River Chater footpath bridge replacement

The replacement foot bridge over the River Chater on the footpath from the Church to Glebe Road is ready to be installed. Heavy equipment is required to get it into place and unfortunately with the recent storms the ground is too wet.

Rutland County Council has contacted that the contracter hopes to be able to install the bridge in about three weeks. However this is dependent on the ground being able to take the equipment and the agreement of the landowners.

Let’s hope for a dry(ish) spell!

Wake For Ken Forsyth

From Julie Abell

For those who knew Ken Forsyth of Oval Close, he sadly passed away recently.

His daughter Rachel has asked me to pass on an invitation to his wake on Thursday 22nd February at 12pm at Stamford Masonic Hall.

Nothing formal, a few words from his
son Ian, some lunch, and an opportunity to share memories of Ken.If anyone wants to come, they are very welcome. 

Rachel has asked that if you let me know if you hope to come so she can plan catering.

Julie 07866 741022

Community Service Award

Do you know of anyone who goes above and beyond for North Luffenham?

We would like to reward those with community spirit by awarding those who are voted by the community with a trophy and a £50 voucher to use at the Fox pub for a delicious meal and few celebratory drinks.

Nominations are now open with the nominations window closing on the 14th of February. The councillors will the shortlist the nominees and a community vote will be held. To nominate please fill out the form below and email to: clerk@northluffenham.org.uk

If you are unable to use emails, please contact the clerk via telephone on 01572 368344 or post (4 Greetham Road, Cottesmore, LE15 7DB), with a nominee, their contact details and the reason why you are nominating them. Please also provide your contact details so we are able to let you know if your nominee has been shortlisted.