Jubilee Celebrations are here!

The village is decked out in all its finery and we are ready for the off! Beacon lighting is tonight at 9.45 at The Fox. The karaoke is set up and ready to go so why not come along earlier in time for the Tug O’ War draw and take to the stage to serenade the Queen and your fellow villagers! Don’t forget to look skyward for The Big Bang prior to the Beacon Lighting.

My road caught by a spy camera in training last night

Please log in to the website each day to find more details about events for the that day. Those of you who have not booked a slot at the dog groomers yet I am advised there are limited spaces left at all local ones! For the Dog Show you just need to pitch up at the main arena at the start and you can enter your dog in any or all of the categories. Crufts will have nothing on us according to my furry friend.

Two last pleas; we have had a couple of the Face Painters drop out for unforeseen circumstances for the Fun Day on Friday so if you would like to help out with a bit of face painting please let me know as this would help us no end. You can contact me on the number or email below.

It has been mentioned by a couple of people that they would love to be at the street party on the Sunday but feel they are not able to carry all they want to the event such as table, chair and of course their food and drink. Please do not let that put you off. If you need help getting stuff to and from the street party please let me know either via this site or by contacting me direct on 07774456788 or email, simonbrowning958@gmail.com and I will sort out someone to assist you in both directions. We always wanted this to be a weekend for the whole village and so we want as many people to join in and be part of the fun and camaraderie as possible.

I will let you get back to the throat spray and the singing exercises!! Keep watching this website for more information!

See you tonight at The Fox

North Luffenham Dresses for The Jubilee!

Today saw Church Street and surrounds, as well as The Pavilion, dress for The Jubilee Celebrations starting on 2nd June. A big thank you to all who helped and to those villagers who stopped for a chat and to comment on how great everything looked! Also a big thank you to those who came out and decorated the fronts of their houses at the same time. North Luffenham looks really festive. Please do decorate your house as well if you can and make North Luffenham look truly joyous.

I have also been talking to several people who have not yet managed to join a Tug O’ War team. If you are in the same boat let me know and we will put extra teams together. You will be able to do this right up until the start of the Dog Show prior to the Tug O’ War on Friday. Why not pop along on the day to the Pavilion to register your Olympian hopes!

Thursday night will see the start of festivities. Why not pop along to The Fox early evening where the fun will start prior to the lighting of the Beacon. Before the lighting don’t forget to look skyward as or after the sun sets to see the weekend start with a bang!

That’s all for now, but keep reading as updates will surely appear!

Road Closure Notice: TTRO-22-51 Station Road, South Luffenham

It is anticipated the works will take 3 nights. The closure shall come into force when the appropriate signs and diversion route are erected on site.
The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: from 22:00 on 5th July 2022 to 06:00 on 6th July 2022, from 22:00 on 6th July 2022 to 06:00 on 7th July 2022 and from 22:00 on 7th July 2022 to 06:00 on 8th July 2022

Jubilee Weekend Update

I know many of you will be hard into your training regimes for the Tug O’ War by now. However it may just be that you would like to be in a team but your street has not managed to put a team together. Fear not! Let me know if you want to join a team (simonbrowning 958@gmail.com) as a “guest resident” or even put a “wanderers” team together. Whilst we already have a number of teams, we have decided that we will accept entries right up to the time of the draw on Thursday night at The Fox to ensure everyone who wants to take part gets a chance.

Thank you to the person who donated their frying pan for the frying pan rounders. If you have found an old frying pan you could donate to help out please do drop it off in the porch at 3 Glebe Road. The same goes for old wellies we could use for the welly wanging. Again thank you to the person who dropped a set off already.

You will start to see the bunting being put up around the village from early next week (Tuesday onwards) If you would like to help out please do stop by and lend a hand, even if only for few minutes. Let’s make North Luffenham look the cheeriest village for this coming week. Also why not come out and decorate the front of your house whilst we decorate the streets? The more the merrier!

We have decided to adopt a “save the environment” approach during the Fun Day and so it has been suggested that in order not to create waste unduly we would ask you to bring along your own drinking vessels to the Fun Day. There will be refreshments, beer and Pimms and soft drinks etc. but we are hoping you will bring along your own vessels. We are keen, however, to point out that the measures served will be strictly according to correct legal amounts and so even if you bring a bucket along for your Pimms you will only get the correct legal measure!

That’s all for now, but do keep watching for last minute alerts. The next bulletin will outline how we intend to kick things off with a bang on Thursday evening amongst other things.

4 days and counting!

North Luffenham Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – One week to go!

So, just seven days until the great 4 days of celebration. As always there are some last minute preparations and I am asking everyone in the village if you can help out in any small way. We have a list of small “asks”.

  1. Do you have an old frying pan that could be used on the Friday for the Frying Pan rounders on The Oval? If so please could you drop it off in the Porch of 3 Glebe Road. If you would like it returned after the event please leave your name and address with your pan.
  2. Do you have any old wellies that could be used on the Friday for the Welly Wanging on The Oval? If so please could you drop them off in the Porch of 3 Glebe Road. If you would like them returned after the event please leave your name and address with your pan.
  3. We also have a new event for The Oval – Marshmallow Golf!! Therefore if you have an old golf Driver club that we could use on the Friday for this on The Oval please could you drop it off in the Porch of 3 Glebe Road. If you would like it returned after the event please leave your name and address with your driver.

Thank you so much for helping out with these requests.

More updates later!

Antisocial Behaviour

Unfortunately there has been more antisocial behaviour in the parish. The newly installed benchdown Moor Lane has had some infantile daubings scrawled on it:

There was recently damage to play equipment on The Oval and to the wooden field bridge over The Chater. Previoulsy there was vandalism of the wall lights on the wall leading down to the school and church. The repair to the play equipment is quite costly and these may result in an increase in the precept.

Please report any suspicious behaviour to the police, who have been informed of the incidents and our beat officer can be contacted: Peter.Icke@leics.police.uk

Notice of Road Closure; Pilton Rd North Luffenham

The closure is to enable Severn Trent Water to undertake boundary box and meter renewal works
The duration of the Closure shall be for a maximum period of six months from 29th June 2022 or until the works are completed.
It is anticipated the works will take 3 days. The closure shall come into force when the
appropriate signs and diversion route are erected on site.
The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: from 29th June 2022 to 1st July 2022

Successful Garden Club Plant Sale

We are delighted to report that the Plant Sale at The Fox on Saturday was really well attended and a great success.

A big thank you to the people who worked hard behind the scenes to grow, deliver & arrange the stock for the day, and to those who came along to support the event.

For folks who missed it, here’s a video of our Garden Club Chairman – Shaun Ryan – introducing the Sale & all the plants on offer😁…

We have set up an honesty box to give good homes to any remaining plants; you’ll find these available to purchase in the new outdoor covered courtyard area of The Fox; please give generously😊 & thanks again for your support.

Remaining Plants @ The Fox with Honesty Box…

North Luffenham Jubilee Update -There’s a buzz in the air!

This time next week you will start to see the village transform as we start to put up the bunting around the village. We would love it if you all joined in and added any flags and bunting to the fronts of your properties as well. Let’s make North Luffenham the best looking Jubilee venue in Rutland!

Many of you will have received your official Programme of Events over the weekend outlining the full list of activities over the whole event. I hope you will agree it looks as if we are all in for a great time!

As I delivered my set of Programmes yesterday it was great to hear villagers talking about the whole event and some early claims being made as to the feats their streets would be performing in the Tug O’ War! It is so heartening to hear people coming together like this which is just what we hoped for. If your street hasn’t got a team together yet why not knock on a few doors and see who you can drum up. If you are lost for a team please do contact me and we will see what we can do about creating some “joint street teams” as well.

No doubt the dog groomers will be getting booked up as well, as our canine friends build up to the dog show. I know our dog has been following a strict dietary regime for the last few weeks now. (If its food I’ll eat it!!)

Finally, for this update, I am sure you will all agree the new Beacon looks fantastic. Many many thanks to Jason and his dad for their brilliant efforts. It will burn bright next Thursday alongside all the other beacons across the nation.

The North Luffenham Beacon

More news as it happens!! Keep watching

North Luffenham Platinum Jubilee Latest News – Programme of Events and Horseshoe Hunt

Over the next few days every house in North Luffenham should receive an official Programme of Events. In it you will find dates and times of all the events over the four days. You will also find rules and an entry form for the Tug O’ War.

The Village Fun Day on the Friday is looking spectacular. Please do try and come along as there are many activities to join in and have fun with. Lots of prizes to be won. If you don’t want to try your hand at any of the games why not have your face painted instead! There will be light refreshments and an informal bar.

The Horseshoe Hunt on the Saturday is now finalised. You will see posters of horseshoes dotted around the village, some of which will be accompanied by fascinating historical facts about the village. There is a competition attached and to enter this you will just need to pick up a competition sheet from outside The Fox. Find the Horseshoes, identify the flag associated with that horseshoe and then, when you have them all, complete a short tie breaker question and return the form to The Fox.

You will also find copies of the official North Luffenham Village Walk Information Sheet. Please fell free to take one round with you and identify each of the places mentioned. The information about the history of this village contained in this guide is absolutely fascinating and confirms what a brilliant village we all live in.

Please return the guides after your walk so that others may enjoy them.

The competition sheets and guides will be available from 11.00 onwards.

Why not stop and chat with your fellow villagers on your way round? Then meet again in The Fox afterwards for a well earned drink to share your new found knowledge of North Luffenham!

North Luffenham Jubilee Celebrations – Update

Things are now beginning to take their final shape for the coming celebrations. The Beacon, which will be lit on Thursday night at 9.45 at The Fox, is now completed and will be a credit to the Village both on that night and at future occasions. The Friday Fun Day preparations are now almost completed. This day promises to be such great fun with loads of activities for all age groups to join in with. The Dog Show looks to be a great hit but surely the highlight of the day with be the first North Luffenham Inter Street Tug O’ War! The trophy has been hand made and is a spectacular piece of work which will be displayed in The Fox with the winning street’s name proudly engraved on it through the whole year. Have you got your team together yet?? We would love this to be a real fun competition, and would encourage as many streets to get involved as possible. Even if you don’t have enough people from your street this year why not “borrow” some from other streets?! Saturday’s horseshoe hunt is now completed and will be available for all to join in throughout Saturday. Finally Sunday’s Street Party is also nearly finalised. What a day that will be. Make sure you come along and join in all the festive celebrations. This really will be a Jubilee to remember!

The North Luffenham Tug O’ War Trophy