Author Archives: Tim Smith

EGM Meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council 28-10-21

Please download the attached documents for the agendas.

NLPC and Trust Meetings18-10-21at 7.30pm in Community Centre

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2020-21

Please find attached the AGAR for North Luffenham PC which has been agreed and signed by the Internal Auditor appointed by the Leicectershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils.

NLPC General and Trust Meetings for Monday 13th September 2021 in the Community Centre

Local Plan withdrawn

At a special meeting of Rutland County Council on the 1st September the decision was taken to withdraw the submitted Local Plan (LP) and the making of a new Local Plan.

The main strategic aim of the LP was to build a town bigger than Uppingham on the St. George’s Barracks (SGB) site.

Over the past four years North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) along with the help of local residents, local communities and our county councillors have attended many meetings, given deputations and asked questions as there were serious concerns about the deliverability and viability of the submitted LP. Not least were the concerns of the effects that such a large scale development would have on local parishes.

There will be development at SGB and NLPC, in early 2020, initiated a Neighbourhood Plan (NP-plan for our parish) in order to have a significant influence on any development. This now becomes more important for any development proposals that are submitted for SGB as it will take a new LP some 3-4 years to develop.

At the meeting on the 1st, NLPC made the point that one of the reasons that the submitted LP caused so much controversy was the lack of meaningful consultation with the most affected communities. Going forward it is to be hoped that from the beginning the necessary involvement will now take place.

Proposed Road Works in Rutland during September

You may have noticed an outbreak of roadworks recently and Rutland County Council Highways Department has informed us of yet more in September.

Please find attached Notices and accompanying plans in respect of the Temporary Road Closures in the above areas in Rutland which will come into effect between 06/09/2021  to 27/09/2021

Plans of the proposed closures and their associated diversion routes are included in the attached documents.

Special Full Council Meeting to consider next stage for Local Plan

Rutland County Council will hold a Special Full Council meeting next week on Wednesday 1st September at 7.00pm to determine if Rutland’s Draft Local Plan should be withdrawn from examination.

The meeting will be held at the Rutland Showground but because of restrictions members of the public who wish to attend will be limited to 60 people.

It makes a difference if County Coucillors are aware that a large number of the public are listening into the deabte and there will be a live audiostream:

The report to the council can be downloaded:

Minutes of NLPC and Trust Meetings held on 16th August 2021 @7.30pm

Please find attached the minutes of the above meetings.

Please note that the next NLPC has been moved to the 13th September from the 20th September.

Airfield Out Of Bounds Areas 9 – 27 August 2021

The stretch of road running adjacent to the Golf Course will be Out Of Bounds to all between the stated dates.

Under no circumstances are personnel to encroach into this area.

(Apologies for the late posting of this notice from the M.o.D St. George’s Barracks but it wasn’t received until yesterday)

NLPC General and Trust Meetings 16th August 2021

Please see below the agenda and papers for the meetings.

Thank You

North Luffenham Knit and Natter would like to thank all who attended the Breast Cancer Now event. £483.60 was raised for the charity.

There were some unclaimed raffle prizes and please contact Liliane Coogan on 01780 721047 if these were one of yours.

orange rim:         483

cream                   285

cream                   304

cream                   334

cream                   398