yew prune back into group as per red line on attached photo. This tree has grown
low over the vehicular access and is causing restrictions and conflict. I find that the
Yew will recover from this shaping and retain better form than a high crown lift to 5m.
T4 Acer SPP Statutory clearance crown lift to 2.5m/footpath and 5m/ highway.

Recycling collections in Ketton, Barrowden, North Luffenham, South Luffenham, Morcott, Cottemore, Ashwell

Good afternoon all,

The crews are still out collecting and will be until it gets dark. However, its looking like recycling collections in Ketton, Barrowden, North Luffenham, South Luffenham, Morcott, Cottemore, Ashwell and on the Farms and Lodges round will still be outstanding due to ongoing vehicle issues.

No green bins have been collected today either.

We are working closely with Biffa to try and get these issues resolved as I know how much disruption its causing for everyone. We have had a number of vehicle breakdowns over the last couple of weeks and Biffa have struggled with repairs and maintenance as not all supply chains are operating as efficiently as they usually do due to lockdown and to Brexit. This has been exacerbated by ever increasing waste and recycling tonnages due to people working from home. Collection vehicles are filling up quicker and having to travel to tip more often. This two hour round journey to the recycling center takes a lot of time out of the working day and puts additional strain on vehicles that are only designed to travel short distances.

Biffa have additional hire vehicles arriving first thing tomorrow and hope to have all of today’s collections completed by the end of Wednesday. Should you receive any enquiries, please advise residents to leave their bins out until they have been collected.

Leicestershire Partnership NHS

Vaccinators needed – help us overcome the virus

Healthcare professionals are being asked to come forward to help administer the Covid-19 vaccines in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

A number of new vaccination centres are being set up, and each one requires dozens of staff to administer the jabs.

Any registered healthcare professional can play a part after appropriate training – most of which they can do online at home. Retired professionals can join a temporary register up to five years after they have left the permanent register.

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is recruiting staff on behalf of the local NHS.

Anne Scott, director of nursing, allied health professionals and quality said: “We are looking for staff who are registered healthcare professionals, or could easily re-register. This includes a wide range of professions such as physiotherapists, pharmacists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists as well as nurses and doctors.

“We will be offering full and part-time work over the next few months. You will be very welcome.

“Staff who have already been involved in the programme have said it is hugely rewarding to help deliver vaccines which protect life, and will help the country return to normal.”

We are also looking for administrative staff to welcome patients and to help ensure accurate records are kept for members of the public receiving the vaccination.

In addition, this project is looking for volunteers to help patients at the vaccination sites.

For more details and to apply, please visit:

NLPC and Trust Meetings (Virtual) Monday 25th January at 7.30pm

Please find attached papers for the above meetings. The link to the meeting is here:

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Changes to Centrebus services 12 and 47

Unfortunately, due to covid related issues, Centrebus have advised that they will have to temporarily amend the service 12 (operating between Stamford and Uppingham via Tinwell, Ketton, Edith Weston, North Luffenham, South Luffenham, Barrowden, Morcott and Glaston)  with effect from Thursday 14th January 2021.  A copy of the revised timetable is attached for your information.

As before, it is requested that passengers only make essential journeys and to be especially mindful of travelling between different tiers.  It is also advised that passengers contact their bus operator in the first instance to get the very latest information regarding bus journeys and availability:

Centrebus tel: 0844 351 1120

CallConnect tel: 0345 263 8153

Centrebus are also having to temporarily suspend the service 47 from 14th January until further notice.

We will also be checking the bus stops to make sure current information is being displayed and if anyone has any queries or concerns then please contact or call 01572 758138.

RCC Covid-19 newsletter

Dear resident,

I had hoped not to have to write another newsletter, let alone so soon after my last!  But coronavirus cases continue to rise and the NHS is very stretched.  Some people have asked me why we can’t simply open more Nightingale hospitals.  We could, of course, but they have to be staffed and NHS staff are like the rest of us; they get ill, they come into contact with coronavirus and have to self-isolate for a period and they have positive tests, albeit with no symptoms, so again have to self-isolate.  This all reduces the number of people available to be deployed and whilst we might be able to put up a new building almost overnight it takes a few years to train medical staff!  Add to that the increased number of people requiring intensive care –and the additional staff levels associated with that—it is not surprising the system is under strain and the Government’s full lockdown response.

I am also being asked about vaccines, and why some people who have had their first vaccine are having their appointments for the second, follow up, vaccination cancelled.  You can find the answer here

I am sure we are all worried about businesses locally.  The Government has recognised the strain on businesses and is introducing additional help.  If you are a business your first port of call is RCC as many of the grants are administered by the Council . And do support your local pub if it is offering a take-away service.

If you have children and don’t have access to the resources you need to access your child’s school’s home learning offer contact the school who should help.  Children without IT or a space to learn are entitled to be in school.   If you have any problems regarding your children’s education at this time let me know.

Lockdown is difficult for everyone.  But, as I write, there are almost 300 positive coronavirus cases per 100,000 population in Rutland and the increase is in all age groups, including the over 60s. It is important we all abide by the law to get the case numbers down.  Full details can be found here but in brief:

  • Stay at home unless you have absolutely no choice but to go out to work
  • Stay at home unless you need to go out for essential shopping such as food and then shop as infrequently as possible and on your own
  • Stay at home unless you have to go out for a medical appointment/to collect a prescription
  • Stay at home unless you are taking your once a day exercise when you should “stay local” (see below for the Government’s definition of “stay local”)

 “If you do leave home for a permitted reason, you should always stay local – unless it is necessary to go further, for example to go to work. Stay local means stay in the village, town, or part of the city where you live.”

The only people you should be mixing with are the people you live with or the people you have contact with through work.  There are exceptions, the “bubbles” we have all heard about, but these have legal definitions and the definition changed on 2 December 2020.  You can find out the current law here

Local advice and sources of help, whether you are an individual or a family, can be found here


Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

RCC Covid-19 newsletter

Dear resident,

First may I wish you all a Happy New Year.  It may not seem, with Rutland moving into tier 3, that it will be happy 2021 but this pandemic will not last forever and with the second vaccine having been approved the end is in sight.  Everyone has done really well to keep Rutland as safe as we are and I’d like to thank all the volunteers who have supported their neighbours, and supported strangers through the likes of Rutland Foodbank, during these strange times.

However, to stop Rutland being moved into tier 4 it is important to stick to the rules to continue to keep our covid levels comparatively low.   The general rules of wearing a face covering, keeping two meters away from others (except in your own home, of course) and washing your hands regularly are still good ways of slowing the spread. In addition, in a tier 3 area:

  • No socialising with anyone indoors, in your garden or an outside public venue unless you live with them or they are in your official support bubble (i.e. you ordinarily live on your own and have set up a support bubble according to these rules
  • No socialising outside with more than 6 people
  • No going on holiday as hotels and holiday lets in tier 3 must close and if you live in a tier 3 area you must stick to tier 3 rules
  • Local pubs and restaurants must close except for take-aways –do support your local business where you can as they need your support to survive

There are exceptions, for example weddings and funerals can still go ahead.  Full details can be found here

Travel outside tier 3 is discouraged, even for food shopping.  The Government states “Where possible, you should stay local and avoid travelling outside your local area, meaning your village or town, or part of a city. People should continue to travel for reasons such as work, education, medical attention or if they have caring responsibilities.”  

Local advice and sources of help, whether you are an individual or a family, can be found here

The current Covid crisis is having a major impact on the NHS.  Everyone is being encouraged to contact NHS111 rather than their GP if there is a medical problem.  Either ‘phone 111 or go online at  The NHS locally tell us “Patients contacting NHS 111 will be clinically assessed so that they can be referred to an emergency department, an NHS Urgent Treatment Centre, a Minor Injuries Unit, pharmacy, GP or advised to self-care where appropriate. They will also be provided with a time that they should attend.”  I have been assured that the 111 system will refer Rutland residents to geographically appropriate services and not send us to the other side of Leicester!

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

North Luffenham Parish Clerk Vacancy


A challenging and interesting opportunity has arisen for a suitably experienced, enthusiastic and competent individual to be appointed as Clerk and RFO to North Luffenham Parish Council. The successful candidate will be required to work from home and will be provided with a laptop, software and printer.

The salary is in accordance with nationally based terms and conditions and is currently £10.62 per hour. Hours of work are 11 hours per week.

Responsibilities of the post include:

  • Advising Parish Council of policy issues and proper procedure.
  • All Parish Council administration and correspondence.
  • Arranging meetings, compiling agendas and producing the minutes of meetings.
  • Managing financial records, monitoring and reconciling the accounts, preparing accounts for audit.

The Parish Council is sole Trustee of the North Luffenham Field Gardens and Recreation Ground Charity and the Clerk would be responsible for dealing with all administration in connection with this.

You will need to be able to work flexibly, and attendance at evening meetings is essential. Some knowledge of council procedure is an advantage but essential training will be provided. In addition, support can be provided for further training towards the Certificate of Local Council Administration.

Applicants must have:

  • Experience of administration and financial management with sound word processing and spreadsheet management skills.
  • Ability to work to own initiative and to work with volunteers to achieve the Council’s objectives.
  • Good numeracy, oral and written communication skills

Please call Parish Council Chairman: Tim Smith on 01780 360083 or email for job description, person specification and further details.

Applications in the form of a CV and covering letter are invited by 5th February 2021 and should be sent to:

Tim Smith, Chair NLPC, The Old Poor Barn, 6a Church Street, North Luffenham, LE15 8JR

Closing date for applications: 5th February 2021

Interview dates: w/c 15th February 2021

Clerk commencement date: 1st Apr 2021 (Or earlier by negotiation)

Airfield Closed in early 2021

St Georges Barracks, airfield will be CLOSED to the public for the beginning of the new year. This is for training purposes.

The airfield will be out of bounds to the public from 16th Jan 2021 straight through to 22nd March 2021.

With the exception of the following weekends:

30-31st January 2021

6-7th February 2021

27-28th February 2021

6-7th March 2021

13-14th March 2021.

RCC Covid-19 Update

The UK Government has today confirmed that Rutland will remain a Tier 2 area (High Risk) as part of England’s local COVID-19 restrictions.

Under current guidance, anyone living in a Tier 2 area must:

*Not mix with other households indoors
*Only meet people outdoors in groups of six or less
*Work from home if possible
*Reduce the number of journeys they make

This is in addition to washing hands regularly, wearing a face covering in enclosed spaces and staying at least two metres apart from other people – or one metre with a face covering or other precautions.

Full details of what you can and cannot do if you live or work in a Tier 2 area can be found online at: <> .

From 23 to 27 December 2020, there are different Christmas rules for meeting friends and family: <> .

We saw a promising decline in Rutland’s COVID-19 figures during the second national lockdown. These numbers have risen again in recent weeks, which is why we remain a Tier 2 area.

It is incredibly important that we continue to follow the guidance for our area, particularly as the government has committed to relaxing some of its COVID restrictions over Christmas.

This is positive news for families who have been kept apart during the pandemic but, equally, comes with risks and we must all act responsibly. Those who choose to form a ‘Christmas bubble’ can do so between 23 and 27 December, with people from no more than three households. However, it must be stressed that this is a limit, not a target, and that meeting fewer people will mean families are less likely to catch or spread the virus.”

Best Wishes,
Gale Waller
Councillor, Normanton Ward
Rutland County Council

RCC Planning Application 2020/1375/FUL. 34 Butt Lane

PROPOSAL: Construction of upper floor extension over an existing ground floor

34 Butt Lane North Luffenham
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 2 January 2021. The details of the application are available to view on our website: by entering the reference number above.

RCC Planning Application 2020/1355/FUL

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
PROPOSAL: Proposed replacement dwelling. The Bungalow, Ketton Road, North Luffenham Rutland PE9 3UT
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 24 December 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number 2020/1355/FUL

NLPC and Trust Meeting (Virtual) 7th Dec 2020 @ 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above meetings.

Here is a link to that meeting:

Join with Google Meet

RCC Covid-19 newsletter

Dear resident,

Many in Rutland are breathing a sigh of relief that from 2 December when this lockdown finishes we will be in tier 2 and not tier 3 like our neighbours in Leicestershire and Lincolnshire.  It is indeed good news and here is a summary of what it means:

  • No socialising with anyone not in your official support bubble in any indoor space
  • No socialising with more than 6 people outside
  • Hospitality venues can only serve alcohol to people having a “substantial meal” (but note bullet point 1 –no going to the pub with friends!)
  • Pubs have to operate table service and stop taking orders at 10pm
  • Places of worship can open but the congregation mush not socialise other than within their own support bubble
  • We are all encouraged to travel as little as possible

I have been asked by a number of people about whether we can shop in the tier 3 areas of Stamford or Melton (after all, Christmas is coming).  This is what the Government says Avoid travel to or overnight stays in tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through a tier 3 area as a part of a longer journey.”  This seems to me that all our shopping will be in Oakham and Uppingham until the rules change.  For further information, including on other matters such as weddings and funerals or moving home see

Local advice and sources of help, whether you are an individual or a family, can be found here as can information on what the relaxation of the rules at Christmas really mean.

And remember, general rules still apply so wear a face covering if you can’t keep two meters away from others (except in your own home, of course) and wash your hands regularly.

An Avian ‘flu prevention zone is in place across England so if you keep chickens, ducks etc. in your garden click here to find advice on what you should be doing.

The consultation on the reconfiguration of Leicester’s hospitals continues until 21 December.  This includes the proposal to close the maternity unit in Melton and other reductions at the General.  These proposals are likely to have a significant impact on Rutland residents, particularly in relation to travel time, and so you may wish to respond to them.  You can find out more about the proposals, and how to respond, here

From 1 December everyone is being encouraged to contact NHS111 rather than their GP if there is a medical problem.  Either ‘phone 111 or go online at  The NHS locally tell us “Patients contacting NHS 111 will be clinically assessed so that they can be referred to an emergency department, an NHS Urgent Treatment Centre, a Minor Injuries Unit, pharmacy, GP or advised to self-care where appropriate. They will also be provided with a time that they should attend.”  I have been assured that the 111 system will refer Rutland residents to geographically appropriate services and not send us to the other side of Leicester!

Assuming I won’t have to write another update till next year have a safe Christmas and let us hope the New Year brings a vaccine and a steady return to normality.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

Digby Farm Christmas Trees – opening times

We are open 9am – 5.30pm every day until Christmas Eve on Christmas Eve we will shut at 2.30pm.

We are doing late night opening until 7.30pm on Wednesday 2nd, 9th and 16th December.

I can provide more information if you would like.

We would love to see lots of the local villagers at the farm.


Rutland Local residents are invited to join a virtual meeting on Thursday 3rd December 2020 between 6.30pm – 8pm to discuss with a panel of health and care professionals their experiences of using local health and care services.

Andy Williams, Chief Executive, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Groups said: “We are bringing together a panel of health and care professionals from a wide range of health and care organisations to hear from Rutlanders and answer questions about the future provision of care closer to home.  

“During the event we will be discussing how we jointly develop a local plan for health and care in Rutland. We want to hear from the community about what we can do to develop services. Whether people are interested in services provided at their GP practice, in their own home, at Rutland Memorial Hospital or in another clinic or hospital, and regardless of whether it is treatment for a mental or physical condition, we want to hear from all residents of Rutland.”

On the panel will be representatives from Leicester Partnership NHS Trust who provide mental and physical care services, Primary Care Network (representing GPs in Rutland), Rutland County Council and University Hospitals of Leicester.

Andy continued: “We know that these discussions have been a long time coming, but we are committed to picking up these conversations in earnest and to delivering a greater range of service locally, closer to where patients live as is practically possible.”

The event will be independently facilitated by Rutland Community Ventures. Director, Tony Gray said: “We wanted to be sure that the proposals to develop healthcare services, including local hospital services, will not adversely affect us all, so when we were asked to ensure that people know what’s being proposed, we decided to support the creation of an opportunity for anyone in Rutland to quiz the decision makers.”

“Anyone can come and ask any question. The panel is made up of key people behind the proposal and who really want to hear what Rutlanders think, so you can be sure of answers straight from the horse’s mouth. There’ll be no planted or pre-arranged questions, just those from local people asked on the night or sent in beforehand. It will be a truly open conversation between the public and the people in charge.”

RCV Co-director, Ben Searle added: “Most people either don’t know or don’t care too much about these proposals. But everyone at some point in their life will be directly affected. Here’s a chance to ask questions and to have your say. Next time you or a loved one needs health and social care or support you may well be very glad you did.”

Join us online on Thursday 3 December 2020 at 6.30pm – 8pm to take part. We look forward to seeing you there.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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+44 20 3443 8728,,461425589#   United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 461 425 589#

Invitation to Rutland residents: Local experiences of using health and care services

We are inviting Rutland residents to attend an important online event to discuss local experiences of using health and care services. We are bringing together a panel of health and care professionals to hear from you and answer questions about the provision of care closer to home.

During the event we will be discussing how we jointly develop a local plan for health and care in Rutland and we want you to be involved. We want to hear from the community about what we can do to develop services, to improve the health and wellbeing of all of those who live in the area.

Whether you are interested in primary, secondary (mental and physical), acute or care, we want to hear from you.

Join us online on Thursday 3 December 2020 at 6.30pm – 8pm to take part. We look forward to seeing you there.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting <>

Or call in (audio only)

+44 20 3443 8728,,461425589# <tel:+442034438728,,461425589#> United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 461 425 589#