Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

Cricket Club 2016 Season Meet & Greet – Thursday 25th February

In preparation for the 2016 Cricket season, the Cricket Club will be holding a Meet and Greet social evening at 8pm on Thursday 25th Feb at the Fox.

Anyone who is interested in playing for, or supporting, the Club is most welcome to attend.

The club will be entering a Senior team in the Tuesday evening Borough League, along with Friendly games and participation in the Junior Leagues

Look forward to seeing you there

January talk from Charley Streather (Blesma)

Members and visitors had a very interesting evening hearing how Charley set up photography courses and trips for Army veterans.  He told some  amusing anecdotes on how the amputees overcome their disabilities to become great photographers.  What amazing people and it was very evident that Charley gained a lot of satisfaction from his very worthwhile job.  Many thanks to him and we hope that he will return to the club again. (www.blesma/

The next meeting is on March 7th   (please note change of usual evening)  when Hazel Burnham will give us an insight into how she uses her camera to have fun with her artwork.

The theme for photographs at this meeting is “New Life”  – very topical for these next months.

First meeting in 2016

The first meeting of the North Luffenham Camera Club in 2016, is on January 11th at the Community Centre at 7.30pm. Charley Streather will be the speaker.  Charley is the BLESMA support Officer for the Midlands (British Limbless Ex Servicemen’s Association) and runs photography courses for wounded veterans.

                 charley s 1 001crop

He has taken part in trips across the Atlantic and other exciting adventures and is now finalising plans to take photography groups to the Hebrides and Farne Islands.  He is particularly interested in wildlife, including working with the Osprey Project at Rutland Water.  We look forward to a very interesting evening.

All are most welcome – visitors £2

** Just Two  Calendars of North Luffenham Then and Now 2016 are still available at   6.50 from        01780 720374
































November meeting – Trekking to Annapurna

A Camera Club member, Sue Churchill showed stunning photographs of her trip to Nepal.  Starting from Pokhara, the group, which included two porters and a guide, trekked the Annapurna Sanctuary Trail.  Making their way over narrow pathways and steps, avoiding donkey trains and  water buffalo, they  crossed some extremely long and narrow hanging bridges over the valleys. The photos of  colourful villages and lodges gave us a unique insight into the lives of the friendly local people.

Sue set up her tripod in places which even the guide indicated were tricky but  came up with magical views, including  the mountains at sunset.


Coping with equipment and clothing, in temperatures ranging from below zero at night and in the 20s during the daytime,  takes a tremendous amount of stamina and determination.   Sue obviously enjoys all this and we look forward to her next trip!  This evening, I’m sure started us thinking of our next holiday locations.            Thank you Sue!


Simon Lee took several Club members for his Introduction to Lightroom. This programme  seems to be  a less complicated way of editing our Photos, than Photoshop.   During the three hours, which went so quickly, we were able to  straighten horizons, bring in filter effects, remove dustspots, create vignettes and even smooth out Mode,ls skin tones!      And so much more…..  We will enjoy exploring this further.



Chair’s Report 2014/2015 – Carpet Bowls Club

Chair’s Report 2014/2015

Another year has gone by and we again find ourselves reviewing the carpet bowls season.  I won’t steal the team captain’s thunder with comments of league performances but I will say the results at the end of the year surprised me  and were not at all what I expected.

We welcome a couple of new players, Tim and Simon – Simon has now discovered what his left hand is really for, as he is right-handed at everything else.  Tim  is showing promise as a good bowler  and I hope both  Simon and Tim will enter an open competition and join in with the league teams next season.

The Monday evenings have been well attended with a wide range of ages and abilities, we are still the envy of the carpet  bowls world for our welcoming attitude to all age groups, I can’t think of another club that has such a good ethic and is able to gain members.

Two of our players have been picked for the Hertfordshire County team and have helped that county go from a regular fifth place in the East Area to second and gain their highest ever total of points.  The  team picked a player of the season in a secret ballot and I am proud to say that award went to Thomas Ellis.

I would like to thank Linda for the tea/coffee/biscuits and opening up every week, Bill for keeping us  solvent, Sylvia for keeping the paperwork  in order.  Of course the team captains for making sure every fixture is played and players get to all the games.  And all of our members for the jokes and fun we have through the year.

I will end this rambling report by wishing you all luck for the coming season and hope that we can raise ourselves again to perform well and maybe attend a few competitions.

Food Photography meeting September 2015

The new season of the Camera Club got off to a flying start on 14th September, with the return of speaker Robin Stewart.  Robin’s work as teacher and photographer for Food magazines has extended into commissions for Food factories locally.  Belvoir drinks, Stilton cheese and Melton pies photographs were shown.   Taking pictures of these factories  and other people’s cooking, together with his own creations, showed us Robin’s meticulous attention to detail- shadows, backgrounds and reflections- all so important.  Explanations of settings used and why, are so helpful for us  to try and improve our own photos.

The next meeting is on November 9th at the Community Centre at 7.30, when  Sue Churchill has kindly offered to show her photographs of a trip to Nepal.  In January we saw  pictures of her Grand Canyon trip and  I’m sure Nepal  will be equally stunning.  Everyone is very welcome to join us then.


Cricket Club Open Day and Annual Lads vs Dads match

The Cricket Club will be will be holding an Open Day in conjunction with their annual “Lads vs Dads” cricket match on Sunday 13th September

Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy a fun afternoon on the Oval – it would make a great village day out in conjunction with the Garden Club show, and an excellent opportunity to see what the Cricket Club is about, and what goes on there – you might even be lent a bat to try out the new nets.

There will be a barbecue and the club have obtained a licence for the afternoon and will be selling wine, soft drinks & beer from the pavilion

A Sweet & ice cream stall should be present, and also some fun games.

Lewis Hill from Leicestershire County Cricket Club will be joining us for an hour at around 3.30 – 4.30 to help with the award presentations.


Hope to see you there on Sunday afternoon.


Annual General Meeting of the Good Neighbour Scheme

North Luffenham

From: PBG Cummings

11 Digby Drive North Luffenham OAKHAM Rutland LE15 8JS

Tel: 01780 720124

8 September 2015

All Volunteers NLGNS Committee


It really doesn’t seem possible, but it is exactly a year since Tim Smith and I popped our heads over the parapet and offered to try to set up a Good Neighbour Scheme for North Luffenham. In the past year the scheme has been established, reviewed and developed. In operation it has proved itself to be a much-needed asset to a small isolated village. However, there is still much more that can be done to further develop and hone the scheme to ensure that it can achieve its full potential.

I know that some volunteers will have been frustrated by the lack of ‘tasks’ that have come your way and it has taken longer than we expected for the scheme to become a trusted and established part of the village fabric. It is therefore time for us to have a good look at what is right/wrong and how the scheme might be improved.

When we started the scheme we agreed to take stock after a year and to allow our ‘Members’ (Volunteers and Users) to have a say in who they would like to manage the scheme and to propose new thoughts and ideas for its evolution. To this end we will hold an Annual General Meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Wed 23 Sep 15. I hope that you will be able to join us. I attach a draft Agenda for the meeting – if you have further points that you would wish to include do please let me know.

I have decided that having helped to get the scheme off the ground, it is time for someone else to take over as Chairman, this will also avoid any potential conflict of interest in my appointment as Chair of the Parish Council. I will of course remain a volunteer. May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and encouragement.

I look forward to seeing you on 23rd September at 7.30pm in the Community Centre




ITEM ONE – Chairman’s opening remarks
ITEM TWO – Report on progress
ITEM THREE – Finance report
ITEM FOUR – Election of Committee
ITEM FIVE – Review of NLGNS Scheme – What next
ITEM SIX – Presentation by Janice Wildermoth – First Call Rutland (British Red Cross) ITEM SEVEN – Presentation by Paula McKillop – Round Rutland

ITEM EIGHT – Any other business

September 2015 meeting-Camera Club

The North Luffenham Camera Club begins a new season on Monday, Sept.14th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

Our first speaker will be Robin Stewart, who specialises in Food Photography for local and national magazines.  Robin showed us some very colourful and mouth-watering  photos last year and we are looking forward to welcoming him back.

Members will be bringing along their entries for our 2016 Calendar, showing old and new views of the village.

If you are new to the village, or to photography, do come along- you will be most welcome.

To join for the year – just £10 (starts January) or £2 per session. Further details 01780 720374 or

North Luffenham Garden Club Autumn Show 2015

Sunday September 13th – from 2pm at the Community Centre

Tea/coffee & homemade cakes & raffle, with prize giving at 3.45pm

Admission £1 (members/children free)

Katy Ellis with Grenfell Medal

Katy Ellis with Grenfell Medal

All are welcome to come along and view the fine display of this year’s local produce and crafts – our annual show is a celebration of what people have achieved in their gardens and allotments and a showcase for hidden talents in cookery, flower arranging, painting, crafts and photography!

The show is open to EVERYONE, not just members.  Please come and show off your handiwork – there is a wide variety of classes to enter covering fruit and vegetables; pot plants and cut flowers; flower arranging; home produce; arts and crafts; and photography.Brancaster beach

Get the children to join in as well (age groups under 8s and 8-12s).  

Hall full of entries

Hall full of entries


Schedules are now available, and entry is easy.  Choose the classes you wish to enter, fill in the entry form in the middle of the schedule and return it to us with your entry fees by 5pm the day before the show (Sat 12th), bring your entries to us on the morning of the show between 8.30-10.30am then come back in the afternoon to see if you won!

For schedules, queries or advice please contact Katy Ellis on 01780 722173

Excellent Result for the Under 11s team vs Ketton

Last Wednesday – 25th June – North Luffenham Under 11 team scored a fine win in the local derby against Ketton – highlight of the match was a hat trick (3 wickets in 3 consecutive balls for those not fully conversant with cricket terminology) for Ellen Marson, which helped to limit Ketton to a total of 167 runs – 37 runs less than they needed to beat Luffenhams total of 204 -well done Ellen!

Tuesday Evening Cricket vs Great Dalby

As its looking like a pleasant evening you may be interested in wandering up to the Oval to support North Luffenham in their Tuesday evening Burrough League Home match vs Great Dalby – start is 18:30, maybe see you there

Those of you who were there on the evening will already know that North Luffenham won 🙂

North Luffenham Celebrates Waterloo 200

Waterloo 200 was celebrated in North Luffenham with a peal of bells followed by a Village Picnic and a Concert given by Stamford Brass.

On Saturday 20th June the Church Bells rang out  to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. Later some 80 North Luffenham Residents and their Guests gathered on God’s Acre in front of the Church for a Picnic and a concert to be given by Stamford Brass to raise funds for the Church Roof Repairs.

After some showers during the afternoon the clouds cleared and and beautiful evening sky promised a great night ahead. The first half of the concert was fabulous with the champagne flowing and everyone singing along to The White Cliffs of Dover and other well known tunes. During the interval however the clouds swept in and the raffle was accompanied by great claps of thunder. The Band broke into ‘Singing in the Rain’ and with Bulldog spirit everyone joined in by singing and dancing in the rain, but with that the Heavens opened and after a final rendition of the Radetsky March – stumps were drawn and the evening came to an abrupt end.  In brief a very British night – thoroughly enjoyed by all.

With thanks to Jason Allen in The Fox for his support and thanks to Stamford Brass for a great performance in very difficult conditions. Overall a successful night, notwithstanding the storm,  and in the end almost £1,000 raised for the Church Roof Fund and Stamford Brass

Ringers from L to R are Gabrielle Maughan ( from Wing ) David Rippon ( from Ketton )  Vic Arnold (from Edith Weston and North Luffenham) Monica Hurst (from Empingham) Kate Neal in front of Monica (from Empingham) Stella Wilkinson (from North Luffenham) Jean Tinsley (from Edith Weston) Marianne Mosey (from Edith Weston) and Simon Forster (from Ketton)

Waterloo Bellringers

Attendees enjoying the British Summer 2015 style


Waterloo Attendees 1


Waterloo Attendees 2

Waterloo Attendees 3


NLCC – Annual Presidents Cricket Match

This Sunday sees the 2nd Annual Presidents match to be held on the Oval.

This is a friendly game between a team comprising parents of the Junior players, and a team representing the club President.

The event is fun, family friendly & informal and we welcome faces old & new at the Pavilion. If you’ve ever fancied playing cricket, let us know via the form below and you could end up on the pitch involved in the action!

Even if you simply love the sound of leather on willow  please feel free to join us from 2pm onwards.

Chater Community Choir performing at the Rutland Show

Chater Community Choir are performing on Sunday May 31st  at The Rutland Show in Oakham at 10:30am and 12. They are singing a selection of their best loved pieces with the intention of getting your feet tapping and hands clapping! Whatever the weather you will be sure to be entertained by the 45 strong choir of local singers including quite a few residents from North Luffenham. Come along and support them and take in the other attractions the show has on offer.

More details about the 183rd Rutland Show can be found at

Sounds For A Summer Evening

Chater Community Choir will be entertaining audiences again with their concert of summertime vocal favourites at Uppingham Parish Church on Saturday 6th June at 7:30pm in aid of the Brain Tumour Charity and The Wendy Gough Cancer Awareness Foundation. The Brain Tumour Charity is the UK’s largest dedicated brain tumour charity committed to fighting brain tumours on all fronts. The WGCAF works to raises awareness of male cancers, particularly testicular cancer, in schools with young people.

Summer Concert poster 2015

Tickets are £5 and will be available from Tracy Steward on 01780 729006 or Jenny Clarke on 01572 821197