Mobile Vaccination Service

A mobile vaccination service is coming to Rutland, as part of NHS Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland’s (LLR) Covid-19 and flu vaccination programme, to protect the most vulnerable in our communities.

Just drop in to one of the following sessions between 10am – 4pm for your Covid-19 and flu vaccinations or to speak to the vaccination team:

  • Wednesday 4th October, Oakham Market (LE15 6DT)
  • Friday 6th October, Uppingham Market (LE15 9QH)
  • Monday 6th November, Catmose House Car Park (LE15 6HP)

These drop-in sessions are complementing the Covid-19 vaccination programme available at The Rutland Late Night Pharmacy, 45A High Street, Oakham, LE15 6AJ which can be accessed by booking an appointment. Appointments can also be booked for Covid-19 booster and flu vaccinations using the National Booking Service.

Over the next few months, a mobile vaccination programme will be visiting villages in Rutland too. Details of these visits are currently being finalised and we will communicate the confirmed route as soon as possible.

For more information please visit the Rutland County Council website:

North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan: Hard Copies Available.

Hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) are available to read in the Community Centre. If necessary a copy can be delivered to your home for two days. Please contact or for either access to the Community Centre or delivery.

The NP can be downloaded:

 For more information about the Referendum process,please visit the link below:

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

For The referendum version of the North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan please click on the link below:

The Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to download below. For more information about the Referendum process,please visit the link below:

The referendum is to be held on Thursday, 19th October 2023 to decide on
the question below (please note that photo ID is required)

‘Do you want Rutland County Council to use the neighbourhood plan for the
Parish of North Luffenham to help it decide planning applications in the
neighbourhood area?’

Please see further details in notice attached.

Pantomime 2023!

Yes good people of North Luffenham it’s happening again. Following last years outstanding thespianic event, and having now been given the final medical all clear for those cast members who suffered frostbite as a result of their heroic efforts in the frozen wastes of The Fox Outdoor Theatre we are pleased to announce the start of this years BAFTA Award entry.

I know literally hundreds of people have been queueing at the Stage Door of the Fox throughout the year to take part in this years extravaganza. So please anyone who would like to participate, be it on stage (or ice rink if last year is anything to go by!), or behind the scenes, (lighting, scenery, sound etc.) please come along to the first planning meeting at 7.00 on Thursday 12th October in the upstairs rehearsal rooms at The Fox. No acting ability is required, just a willing heart and soul and a desire to take part in one of the country’s best pantomimes of 2023. Many have said last years effort cannot be repeated, many have demanded that last years effort is not repeated! Not only will it be repeated, I know it will be surpassed with all your brilliant input.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on 12th October.

Simon Browning

Dementia Event

“Residents with any concerns regarding memory or cognition issues as well as carers of someone living with dementia are invited to attend Rutland County Council’s upcoming Dementia Awareness event.

Come along on Tuesday 19th September from 10am – 1pm at Barrowden Village Hall on Wakerley Road, Barrowden, for tea, coffee, cake and to see what support is available in Rutland.

Rutland County Council in partnership with Rutland Health Primary Care Network are hosting the event where a range of organisations will be on hand to talk to residents and provide information and advice. Organisations include:

  1. Active Rutland
  2. Admiral Nurses
  3. Age UK
  4. Citizens Advice Rutland
  5. Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service
  6. Longhurst Group
  7. RISE
  8. Rutland Health PCN
  9. Voluntary Action Rutland”

Notice of Referendum

A referendum is to be held on Thursday, 19th October 2023 to decide on
the question below:

‘Do you want Rutland County Council to use the neighbourhood plan for the
Parish of North Luffenham to help it decide planning applications in the
neighbourhood area?’

Please see further details in notice attached.