Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

North Luffenham Garden Club reopens its doors and launches ‘Seeds of Hope’ Sunflower Growing Competition to raise funds for the Ukrainian Appeal

It is with great excitement that the North Luffenham Garden Club is finally back this month after 2 long years.

We are planning to meet on the second Wednesday of every month. 

The first meeting will take place in the Community Centre on:-

Wednesday 13th April 7pm – 8.30pm

There will be a great guest speaker, plus other news and activities.
Wine, tea and coffee will also be available. 

Sowing Seeds of Hope – Sunflower Growing Competition for Ukrainian Appeal

An exciting project has been launched called “Sowing Seeds Of Hope”.  It’s a Sunflower Growing Competition to help raise money for Ukraine whilst at the same time drawing awareness to the newly revived North Luffenham Garden Club.  There are some great prizes to be won and seeds can be bought from The Fox, Edith Western Shop & Rutland Water Garden Nursery.

Saturday 21st May – Plant Sale @ The Fox

There will be a Plant Sale on Saturday 21st May @ The Fox.
Members, all keen gardeners, and allotment holders in the village are encouraged to plant a few extra seeds, save those thinning’s and generally grow to share what we have available. We are hoping to have sufficient contributions for the following sections:

Bedding Plants


Indoor Plants


Vegetable Plants

Want to Join Us?

Anyone can join a meeting – you could be in the early stages of gardening, live outside North Luffenham or just want to come along to see what it’s like.  We’re all here to encourage and support each other. There is a small fee per meeting or a half-year membership is available for new members.
Costs: £3 per meeting or £7.50 for half year membership (valid until Sept 2022)

For any enquiries regarding any of the above events, membership, or plant sale – please email us at:-

North Luffenham Scouts Collecting for Ukraine Today

We will continue to collect for Ukraine on Saturday 12th March 2-4pm due to great demand and donating in the previous week. Many have said they still have things to contribute. Please look especially for old rucksacks, water bottles, sleeping bags, hiking clothes and boots for men, women and children and medical supplies especially. Can parents please share to community boards locally , thank you everyone. The container will be in the car park of St Mary & St John CEVA Primary School, North Luffenham, Rutland school 2 til 4pm on Saturday. Every donation will help 🇺🇦

Chater Bowls AGM 2022

It is intended to hold the Chater Bowls 2022 AGM on Monday 4th April at 2pm in Clubhouse on Pinfold Lane.

If you have an interest in wanting to play lawn bowls, non members are invited to come along to meet existing members and see how the Club is run. You can also view our recently decorated Clubhouse.

Alan Costello

Secretary Chater Bowls Club

Don’t forget ‘Carols by Starlight’ on the Oval Tonight at 6PM

Don’t forget to dress warmly, bring chairs, torches and cash donations for a collection (funds will be split between those in need, and Church expenses)

Carol Sheet for the evening can be downloaded here:

Cricket Pitch Renovation

Anyone who has played cricket will know the importance of the condition of “The Square” – the hallowed area where the wickets and creases are located.

Following two years of lockdown, the pitch on North Luffenhams own “Oval” was in very poor condition. Nick Davenport agreed to take on the not inconsiderable challenge of maintaining the area and temporary repairs were made in June 2020 to ensure the surface was safe to play on for this season.

Advice was taken from Keith Exon (ex head groundsman at Glamorgan County Ground & Oakham School) who, along with his son Alex, now offers a pitch maintenance and renovation service through his business ‘Perfect Pitches’) and they were able to advise on what could be done do to return it to it’s glory days during the off season.

As it happened, Keith phoned at the end of September to say that he had finished a job at Old Trafford, and had a gap in his schedule before he went to Trent Bridge, and could fit North Luffenham in – elite company for a village pitch indeed!

The cricket club accepted the offer, and Keith arrived with his highly specialised equipment

Keith used a Koro Field Top Maker to remove all surface vegetation from the top 6mm of the square, levelling out hollows and bumps and preparing a good base for reseeding as you can see in the following images. A huge amount of surface vegetation was removed and at the Butt Lane end of the pitch a further 2mm was removed to lower the slope around the crease and the excess soil was placed at the opposite end to fill a depression which ran along side the top side of the wicket. This should ensure the pitch is perfectly level.

The next step was to use a scarifier to remove any remaining vegetation and leave grooves at 20mm centres to give better seed/soil content.

35kgs of grass seed and 25kgs of fertiliser where then applied and covered by 1250kgs of Boughton County Loam.

Keith’s last step was to drag a matt/lute by hand for final levels and so ensuring a good finish for germination.

Keith’s attention to detail and his professional expertise have been crucial to the renovation of the square. We could not have achieved the same outcome and ongoing support for the care of the wicket without his intervention. We should not underestimate this given Keith currently carries out the same task for county grounds such as Trent Bridge and Northamptonshire.

Watering wisely then became a key factor to encourage germination and support the emerging grass in what turned out to be a hot spell. This required frequent visits to the oval to move the sprinkler to avoid drowning the seed and avoiding the hottest time of the day to prevent scalding of the emerging grass. The outcome of all this has been 99% germination, great coverage of grass and to date two cuts to keep the grass at 20mm to encourage tillering and strong root growth.

The plan over the winter is to keep the grass level to 20mm and then in spring begin a regime of gentle rolling to settle any upheaval caused by frost. Gradually lowering the cutting height to around 6mm and increasing the rolling as we move towards the start of the season.

Chater Bowls AGM 2021

Chater Bowls Club will be holding its AGM on Wednesday 21st July in club house on Pinfold Lane at 2:00pm.

Non members are welcome, so if you are thinking about playing outdoor bowls this summer come down and introduce yourself and see how the club is run.

I can assure you it is not a stuffy affair.

Community Centre Bookings

As you may know, the Parish Council have taken over the management and operation of the Community Centre, in the room located behind the school.

The room and toilets have been redecorated by RCC as part of the handover, and additional facilities will be added in the next few months (new furniture, IT equipment etc)

The room is available for booking by any person or group wishing to use it.

If you would like to make a booking, please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

Palm Sunday and Easter

Do join us for services in church this Sunday and on Easter Day at 9.30am.

All are welcome at both services + when the church is open on Wednesday and Sunday.

Also come and see the figures decorated at school and around the village have been transformed to tell the story of Palm Sunday and Easter.

(Please remember that to comply with the law, masks must be worn in church and households cannot mix indoors)

Parish Magazine – Online Only This Month

For February and March the Rutland Water Benefice Parish Magazine will not be printed and delivered. It will be available online only

The link to the February edition of the magazine is below

North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme AGM

All villagers are invited to join us for the Good Neighbour Scheme AGM, Tuesday 26th January at 8.00pm, where we will discuss the busy year just gone, and how we can best support each other during this year.

The AGM will be by Google Meet and to join please click on this link:

Help in Lockdown

As we’re now back in lockdown with those most vulnerable being recommended to stay at home I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the Good Neighbour Scheme in the village.  If you need help with shopping, collecting prescriptions, or anything which would ordinarily require you to leave the house we are here to help.

Lifts can also be given to a vaccination but please give as much notice as you can.

The scheme is not restricted to the most vulnerable but is here to help anyone who needs it.  We can be reached by phone on 07825 697 841 or by email at

Useful information is avilable on the Rutland County Council Website: please click on this link:

Claire Bewick. Chair North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme

Empingham Surgery Collections

Now that the most severe restrictions have been lifted, Empingham Surgery are no longer running their formal prescription collection scheme for the village.  They are recommending that patients return to the method of collection previously used (in person, family, etc.)

If you do need assistance please contact the Good Neighbours Scheme on 07825 697841 or the email address below 

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who volunteered to assist when the pandemic moved us into lockdown.  It’s nice to know that there are so many people ready & willing to help their neighbours. 

The Good Neighbours Scheme is still running as usual with a small group of people manning the phone line and a larger group helping out with any requests.  If you’d like to learn more or get involved with the activities we undertake please email or call the number above. 

Claire Bewick. Chair North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme


Is there anyone who could spare time to deliver the Benefice (ie, Church)  Magazine to fifteen houses in lower Ancaster Way?  The Magazine comes at the end of the month, and is distributed by volunteers in the ten villages in the Benefice, of which we, North Luffenham, are one.
We are very grateful to Valerie who has done this for years now, and wish her well.
If interested, please contact Mima Bolton, Acre End, The Jetties,, 01780-720906

Medicines Collection: Important Information


Prescription medication can be collected for you from Empingham Medical Practice, Uppingham Surgery, Market Overton Surgery or Somerby Surgery.

North Luffenham Good Neighbours Scheme is coordinating the scheme for residents of North Luffenham.

If you need medicines to be collected please 


Call 07825 697 841

We’ll need to know your full name, first line of your address, date of required collection, frequency of collection (e.g. 4 weekly, monthly) and whether you are exempt from charges or have a prepayment certificate (see below)

Please let us know as early as possible as we’re aiming to arrange a bulk collection once a week.

Most prescriptions will be exempt from charges or pre-paid. If not you will need to buy a pre-payment certificate

You may be isolated, but you are not alone.

Rutland Water Benefice; a message from Rev. Pippa Madgwick

Sadly we are no longer permitted to keep the church building open, but Church is not buildings, Church is the Christian community.  Rev. Pippa will be conducting a Service this coming Sunday for the whole of the Benefice at 0930hrs. It will be accessible on the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook page as a Watch Party. It has the options of being listened to, or joined interactively. It is very easy to access, but to do so you must be on Facebook and then join the Rutland Water Benefice group. And if you are not a Facebook person, joining both Facebook and the Group is easy!

To join Facebook, search for Facebook, answer a few questions, provide a password and there you are.

Then, search for The Rutland Water Benefice 

To request to join the The Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group, “Press Join”..

You will then become a member of the group – it may take half a day to add to you or far far less !

You will then have access to the Watch Party ready for Sunday 0930hrs

Please spread the News of the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook page as it is updated daily and a valuable source of Christian fellowship locally.

Basic food provision boxes for the self isolating / those at risk

The Fox has been able to source some boxes of basic provisions (Foxy Boxes) for the at risk people in our community.

The boxes contain basic essentials, typically milk, bread, eggs, potatoes, grapes, apples, bananas, oranges, cabbage, onions, mushrooms, carrots, cucumber and cherry tomatoes and cost £20.

One box per household can be purchased by calling The Fox on 01780 720991 before 8pm this evening (Friday 20th) for collection or delivery between 11am and noon tomorrow (Saturday 21st). Payment must be by cash or cheque.

There is a possibility that this may be available again in the coming days and we’ll update the website if that should occur.

In order to maintain a level of fairness please only take this offer up if you are self-isolating or in the at risk group (over-70, underlying health condition).

Via Claire Bewick – Good Neighbour Scheme