It’s here at last! It’s Pantomime Day!

Friday 7.30pm at The Fox

‘j’ and The Beans Talk

So, after just 4 rehearsals, mostly in sub zero temperatures, our intrepid cast have finally reached the day of the one and only performance of the pantomime.

Tonight at 7.30 in the car park at The Fox you will be able to witness feats of thespian skills that could only be dreamed of by the likes of Sir Lawrence Olivier, Roger Moore and Dame Judi Dench. You just can’t afford to miss this one folks!

The performance will take place in the car park so please make sure you wrap up warm. We had hoped for a heat wave but it doesn’t look likely. The good news is there is no rain or snow forecast! To help keep you warm there will be copious amounts of mulled wine on sale as well as, of course, the wonderful array of beverages at the bar.

As mentioned before, there is no charge as such to see this extravaganza but there will be a bucket collection taken during and after the performance so please do bring lots of cash with you and fill those buckets!! The collection will, in a small part, help cover pantomime costs but more importantly it will go towards our two wonderful village organisations, The Good Companions and The Good Neighbour Scheme, both of whom do such sterling work for the people of this village. So please do show your appreciation and give generously to help these causes.

We, the cast can’t wait to put this pantomime on for you. Everybody has worked so hard to make this happen. What a great way to get Christmas really started. The pub will be open for Pre Theatre Drinks as usual so do get there early and bag yourself the best positions.

We will start at 7.30 prompt. See you there. Don’t miss it!!

North Luffenham Parish Council and Trust Meetings on Monday 19th December 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre

Please click below for the agendas and associated documents

Pantomime – The Final Countdown!

Yesterday saw the intrepid cast of this theatrical behemoth retreat indoors for their latest rehearsal. All the cast are so mindful of the need to preserve their voices for “the big day.” The last thing we want is a cast who have all lost their voices (I’m told that in theatrical circles this is known as a pantomime hoarse!) They all promise to be in sparkling condition to perform for you all on Friday.

So, the insider information is that all is going far far better than the production team either expected or dared to hope. Costumes have started to appear, ideas have started to gel and the cast have actually started acting!! They actually now know where to be at certain times (whether they will be there or not is an eternal mystery only to be revealed on the night!). Music has made an appearance and some of the jokes have been, for obvious reasons, revised!

Our baddy has upped his game beyond all belief and is now the baddest baddy in baddydom, so plenty of boos when he appears please! And what about the beans?

So, Friday looms. Are you ready? It promises to be such a brilliant fun evening. See you all there!!

Pantomime on Ice!!!

What a blockbuster we’ve got for you! Last night saw the intrepid cast of the Village Pantomime venture out for a full outside rehearsal in the car park at The Fox. In sub zero temperatures the incredibly brave thespians demonstrated just why they are going to be so good next Friday and just how dedicated they are to bringing you the theatre experience of the year. It is rumoured that Netflix are now interested in developing a six part mini series about the development of the production and an insight into the lives of the cast! With teeth chattering and limbs falling off they bravely stormed through a full rehearsal to the obvious bemusement of passers by. No one reported any signs of hypothermia or frost bite so this was a big positive! Such is the dedication of this hardy band of travelling players striving to put on what is going to be a fantastic event for you all next Friday. The goods news is the weather forecast for the 16th is dry and positively balmy compared to last night.

A couple more rehearsals before the event but then we will be ready to give to you this first ever Pantomime staged in the Village. We can’t wait and we hope you can’t wait either!

Reminder – Chater Community Choir’s Christmas Performance is tomorrow evening…

Please join us to support our Rutland Foodbank Fundraiser Christmas Concert – followed by delicious mulled wine & mince pies in South Luffenham’s cosy Village Hall.

Tickets available on the door on the night😊

Carol Service in the Church

The North Luffenham Carol Service will take place in the Church on Thursday 22nd December at 6.00 pm.

Please do come to the village carol service in the church; due to an irreparable breakdown of heating in the church it was advertised in the Benefice Magazine as taking place on The Oval. However, there isn’t much heating on The Oval either and the church would protect from the elements.

There will be a warm welcome, dress up warmly, sing lustily and celebrate with words and music the birth of Jesus!


Pantomime and the World Cup

I have been asked by someone in the village whether there is a World Cup game on Friday 16th that might clash with our village pantomime. I have this morning contacted Alladiani Pantomimino, the Chair of the organisers of the World Cup, Fefa Fifa Fofa Fumfa, and he has confirmed that there are no World Cup matches on that night. He had been made aware of our pantomime and had deliberately arranged the schedule so as to avoid our pantomime! All remains on course for a great evening!

Pantomime Update 12 days to go!

Oh my word! So the latest news is that there has now been a full run through rehearsal which has required several changes! We have had to take out the high flying trapeze act following the leading boy landing in a neighbour’s garden and not wishing to repeat this. Also removed is the fire juggling, but the cast member has reassured me that her hair will grow back by a week on Friday! It is certainly looking like a festive pot pourri of acting will be on display. I have been contacted by several main west end productions to see if we can contribute to their productions but the whole of the cast have remained steadfastly loyal to this Christmas extravaganza so it really is an event not to be missed!

I have been asked by several people if they can reserve seats, and, are all the private boxes taken already. The simple fact is there are no tickets on sale but you just need to turn up on the night and bag a front row seat or standing spot outside the pub at the back. Remember to wrap up warm. The pantomime will start somewhere between 7.30 and 7.45 and it really will be an event (to remember!)

There will be a voluntary collection taken to assist with costs of the pantomime with all proceeds after that going to help village groups so please do give generously on the night.

We are so looking forward to sharing a really fun night with you all so keep that date firmly in your diary. More updates as they happen.

P.S. If anyone sees a stray camel wandering around the village he escaped from our rehearsal as he was being transported back to Chester Zoo. Please let me know if you see him!

North Luffenham Village Pantomime 16th December

Yet another unmissable event in North Luffenham this year. What a way to kick off the Christmas Festivities. Friday 16th sees the first ever village pantomime in North Luffenham. ‘J’ and the Beans Talk!! The venue is the Grand Theatre, better known as The Fox.
A great evening is on the cards with true pantomime fun on show for everyone. Please make a date in your diary and start Christmas off in a way that only this village can. We have a dame, we have a leading boy, we have a love story, we have wheeling and dealing, and guess what? they all live happily ever after! You can’t afford to miss this one!
See you there. (Oh yes we will!)

Consultation on Officers’ Mess Site Edith Weston

Please come and give your views on development at St. George’s Barracks

Date: 22nd November from 5.30 pm until 8.00 pm in Edith Weston Village Hall

This drop in session is to consider proposals for the Officers’ Mess Site at Edith Weston as a stand alone site. However it has implications for any redevelopment of the rest of the St. George’s Barracks. That it is why it is important to give you views at this initial consultation

New NL Benefice Magazine Correspondent Needed!

Due to relocation out of the area, our current Magazine correspondent for North Luffenham – Liz Ritchie – is stepping down and we therefore need someone to take on the role.

This involves collating the information sent in regarding events & club activities being held within the village as well as any other relevant information. This is not an onerous task and is also a great way to get to know more people within the village! It requires about one half day per month and the odd phone call to event organisers.

Our thanks to Liz for all her hard work over the past year and we wish her & Jim all the best in their new adventure ‘up north’!

The deadline for the January issue of the magazine falls mid-month, on 15th December so it would be great to have someone in place by then.

Meanwhile, if anyone would like to know more about the role please contact Liz Ritchie before December 5th on 01780 720210 or email

North Luffenham Parish Council and Trust

will be meeting in the Community Centre on Monday 21st November at 7.30pm.

The agendas for these meetings and associated papers are attached below:-

Chater Community Choir’s Christmas Concert – tickets now available from a choir member near you!

After a successful Spring concert taking the total raised for charities over £23,000 since being formed in 2012, Chater Community Choir will be giving their seasonal concert, ‘This Christmas Night’, at South Luffenham Parish Church on Friday 9th December at 7:30pm. The choir will be supporting the Rutland Food Bank, which along with helping local people with food poverty are wanting to donate each family they help with a warm blanket this winter.

After the concert there will be the opportunity to enjoy a mince pie or two and a glass of festive cheer in the Village Hall.

Tickets are £10 and are available from Tracy Steward on 01780 729006 or